Artificial grass in a pot: interior use, cost

Today we’ll talk about artificial grass in pots, which many interior designers use when translating their ideas. Previously, the use of artificial plants in design was considered almost a sign of bad taste. However, everything has changed, and today manufacturers offer many original solutions for decorating the premises. Artificial herbs are among them.

Indoor use

Artificial grass in pots serves as an interior decoration. Such decor is suitable for strict hi-tech, romantic provence, brutal loft.

If we talk about the place of application, then such a decor could well replace not only natural plants, but also home sculptures or textile objects. For example, instead of fresh flowers, artificial plants will look original on the balcony. They will also be able to decorate other rooms, add freshness and naturalness to the interior.

In addition to residential premises, artificial grass is used in offices, salons, at exhibitions. She will perfectly decorate the reception, shop window, front desk hostesses in the restaurant.

artificial grass in a pot

Decoration Goals

Artificial grass in pots can solve various problems in the interior. Most often it is used for the following purposes:

  • for zoning space ;
  • to mask problem areas;
  • to emphasize a particular place in the interior;
  • as a decoration and create a special atmosphere.
    artificial herbs in pots for decor

Original ideas

Artificial green grass in pots is widely used in various interiors. Due to its similarity to natural, such grass can be part of the winter garden. Also, such plants will help create an atmosphere of wildlife right in the room.

Artificial grass in pots for decor is made in different sizes. Being tall, such a composition by itself will be able to decorate corner shelves. Dimensional compositions can be independently set, and not only in the corner zones of rooms. They are used in living rooms and for zoning spaces. Do not forget about the pots themselves, their color and size. They should also be in harmony with the overall design of the room.

Small pots of green grass will find their place in the kitchen, in the hallway, in the bedroom or in the nursery. They will perfectly decorate any shelves.

Artificial plants are perfect for decorating balconies. Their presence there will not cause trouble to the owners. Plants are resistant to all weather conditions.

The arrangement of flowers and grass can be thought out in advance, creating real masterpieces. When creating compositions, it is important to consider color schemes, lighting, and the availability of accessories.

artificial grass Price

Psychological impact

Green plants in residential or other premises lift the mood of everyone present. This is not surprising, because the green color causes exclusively positive emotions and pleasant associations in the soul of any person.

Green is often used in the kitchen because it is able to activate appetite. Shades of this color usually act soothingly and soothe. Green plants are associated with the primitive beginning of man, so they are easily perceived in any room.

Artificial grass in pots for decor will delight you with pleasant associations with spring awakening of nature, freshness and renewal.

artificial grass in a pot

The advantages of this decor

Designers decorating the premises with green grass in pots call the following advantages of such decorations:

  • an artificial plant looks no different from a natural one, and it can preserve its freshness for many years;
  • there is no need to take care of the landings, and therefore a lot of time is saved;
  • artificial flowers do not cause allergies, and therefore are actively used in children's rooms;
  • pets do not spoil artificial plants;
  • potted plants are suitable for interiors of any style;
  • economical cost of artificial plants.

Undoubtedly, artificial grass in a pot can transform any room. Moreover, it is not necessary to invite a specialist in interior design, such details can also be “entered” into the space of the room yourself. It will bring a lot of pleasure!

artificial green grass in pots

The cost of translating ideas

As already mentioned, the acquisition of artificial plants is a much more economical option compared to natural plantings. Therefore, equipping living space in this way, you can significantly save.

The price of artificial grass depends on the size of the composition. So, single compositions in pots cost about 1000 rubles per name. Typically, the manufacturer imitates sedge, including flowering. Also popular are lavender, boxwood, berry bushes.

Grass in a box for a balcony will cost more - an average of 2000 rubles per box. It also uses sedge, boxwood, lavender, ash.

In the production of artificial plants, polyethylene, polypropylene or polyamide materials are used. They are absolutely safe and do not emit substances harmful to humans. Such materials are not afraid of external influences, so the acquisition of such plants is a very good idea.


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