Beautiful hairstyle braid for medium hair

Modern girls love to experiment with their appearance and do it in absolutely all possible directions: clothes, shoes, makeup, nail art, tattooing, eyelash extensions, hair, their keratin recovery - a lot of different services are offered today by beauty service masters. A special place stands out for luxury and healthy hair. A huge number of care procedures and modeling of all kinds of hairstyles enable today's fashionistas to create that image that will correspond to their principles and taste preferences. Not the last place in this chain is the design of the well-known hairstyle for medium hair - braids.

Scythe as a dying trend

Russian braid is famous for its beauty since the days of the Old Russian era. The beauties of that time stood out with their expressive attractive appearance due to their long thick curls braided in a tight braid. Over time and the development of the hairdressing industry, this type of hairstyle not only did not lose its relevance, but vice versa - it was transformed and modernized into a magnificent design of strands, which delights the society day after day not only on the long hairs of pretty women, but also on medium length. Today, this is one of the most common hairstyles - a braid on medium hair. Photos of all kinds of variations, reflecting the images of both ordinary girls and well-known celebrities, are direct proof of this.

Trend hairstyles with braids

Plus hairstyles in the form of a braid

Why do girls like to use various kinds of weaving on their hair? There are several reasons based on which they choose this type of hairstyle:

  • attractive appearance - neatly and diligently braided hair looks quite noble and pretty;
  • convenience - the hair collected in a braid is well fixed in a braid, does not interfere with wear and is quite comfortable as a hairstyle;
  • universality - a deliberately carelessly constructed weaving of curls will personify a romantic look and will suit every day, and a composition in the form of a hairstyle for medium hair with oblique braids will look perfect on a social evening under an elegant dress on the floor, so this type of styling can be used on different occasions of life;
  • the lack of an age barrier - braids in their various interpretations are perfect for kids, older girls, and very adult ladies: for example, African braids perfectly reflect the image of children's spontaneity, and a seasoned hairstyle in the form of a thin line of weaving bangs will be good for a stately lady aged .

So, the indisputable advantages of the described type of styling confirm its uniqueness. A huge number of variations of hairstyles with braids for medium hair provide an opportunity for the fair half to choose the most suitable type for each. Which ones are most preferable?


Many people liked the traditional spikelet as a daily hairstyle. A braid with bangs on medium hair or without bangs on long curls - in any interpretation, the spikelet looks neat, restrained, noble. Thanks to basal weaving, the strands look very well-groomed, tightly tightened, they draw a beautiful pattern on the back of the head. This is the main difference between the spikelet and the usual Russian braid - picking strands into a bundle at the level of the region near the roots, and not in a free hanging state. This hairstyle is especially suitable for girls with highlighting or highlighting individual strands with color, since in the spikelet weaving, the allocation of some curls in a different shade looks very unusual, original and attractive. With a spikelet, you can go to work, to study, to interviews - his restraint and neatness in an advantageous way emphasize the girl’s diligence.

French braid

Another great hairstyle for medium hair is the French braid. A very fashionable and relevant solution for today is weaving inside out, as if inside out. The essence of the technique of this type of braid is that the strands are not collected inside the base of the tow, as is done in the classic version, but rather are braided in an external way. Thanks to this, the braid looks larger and seems visually larger. Even greater airiness and volume can be achieved by pulling the extreme locks from the braid on both sides of the braid, which will visually make it wider and fluffier. This effect looks very beautiful and gives the image of a girl romance and girlish immediacy.

Volumetric French braid

Greek braid

The personification of femininity, grace, elegance and sophistication is an extraordinary hairstyle for medium hair - Greek braid. Such a styling plan is often used for all kinds of special occasions and evening parties. What is she like? Often these are the strands gathered below the back of the head, woven into a braid and framing the rounded contour of a Greek rim imitated or actually present in the hairstyle. This composition is often decorated with a branch of small flowers or buds of open roses. If the event that led to the modeling of this hairstyle is a wedding, then the basis of the Greek design on the back of your head can be safely planted a bride’s veil or a wedding wreath. At the same time, the hairstyle will look very gentle, soft and sophisticated.

Greek braid

Back braid

In addition to the French and Greek weaving, the back braid has recently been updated. Hairstyles for medium hair at home as pigtails are quite easy to do without the help of a professional, but not all. The same Greek styling is not so easy to create yourself. But the back braid can be easily modeled with the skillful hands of almost any girl. What is the technique of its design? Weaving is carried out in several simple steps:

  • good combing of strands - not a single braid will work on tangled, poorly combed hair;
  • lowering the head in front of you so that all the occipital hair falls down the outside;
  • the creation of weaving, originating in the lowest point of the occipital zone;
  • modeling of a spikelet from the lower point of the nape of the neck to the crown, lowered down to the floor;
  • completion of weaving with letters or ghouls in the crown zone.

In such a simple way, a back braid is obtained for medium hair. It’s not difficult to do a hairstyle of such a plan with your own hands, it looks quite unusual, it resembles something like a zipper as a spikelet with a lock on the top of the head in the form of a bump of hair.

Back braid

Waterfall on hair

One of the most romantic, most beloved and most delicate hairstyles with the presence of weaves is styling with a visualized waterfall on the hair. She is not only profitable for her feminine appearance, but also very pleasant and comfortable to wear. What is the basis for the formation of this styling and what is the role of the braid in it?

Hairstyle for medium hair in the form of a waterfall begins its design by dividing the strands into two zones: right and left. Each of them originates in the frontal region, where bangs are present or absent. The peculiarity of the described type of styling is that the braiding started from a bang is not carried out to the end: every third strand is not braided into a common braid, as in all other types of braids, but is released in a free fall down to a common pile of loose hair . Thus, it turns out something like a simulated wreath around the head in the form of a braid, and the remaining strands of the visualized streams of the waterfall fall down. If desired, they can be twisted into a curling iron, which will give the image even more elegance.

Waterfall on hair

Fish tail

If we talk about beautiful hairstyles for medium hair - a braid in the form of a fish tail can serve as a great example. Fell in love with a wide range of female audiences, this styling is considered the standard of femininity, nobleness, elegance and identity. A fish tail can be created both in tight weaving and with slight simulated negligence, which gives the image of a girl wearing it airiness and charm. The fish tail looks very unusual with a satin bright ribbon woven into its base - this cannot but attract attention and not cause the admiring gaze of others.

Fish tail

Wedding braids

Wedding braids are very popular among the listed traditional weaving options today.

Wedding braids

Why do they occupy a separate niche among many types of all kinds of braids? Because such an event requires solemn interweaving in complex designs, the modeling of which on the bride’s head ultimately leads to an amazing effect. It is unlikely that a girl at home can create such a hairstyle with her own hands. Reinforced basal volume, airy base, large lightweight curls interwoven in complex ornate patterns in the form of flowers, shells, zigzags, all kinds of braids from pigtails create an ideal overall picture, which is very suitable for a celebration. You can give the image of the bride a comic look with a variety of decorations. Snow-white wedding wreaths, branches of flowers, clusters of small berries, a collection of silk ribbons woven into the base of braids, shiny tiaras or lace guipure lace - all this helps the bride to look with a hairstyle in the form of braids irresistibly on the main holiday of her life.


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