Beautiful hair weave: hairstyles for medium hair, order of execution, photo

Luxurious tight braids have long been considered a sign of femininity. Times have changed, but such hairstyles still do not lose their relevance. Although now beautiful people do not grow too long hair and do not wear ordinary braids. Modern girls prefer more fashionable and spectacular options. In the current article, we will consider the best ideas for beautiful weaving for medium hair.

Hair Styled In A Simple Hairstyle

Many girls believe that to perform a beautiful styling, it is necessary to master many complex braiding technology. However, the presented photo proves the opposite.

beautiful braids

Of course, it depicts a girl with long hair, but it is not difficult to repeat such a hairstyle on medium or even short ones. The main thing is to have a corresponding desire. If the reader is interested in the option, we offer detailed instructions:

  1. First of all, you need to comb your hair well and separate it with a side parting.
  2. Around him highlight a wide lock and braid the most ordinary pigtail. Its length is approximately to the base of the skull. Secure with a transparent rubber band.
  3. Next, select a thin strand near the face and also braid it in a braid of the same length, and then fix it.
  4. Next, weave the third pigtail out of all the hair. Moreover, you can position it evenly, but it is better to move it to the side.
  5. When the beautiful braiding of the braids on the middle hair is done, we draw a little strand from the widest loops, thereby giving volume.
  6. Then we fix the result with an elastic band.

Fish tail

stylish braid

The next original hairstyle is simple. But first, itโ€™s better to practice on someone, and only after doing it on your own hair. If the reader has skeletal skills, you can safely proceed to translate the idea into reality. The technology consists in the following actions:

  1. The first thing to do is to comb your hair well.
  2. Then we will work not with three strands, as usual, but with two.
  3. We pick them up at the sides and cross them in the center. Hold with one hand.
  4. After we take the following two strands, guided by the drawing, we also cross and connect with the previous ones. But with a common shock of hair do not mix!
  5. So we continue until we braid to the base of the skull.
  6. Then we fix the pigtail with an elastic band, still without mixing the locks with the rest of the hair.
  7. If desired, you can sprinkle unruly hair with varnish.
  8. And a beautiful weave for medium hair is ready. You can even go on holiday!

Naughty pigtails

fish tail

Many beautiful young ladies sometimes have an acute desire to return to childhood again. And then they perform a flirty hairstyle. The one shown in the photo is made on long hair, but it is also easy to do on medium ones. To repeat the mischievous pigtails at home, you must:

  1. Comb the hair and divide with a straight parting from the forehead to the base of the skull.
  2. Make ponytails and secure with elastic bands.
  3. Wrap a lock of hair on top. Hide the tip on the back and secure with the invisible.
  4. After braiding each in a pigtail, the technology of which we studied earlier. Only it is not necessary to tighten too much, because the hairstyle should look careless. This styling feature is very relevant this season. Secure with rubber band.
  5. When the spectacular hairstyle is completed, it can be lightly sprayed with varnish, so that the result pleased the young lady as long as possible.

Tail with a scythe

braids for medium hair

Another original idea of โ€‹โ€‹weaving a beautiful hairstyle on medium hair looks unusual, but simple. It is only necessary to comb the hair into a high tail, secure it with an elastic band and make a light pile. Then braid the tip into a weak braid and decorate with a fixing accessory. This hairstyle is ideal for going to school, office or other business event.

"Malvinka" with a scythe

If you want to make your image more tender and romantic, you do not need to load your head with complex and heavy braids. It is much better to fulfill the idea depicted in the photo.

hairstyle for medium length hair

After all, it is very simple to do. And further we will tell how:

  1. First, you need to wind the hair with a curler, curling iron or a special ironing.
  2. Then separate two identical locks at the temples or a little higher.
  3. Braid in turn into simple braids. If desired, you can make them openwork, stretching out small loops on each curl.
  4. Having reached the junction of the braids, we slightly fix them with an elastic band.
  5. And after weaving a fishtail, the technology of which we studied earlier.
  6. After completing the work, we add the volume to the pigtail, its hacking.
  7. We fix with a hairpin a beautiful weave on medium hair. The photo presented above demonstrates the simplicity and originality of such a hairstyle. Do not forget to remove the auxiliary rubber!

Tail with two pigtails

hairstyle with braids

Another interesting idea will not force you to perform complex manipulations. After all, the technology of hairstyles consists in the following actions:

  1. The first step is to separate the wide strands near the temples.
  2. But to braid them not in an ordinary braid, but grabbing new strands along the hairline.
  3. Thus, arrange both halves of the head.
  4. Then connect the pigtails together and make a tail.
  5. You can fix such a hairstyle with braiding on medium hair with a lock of hair. And so that it does not become entangled, fix it with invisibility.

Unusual pigtail

unusual braid

To complete the hairstyle option presented in the photo, you do not need to have special skills and knowledge. It is enough to carefully study the instructions and begin execution:

  1. First of all, comb your hair.
  2. And on the top of the head, select the strand with which the braid will begin.
  3. Make a few overlaps, add new curls, picked up near the temples.
  4. Weaving an ordinary pigtail again.
  5. And again we catch the side strands. We select those that are located near the ears.
  6. Crosses ringlets several more times.
  7. And weave the remaining hair into them.
  8. We fix the braid with an elastic band, which, if desired, can be hidden with a curl.
  9. In conclusion, it is recommended to spray hair with varnish. And a beautiful weave for medium hair is ready!

Spikelets with bunches

braids and bunches

The following hairstyle looks very original. The execution technology may be obvious to many thanks to the presented photo. If the reader is just mastering the basics of weaving, we offer a detailed and step-by-step instruction that will help you not to get confused in the actions:

  1. It should immediately be noted that the hairstyle is performed on clean strands.
  2. It begins with the separation of hair with an even parting from the forehead to the base of the skull.
  3. Then one half is fixed with an elastic band so as not to interfere.
  4. And the second part of the lock is braided into a spikelet. Make it much easier than it might seem. We bend our heads down and select a small lock at the base of the skull, divide it into three parts. Crossing them, and then weaving, intercepting new strands on the sides. Thus, we collect the entire separated part of the hair in a braid. However, it is important to draw the reader's attention to the fact that the braid is not ordinary, but the opposite. That is, the strands cross not across the bottom, but across the top.
  5. After the braid, give volume.
  6. And fix the result with an elastic band.
  7. Similarly, the second half of the hair is braided.
  8. Then, the ponytails are wrapped in bundles and fixed with invisible or studs.
  9. Beautiful weaving on medium length hair looks very impressive. But if the curls are naughty, they should be lightly sprinkled with varnish.

Luxurious braid of four strands

simple hairstyle

If you want to perform a beautiful hairstyle, but there is no time for complex manipulations, you should study and execute the following option. To do this, you must:

  1. Comb hair and separate with side parting.
  2. Select a wide strand at the temple and secure with an elastic band.
  3. Select a second strand a little lower and also fix it.
  4. Now you should divide the first curl into two halves and wrap them around the second.
  5. Fasten with an elastic band and slightly loosen the loops.
  6. Do the same with the second lock.
  7. Continue this way to the desired length.
  8. So we managed to style the hair with a beautiful weave.

On medium hair, if desired, you can make the pigtail smaller than in the photo. After all, it all depends on the imagination and wishes of each beautiful person.

Flower of hair

For the festive event there is still an interesting version of the hairstyle. To do this, you need:

  1. Brush hair.
  2. Above the temple, select a wide strand and braid about 1/3 into an ordinary braid.
  3. Spread it and attach with invisibility, forming a semicircle.
  4. After isolating a wide part of the hair from the beginning of the braid to the opposite ear.
  5. Introduce a new strand and continue weaving.
  6. Also, straighten your hair and attach with invisibility.
  7. Grab the remaining hair and braid it, braiding it to the end.
  8. Then pull the hinges along the outer edge.
  9. And then twist the braid in such a way as to make a flower.
  10. Lock with invisible, hide the tip.
  11. If desired, the result of braiding hair on medium hair for girls, girls and women can be decorated with beads or rhinestones. And finally, sprinkle with varnish.

Skeletal scythe

hairstyle for girls

To complete an interesting idea, you will need to prepare a simple pencil, and then perform simple manipulations:

  1. Tie your hair in a high ponytail.
  2. Stick a pencil over it, placing it parallel to the floor.
  3. Start weaving a normal braid. But each new lock is previously hooked to a pencil.
  4. The result is a stylish and unusual voluminous hairstyle.

We hope that our instructions and a photo of braiding braids for medium hair will help the reader to decorate themselves and their loved ones with real masterpieces.


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