How is Bordeaux tomato mix used?

The Bordeaux mixture is a well-known and beloved drug by gardeners. They have been using it for more than a hundred years. For the first time, this substance was used to combat fungal diseases of grapes. However, over the years, it has established itself as a very successful tool for processing also a large number of other crops. In particular, Bordeaux mix for tomatoes is used.

Bordeaux tomato mix
When a Bordeaux mixture is used

It happens that tomato bushes of different varieties begin to dry from the root itself and rot. This often happens before the plant has time to take fruits, as a result, you can completely lose the crop. This is a consequence of the disease, which is called late blight. To combat it, it is recommended to use copper preparations. Perhaps the most effective of them is precisely the Bordeaux mixture for tomatoes. This tool is referred to fungicides - drugs that are used to combat fungal diseases of various cultivated plants. They process vineyards, fruit trees (for example, apple and pear), vegetables and ornamental plants. Of vegetable crops, a Bordeaux mixture is used for tomatoes, cucumbers and many others. With its help, it is possible to get rid of diseases of garden plants such as macrosporiosis and late blight. Since the solution of Bordeaux fluid is practically not stored, it is better to acquire it in the form of constituent components and dilute it yourself.

how to cook Bordeaux mixture
How to make Bordeaux mixture

The composition of this substance includes two components: copper sulphate and slaked lime. The secret of the preparation is that they must be diluted separately in water, and combined together as a solution. A Bordeaux tomato mix is ​​usually used at a concentration of 1% or even less (0.5 or 0.75 percent). To prepare a one percent solution in an amount of 10 liters, take 100 grams of copper sulphate and a slightly larger amount of lime (about 150 grams). This is necessary so that the resulting mixture does not give an acid reaction, which is characteristic of vitriol. Copper sulfate is dissolved in a small amount of warm water (approximately in a liter), then water is added so that the total volume of liquid is 5 liters. In another container, lime is dissolved in 5 liters of water, so-called lime milk is obtained. The dishes can only be used glass or plastic, metal is not suitable. Next, dissolved sulfate is poured into a solution of lime in a thin stream, stirring. The finished substance must be filtered and used immediately. The color of the mixture should be sky-turquoise. If a substance is purchased in a store, instructions are attached to it explaining how to dilute the Bordeaux mixture. It is also advised to check the resulting solution for acidity. The fact is that such a liquid reaction can spoil the leaves of plants. Therefore, a nail is lowered into the liquid for 3 to 4 minutes. If it becomes covered with a reddish coating, this indicates the presence of acid. Then you need to add some more milk of lime.

how to breed Bordeaux mixture
How to apply Bordeaux mixture for tomatoes

The solution is sprayed with a bed on which tomato bushes are planted, at the first sign of a disease. Use from 5 to 10 liters per 100 square meters. It is recommended to repeat the treatment again after approximately 10 or 15 days. The maximum number of treatments per season should not be more than four.

We must not forget that the Bordeaux mixture is a poison for humans and animals. Therefore, it is necessary to use protective equipment (gloves), wash hands and face thoroughly. Before eating, the fruits must be thoroughly washed, and the greens of the sprayed bushes should not be fed to livestock.


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