Hair nanoplasty - an effective way to straighten elastic curls on all types of hair

Owners of naughty, fluffy and curly hair know firsthand that putting them in even and smooth strands is almost impossible. Even if you often and intensively use the iron, the effect of the procedure will remain for a maximum of a couple of hours. But the beauty industry does not stand still, and thanks to this, new, safe and effective methods of hair care appear. To put in order naughty and straighten wavy curls without harm to health will help hair nanoplastics. What this procedure is and how it is performed will be described in our article.

Nanoplasty of hair - what is it?

To make curly hair even and smooth at home is not so simple. You can use the ironing, but you still can’t achieve a long-term effect. At the same time, professional salons offer a variety of ways to straighten hair: keratin, Brazilian, Japanese, chemical, molecular, etc. Until recently, keratin restoration and straightening were considered the most popular among women. But today there is a more gentle and effective way to obtain smooth curls - hair nanoplastics. What is this salon procedure?

nanoplastics hair

Hair nanoplasty is a new and more effective type of keratin straightening strands. When performing the procedure, the master of the salon uses professional products with an almost natural composition, which reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions. Nanoplasty gives the hair a well-groomed appearance, makes them smooth, silky, pleasant to the touch. Curls look alive and healthy. Nanoplasty takes about 2 hours of free time, and the effect of the procedure lasts up to 6 months.

What is the difference between nanoplastics and keratin hair straightening?

What is better than nanoplastics keratin straightening? This question excites many women who have decided on professional hair straightening.

Firstly, the main difference between the procedures is the composition of the tools that are used in their implementation. Unlike nanoplastics, keratin hair straightening uses solutions containing ethylene glycol, which when heated emits corrosive gas vapors called formaldehydes. If they get into the respiratory tract, they cause poisoning of the body, accumulate in organs and inhibit immunity. But the worst thing is that formaldehyde is a powerful carcinogen that causes cancer.

hair straightening Price

Secondly, unlike keratin straightening, nanoplasty is not performed on damaged hair, but only on naughty, fluffy or curly. Before the procedure, the specialist must assess the condition of the curls and, if necessary, conduct their treatment. This avoids hair loss, which is one of the significant disadvantages of keratin straightening.

Who is suitable for nanoplastics?

Since gentle nanoplastics are used during hair nanoplastics, without the pungent odor of formaldehyde and fragrances, the procedure is suitable for almost everyone.

Nanoplasty of hair is allowed:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children over 6 years old;
  • people with fluffy, wavy, curly hair, ethnically tough and African.

nanoplastics hair reviews

The procedure is performed on dyed, streaked and natural hair. Since it is absolutely harmless and safe, even a pregnant master can perform straightening.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other hair straightening procedure, nanoplastics has its advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include the following:

  1. Strong formaldehyde-free formulations are used.
  2. Straightens and pacifies naughty curls, making them smooth and shiny.
  3. Curly and wavy hair is 100% straightened, African - 80%.
  4. Solutions for nanoplastics do not contain formaldehydes, salts and parabens, which eliminates the need for caustic fumes and smoke.
  5. Hair looks alive, healthy, natural, plastic.
  6. To care for curls, you can use different balms and masks, do any styling.
  7. The effect of straightening lasts from 3 to 6 months.

nanoplastics of hair what is it

Hair nanoplasty has the following disadvantages:

  1. After the procedure, you can only wash your hair with shampoos without sulfates.
  2. Often there are problems with dyed hair. Solutions for straightening brighten them by 2-3 tones, so the result can be unpredictable. For example, blondes sometimes turn yellow, and girls with brown hair turn red.
  3. The next curl staining can be done no earlier than 14 days after the procedure, since the dye does not penetrate keratinized hair well.

In general, despite all the shortcomings, analogues for nanoplastics in terms of efficiency and safety for the body today do not exist.

Procedure execution

To achieve at home the long-lasting effect of straightening without special means will not work. Only nanoplastics of hair will help to achieve this.

nanoplastics of hair how is done

How is the procedure done in the cabin:

  1. First you need to moisturize your hair by 30-40% using a spray bottle . Unlike keratin straightening, pre-washing with deep cleaning is not required.
  2. Departing from the roots by 1-1.5 cm, apply the product to the hair with a dye brush.
  3. Carefully comb through each strand.
  4. Leave the composition on the hair for 60 minutes.
  5. Wash it off by 20-30% without using shampoos or any other means. It is important not to overdo it and not to wash off the entire composition from the head.
  6. Dry your hair with a hairdryer completely, at 100%, using the regimes of warm or cool air.
  7. Highlighting small strands on the head with a thickness of not more than 1.5 cm, straighten hair with an iron. When pulling the strands, ironing should be about 10-15 times, while its heating temperature should be 180-230 degrees.
  8. Before pulling, a little oil can be applied to dry and damaged ends.

For hair care, you must purchase a sulfate-free shampoo.

Positive feedback on nanoplastics

Most clients of beauty salons were satisfied with the procedure for straightening naughty curls. Smooth, healthy strands that fit easily into the hair - this is the result that nanoplastics of hair give.

Positive feedback on this procedure is as follows:

  • the absence of any smell and other discomfort during nanoplasty;
  • health safety;
  • perfect condition of hair both in appearance and in touch;
  • laying takes a minimum of time;
  • You can use any care products and for styling curls.

hair straightening methods

The owners of long hair noticed the greatest effect of the straightening procedure.

Negative reviews

Along with the positive, you can also find negative reviews about the procedure. Not everyone liked nanoplastics of hair.

Negative reviews are as follows:

  • lack of volume on the head;
  • hair is very quickly contaminated and becomes oily in appearance and to the touch;
  • with daily shampooing, after a week the tips begin to curl;
  • staining problems;
  • on wet hair, it feels a mild but unpleasant odor.

professional hair straightening

In general, salon customers are satisfied with the long-lasting effect of nanoplastics.

Hair straightening: the price of a professional procedure

Many women with curly curls dream of making them even and smooth. And nanoplastics provides them with such an opportunity. But you should know that this is far from a budgetary procedure - hair straightening. The price of nanoplastics depends on their length and prestige of the salon where the procedure is performed. It varies from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. Nanoplasty for short hair costs about 2-3 thousand rubles, for medium - 3-4 thousand, for long - from 4 thousand and above. In expensive salons, the prices for hair straightening can be twice as high.


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