76th guards air assault division: history, composition and interesting facts

The 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division is one of the most famous units of the airborne troops, which exists to this day. She also bears the name Chernigov Red Banner. He has the Order of Suvorov.

Guard units

76th Guards Airborne Assault Division

The 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division is deployed in Pskov. And one of the regiments is based in the suburban town of Cherekh. In common parlance, this division is called Pskov. This is her unofficial name, but it is under him that most Russians know her. Now the division is commanded by a major general, whose name is Alexei Naumets.

The 76th Guards Chernihiv Red Banner Airborne Assault Division was formed on the eve of World War II. At the front, she showed herself brightly. Participated in the defense of Sevastopol, Stalingrad, Kerch and Odessa. She took part in crossing the Dnieper and the battle on the Kursk. The war ended victoriously - in Germany.

In the mid-90s, individual divisions of the division participated in the armed conflict in the North Caucasus. Recently, soldiers and officers of this military unit have shown themselves in international conflicts. For example, the 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division participated in the peacekeeping operation in Kosovo, which took place from 1999 to 2001, as well as in the military conflict against Georgia in the summer of 2008.

The last time the division was seen in 2014 in the Crimea. There she was entrusted with the task of returning the republic to Russia.

Division History

76 guards Chernihiv Red Banner Airborne Assault Division

Initially, the 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division received the number 157. It was founded in 1939 on the basis of the Taman Division.

At the time the Great Patriotic War began, the division was assigned to the North Caucasus Military District. The first task in the war was the defense of the Black Sea coast.

In the first battle, the 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division, whose history has since consisted of many battles, participated in the fall in the first year of the war. At that time she defended Odessa. However, at dawn, unexpectedly for the enemy, she went on the offensive, took possession of the state farm and village.

In October, the division was transferred to Sevastopol, and later to Novorossiysk. She was to prove herself in the Theodosian landing operation. The fighting lasted 9 days, according to their results, the Kerch Peninsula was completely liberated, and the defending Sevastopol received significant assistance.

Military operations

In the summer of 1942, the division destroyed the German troops crossing the Don. In August, she got up on the northern coast of the Aksai River. There were continuous fights. The heroes were always in the division. In these battles, they became the Red Army soldier Afanasy Yermakov, a machine gunner. He was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1943, the 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division received orders to participate in the Battle of Stalingrad. The division implemented the operation "Ring", which consisted in the destruction of the enemy, who was surrounded.
In the battles of Stalingrad, the division destroyed more than 10 thousand German soldiers and officers. After the battle of Stalingrad, she was given the status of a guard.

At the end of the war


Then the division was part of the Bryansk Front, participated in the Battle of Kursk. July 12, the paratroopers crossed the Oka and captured the German bridgehead, destroying one and a half thousand enemies.

After that, she participated in the liberation of Chernigov. Within three days, the division managed to advance 70 kilometers, advancing on the enemy. In 1944, already as part of the 1st Belorussian Front, participated in the liberation of Kiev, captured by the Nazis. Moving forward in the direction of Brest. As a result, the fortress city was liberated.

In January of the 45th, already in the 2nd Belorussian Front, the division destroyed the enemy unit, which defended the city of Torun. It included more than 30 thousand soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht. March 23 was taken Zoppot, so the USSR got free access to the Baltic Sea.

The division advanced towards Germany. On May 2, the town of Gustrow conquered, and the advance detachments had already made their way to the Baltic Sea, where they intersected with separate units of the Allies.

During the war, more than 50 soldiers and officers were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Medals and orders were awarded to 12 thousand people.

In peacetime, the division was transferred from Germany, and in 1947 arrived at the site of its new deployment. To this day, the 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division considers Pskov to be its home.

In peacetime, the division regularly took part in exercises, but that was not all. In 1988, a large-scale earthquake took place in Armenia. The division helped deal with the effects of the disaster.

In the Chechen war

76th guards airborne assault division of pskov

To participate in the Chechen war, the division was sent to the North Caucasus back in 1994. The guards lost about 120 soldiers and officers dead. This time 10 people received the title of Heroes of Russia, and two of them posthumously. On duty, Sergey Pyatnitsky, a former lieutenant colonel, and Yuri Nikitich died.

The personnel of the division participated in the Second Chechen campaign. The paratroopers liberated the settlements of Argun, Gudermes and Karamakhi, blocked the Vedeno gorge.

Vivid examples of heroism

76 I Guards Airborne Assault Division

A striking example of heroism is the 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division, whose address is Pskov-2, military unit 07264, General Margelov Street, house number 17, showed in battle for the height of 776. The paratroopers opposed the trained militants of Khattab. This was one of the most outstanding battles in which the division participated. The enemy suffered serious damage. 22 paratroopers received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, however, 21 of them - posthumously.


76 I Guards Airborne Assault Division History
The airborne assault division became in 2006. A remarkable feature of this particular military unit is that paratroopers can not only land with a parachute, but also with part of the military equipment.

The last time the division showed itself in 2014. She participated in an armed conflict in southeastern Ukraine. SBU announced the capture of two combat vehicles of paratroopers. True, the ministry refutes these speculations. Some even noted that this could be a provocation.

An indirect confirmation of the participation of the Pskov division in the war in the Southeast was the funeral of paratroopers who died under mysterious circumstances. After some time, the commander of the airborne company was buried, but already in Voronezh. According to the Voronezh military commissar, he died while performing his immediate duties.

Over the years, many well-known commanders served in the division. It is especially worth noting the Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Malyasov, who was listed in the regiment for life.

The armament is very modern. This is a landing combat vehicle, an armored personnel carrier, an airborne self-propelled gun, a portable anti-aircraft missile system. Now the division continues to stay in Pskov awaiting further orders.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41304/

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