Hydroponic plants for growing herbs at home and in a greenhouse

The problems of shortage of land currently do not bother Russian representatives of the agricultural complex. Moreover, experts point to a high percentage of uncultivated land. Another thing is that not all regions potentially suitable for cultivation are geographically accessible for the implementation of such tasks. This problem affects both agricultural sectors on a global scale, and ordinary private farmers. In both cases, there are different ways to solve this kind of obstacles. For example, hydroponic plants for growing greens can be considered as a universal way of organizing an economic unit without the use of soil cover. Using this technique, the farmer eliminates the dependence on land resources, which expands his agro-technical capabilities.

Hydroponic Growth Overview

hydroponic plants for growing greens

The technology involves the creation of an artificial environment in which the plant develops by analogy with the traditional growth process in ordinary soil. The source of nutrition in this case is not the fertile and micronutrient land, but a humid air environment. The main emphasis, in terms of supplying the root system, is on watering measures. It is these functions that are performed by hydroponic plants for growing greens, which provide plants with an aerated or solid aqueous medium that stimulates root respiration. In addition, the technology provides for the regular provision of plantings with solutions containing mineral additives. Depending on the specific methodology and technical method of its organization, fillers in the form of crushed stone, natural fibers, porous vermiculite, etc. can also be used.

What is a hydroponic installation?

The simplest hydroponic systems are based on the principles of periodic irrigation of the root system. But in this case, it is rather not about irrigation, but about flooding of the plant. The installation itself can have different structural designs, some of which resemble beds, and others are miniature flower beds. The infrastructure of the system is implemented in such a way that the roots receive a sufficient amount of nutrient solution, as well as access to air. In an expanded version, a hydroponic plant for growing herbs and onions allows you to control the microclimate parameters, including the regulation of lighting. But such systems are more expensive and, as a rule, are used either in professional agricultural farms or for growing plants that are whimsical to living conditions.

do-it-yourself hydroponic plant for growing greens

Growing at home

For these purposes, you can purchase a typical installation, specially designed for a specific type of greenery. In the lower part of such an apparatus, it is necessary to place a nutrient solution, which should contain all the necessary substances for plant growth. Without fail, the composition should include calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium. It should also be borne in mind that water in this case is not just a means of saturating the root system with liquid, but also a second way of feeding. A conventional hydroponic plant for growing herbs at home involves the use of water with optimal acidity in the circulation system. It is advisable to dilute its composition with special fertilizers, having previously cleaned them.

Features of growing in a greenhouse

hydroponic plant for growing greenery in a greenhouse

In essence, this method is similar to home growing, but on a different scale and with some nuances. Typically, for the implementation of greenhouse systems using multi-tiered vegetation plants in the form of pipes. The configuration of the elements of equipment should rationally use the area of ​​the room and work on the same principle of airborne technology. The advantages of such systems include the fact that they are calculated without restrictions on stem growth. In addition to high onions, it will be possible to plant tomatoes and cucumbers. On the other hand, a hydroponic plant for growing greenery in a greenhouse should be provided with more powerful heating and lighting systems. The technical support of these communications and their subsequent maintenance often takes about 70-80% of the financial investments in the installation.

Solutions for hydroponics

hydroponic plant for growing greenery business

The necessary set of elements has already been listed, which should be provided for almost any plant, but nevertheless one should be guided by a specific variety individually. If we talk about the general rules, then, for example, growing lettuce, basil and parsley with dill provides for nutrition with magnesium nitrate, phosphoric acid, calcium nitrate based on calcium and potassium, etc. There should be no problems with the formation of the content of the nutrition base. Much more significant is another issue related to the transfer of plants to a new system. In such cases, a hydroponic plant for growing herbs should increase the concentration of nutrients gradually. For example, every 2-3 days the level of trace elements can be increased by 10-15%.

Which substrate to prefer?

hydroponic plant for growing greens

This is a kind of filler, which, in essence, replaces some functions of the soil. For example, the elements of the substrate hold and regulate the ratio of air and water, forming an optimal environment for the development of greenery. But, each type of filler has its own characteristics. So, the sandy base is not able to hold much air and water, and coarse gravel gives large gaps between its particles, but it does not hold water well. In systems where hydroponic plants are used to grow greens with a constant circulation of nutrient mixtures, a substrate with fast drainage action is used. In this quality, you can use inexpensive expanded clay or vermiculite. Environmentally friendly fillers are suitable for home conditions, including perlite and coconut fiber. Mineral wool is also quite popular among private farmers, but it is recommended to use it only in greenhouses because of its synthetic origin.

How to make a hydroponic plant yourself?

hydroponic plant for growing herbs and onions

To make the device, you will need an air compressor for the aquarium, a plastic container for placing plants and a cut from the foam panel. It is important to note that direct light should not fall on the root system, so the walls of the installation should be wrapped with foil or covered with paint. In the foam sheet, it is necessary to cut holes in which pots for greens will be placed. You can also use containers or jars - most importantly, pre-compare the size of the containers with niches in the foam. A second set of pots should be provided, due to which a hydroponic plant for growing greens will be realized. With your own hands you can make containers of plastic bottles. The whole bottle is cut into two parts, after which the neck goes to the bottom of the bottle. During the operation of the system, the solution and water will supply the lower part of the formed pot, and useful substances will come to the place of direct planting of plants in balanced volumes.

Growing hydroponic systems as a business

The concept of growing plants using hydroponic devices is similar in principle to entrepreneurial activity. It also traces the features of resource optimization in the form of financial costs and space while maintaining high productivity. But to use this system for profit, you should initially think about what a hydroponic plant for growing greenery will be. Business requires a stable supply of products, so you need to rely on the organization of work at least in greenhouse conditions. Again, the best option would be a compact placement of plants in the niches of multi-tiered tubular structures. You should also consider future channels of supply of greens, the formation of the range and the introduction of quality control systems and selection of plants.


hydroponic plant for growing greens at home

Despite the many advantages of soilless growing systems, their comparison with the traditional planting method reveals obvious disadvantages. In particular, hydroponic plants for growing greenery require cash investments in the technical support of the place for planting. But even this factor does not stop many who wish to engage in such activities, but the complexity of organizing the system and the troubles associated with its maintenance. A stable hydroponic design is quite expensive, and budget and home-made analogues need regular adjustments. But provided that the installation is properly maintained, you can count on getting a rich harvest in the form of environmentally friendly and healthy greens.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41276/

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