Socialization of personality: what is it?

Man is a social creature and he needs a society for a comfortable existence. Coming into the physical world, a child at the very first stage of its development is faced with various kinds of rules, beliefs, dogmas, laws, in the end, a system that existed long before it was born. Taking his first steps, he is forced to accept the rules of the game of life and become its active participant, i.e., socialize.

Definition of the phenomenon

The socialization of personality is the process of a person joining a society through the development of the basic elements of the culture to which he belongs by birth and the subsequent formation of a social ā€œIā€. It is worth noting that the transformation of man begins directly with the desire to live and work for the common good through the realization of his abilities.

Without this, it is not possible to transfer the spiritual heritage from one generation to another. It is thanks to traditions and history that a person is able to create and create new things, relying on the invaluable experience and achievements of his ancestors.

The evolution of human social life

Traditionally, there are two stages of development of this phenomenon:

Primary - is established in small communities of people who are familiar with each other, such as family members, friends, etc. Communication with this category directly affects the formation of personality.

Secondary - takes place in the field of business relations.

The primary socialization of a personā€™s personality is the most significant, because it is at the stage of early childhood that an individual is born self-conscious and fundamental principles of behavior in society are laid. And it is the parents who serve as the initial example and model of cultural values. Further, educational institutions, schools, etc. are connected to this process.

early stage of socialization

The youthful stage is a transitional period, which is marked by an increasing need for exploring the world around us, penetrating into all its little-studied layers, in striving for self-assertion in this world, in search of a high-quality standard of behavior. The end of youth is marked by the assertion of oneself as an independent personality, the acquisition of a certain social and moral core, the awareness of one's true interests and abilities, with the beginning of a new stage of development as part of growing up.

Socialization of personality is a process that does not end in mature years, but already significantly slows down. At this stage, a person tries on various social roles: spouse or spouse, the role of a worker in society, etc., also acquires the status of an active participant in social and other activities.

Collective mind and personality

disclosure of personality in society

It is through communication with other people that a person reveals his uniqueness. This experience, which is the basis of the process of personality socialization, also serves as a source of its individualization and creative application of its abilities. A person transforms the accumulated knowledge base into personal attitudes, life principles and the skill of independent thinking. This is clearly seen in the example of the formation of a childā€™s speech and language learning: there are general rules for spelling, grammar, etc., but the ability to speak and write is one of the central skills that can emphasize a personā€™s individuality: not everyone speaks the Russian word equally and possess exceptional ability for writing.

Socialization of the child population

A person is a unit of society, which is the engine of progress or its participant, which contributes to the formation of social reality with a certain level of consciousness - and with what it will be saturated, with what ideals and standards, this will affect the socialization of the childā€™s personality.

the formation of emotional attachment

The kid begins his knowledge of the world with his immediate environment. And, of course, the closest people are the parents, and at the very first stage of life - the mother. These primary relationships between the baby and the mother give rise to strong emotions, which are a solid foundation and one of the most important conditions for the socialization of the individual.

And the first step is the formation of early attachments. The decisive role here is played not so much by the contact with the mother and her love-feeding, as by the sense of security that communication with the native creature gives. Human development in a social respect fundamentally depends on the emergence of stable relationships with people directly in early childhood. This is the main key of integration into society for most people of different nationalities, brought up in different cultures.

The game as a way of knowing the world

game as development

Starting from the year, the main channel of knowledge of the child is the game, the generally accepted categories of which are the following:

  • O dinoka independent.
  • Parallel actions - starting from the year the child actively copies the actions of others, but so far without the desire to become an active participant in this activity.
  • Associative - starting from about three years old, children increasingly compare their behavior with the behavior of others.
  • Cooperative - from about four years old, children are increasingly attracted to actions that require cooperation.

The game serves as a tool for children to learn about the adult world. They acquire new skills and follow the behavior of adults. The child draws attention to how mom talks on the phone, dad fastens his belt, etc., and transfers these actions to the gaming environment, translating into his own language. The development and socialization of the person goes through a direct imitation of the people around him, especially adults. As far as he successfully implements his actions in the game, his transition to a real society will be so smooth and adequate. This is a kind of preparation stage.

imitation period

A child in preschool age is very susceptible to various kinds of events: everything that happens to him settles in his emotional memory. And, accordingly, cognition of the environment begins at the level of sensory perception. Those phenomena that find emotional resonance in the soul of a child form the basis of his first social experience. The development of mental processes, including imagination as the basis for creativity, the creation of the new, begins precisely at this age. A successful realization of a person in society is possible provided that he is able to make any contribution to it on his part, intellectual or otherwise, thus becoming not just a consumer, but also a producer.

For harmonious socialization of the childā€™s personality, it is necessary to master the ability to evaluate oneā€™s behavior on a par with the actions of others, which are integral components in the formation of the psyche of a small person.

Childhood as a separate reality

From the point of view of the position occupied by a person in society, early age is distinguished by the fact that it is he who is the main step in the process of socialization of a person when its foundations are laid.

A few centuries earlier, the idea of ā€‹ā€‹childhood, which is natural for modern society, did not exist. Children were included in adulthood from birth without the presence of clearly defined boundaries between a small child and an adult. The invented world of toys, in which children grow up today and educate them, the desire to buy cute, cute little things, to protect them from everything that, in the opinion of an adult, can do something harm, has all become a norm in human life relatively recently. This is evidenced by works of art, paintings in which the elders and younger are depicted in the same social environment, sharing the same occupations, which indicates the continuity of generations, which in a huge number of cases today we no longer observe due to the gap and misunderstanding between members even one family. The formation of a new concept of childhood began after the invention of printing, which made a kind of revolution in the cultural life of society. And today the Internet is making such a revolution with its blurring of borders and borders, on the one hand, and even greater separation, on the other.

But no matter what definition the category of childhood falls into, the childā€™s interaction with society begins at the earliest stage of its development. From infancy, the baby takes part in social life: it reacts to the mood of the parents, attracts their attention by crying, screaming as needs arise, thereby influencing the behavior of the adult. All mental activity of the crumbs is carried out through communication with loved ones.

Stages of social development of the child

first steps up

To date, the following point of view on the studied phenomenon and its information component is presented in the literature:

  • traditional: adaptation to the outside world;
  • integration: a combination of social processes, thanks to which a person, assimilating a certain idea of ā€‹ā€‹prevailing ideas about the value and equivalence of things, acquires the ability to act reasonably in society (I. S. Kon);
  • individualization: the process of development of a personā€™s personality in a society of people (A. V. Mudrik).

This approach can be correlated with the stages of social development of the child. Those ideas that he receives in the process of communicating with the world become knowledge - an objective opinion about the surrounding reality. Knowledge is the theoretical basis for practical activity, which, in turn, serves as the basis for the development of children's creative activity or their individualization.

Conditions for integration into society

Socialization of an individual is an individualā€™s entry into the human environment through his adoption of a certain social role, the realization of which can be carried out through a number of factors. The most important condition is being in a group of people whose composition varies in accordance with the age category, goals and values ā€‹ā€‹of both the subject himself and the needs of the society in which he resides.

Relatively studied factors of personality socialization are usually divided as follows:

  • Megafactors. Universe, planet, world, Internet.
  • Macro factors. Country, state.
  • Mesofactors. Settlements, cities, subcultures.
  • Microfactors. Family, friends, peers, kindergartens, various public and other organizations.

Socialization agents

The world around us is in constant motion and renewal, forcing to wake up in the morning and move with it. Man is such a creature that is able to adapt to different living conditions in its desire to survive. And in this process various agents or institutions of socialization of the person participate.

Institutions are understood as organizations within the framework of which a person is introduced into society.

family portrait
  • Family for a child is a key agent, since it is from her that a person begins to get acquainted with society. Native people not only provide an opportunity to integrate into the system as a separate individual, but also provide a certain social status in which the efforts and labor of previous generations were invested.
  • Peers are those agents who teach communication on an equal footing, unlike other institutions where interaction is built on the principle of hierarchy. Relations with similar participants in the system allow the younger generation to better know and understand their needs and abilities, advantages and disadvantages against the background of those around them.
  • A school is a formal institution with a set of academic disciplines and a certain, as some sociologists call it, hidden program, within the framework of which specific prototypes of behavior are rooted, which help to maintain public order.
  • The media form in children those patterns of behavior that they do not observe in the family and among their friends.
  • Work is the most important environment of an adult, in which the process of getting used to the living conditions in society continues.

Human needs human

Mowgli is not a case from a fairy tale, but a very real story, and not one. And the socialization of personality is a way and a way of survival in the modern world. Despite the fact that a person is born among people, nevertheless, any individual requires social adaptation. It gives a person the opportunity to join the society due to the ability to analyze what is happening, evaluate their capabilities and respond accordingly, adjusting their behavior depending on the situation. All this is based on universally recognized stamps and norms, which, on the one hand, level individual differences, but on the other hand help a person to take his place in the sun.

As you know, a person without a past has no future - these words are also true within the framework of the role of socializing a personā€™s personality and becoming a successful participant in the system to which it belongs. To create something new, you must first learn to imitate the already existing, in other words, to study the experience gained by generations. From early childhood, one can observe the principle of imitation inherent in a person: a child imitates adults in their actions, as described above.

Against the background of the foregoing, the socialization of the individual in society is a two-way process. At the initial stage of development, a person for the most part accepts and uses the available knowledge base, that is, he is a consumer, but as he evolves, he begins to contribute to the prosperity of society.


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