How not to be afraid to fly an airplane: tips

Do you often fly on business trips? Or maybe you like to relax, lying on a beautiful island in the middle of the ocean? Getting to the far edges is possible only with the help of an airplane. But not all people tolerate a flight well. How not to be afraid to fly a plane? Read about it below.

Fear or phobia?

how not to be afraid to fly a plane

First of all, you need to understand the cause of the panic that occurs at the airport. Many people believe that they have aerophobia. But how did they determine this? Residents of our country are accustomed to diagnosing themselves on their own. It doesn’t even occur to them that a rapid pulse or weakness in the body can be the result of ordinary fear. Therefore, before looking for an answer to the question of how not to be afraid to fly an airplane, you need to find out the cause of your fear. A man knows himself better than anyone else. Therefore, those people who often fly can determine exactly what they experience on board the aircraft. Fear goes away after 5-7 flights, but a phobia can accompany a person all his life. And if you are flying for the first time and understand that this process causes only negative emotions in you, and also negatively affects the body. After such a bitter experience, not many are in a hurry to repeat the flight. So if you are one of those who are panicky afraid to board a plane, go to a therapist and find out the nature of your fear.

View statistics

people are afraid to fly a plane

People with technical education will be quite easy to reassure themselves if they can thoroughly understand the issue. A month before the flight, you should see the statistics. Many may be surprised, but an airplane is the safest mode of transport. You are more likely to die in a minibus that collides with a truck than in an airplane, even in the event of an accident. Having read such information, it becomes somehow morally easier.

How not to be afraid to fly a plane? In addition to statistics, you can get a little insight into the jelly bird's device. When a person understands how the machine works, it becomes easier for him to trust her. And also, if you carefully study the information, you will understand that there are places on the plane where people survive even in the event of a complex plane crash with a probability of 69%. So you can buy yourself tickets to safe places, and this thought will make you feel better.

No need to drink

The popular phrase "alcohol does not help to find the answer, it helps to forget the question" is very suitable for the situation. A person who prefers to kill fear with a glass of vodka can suffer greatly during the flight. After all, it is still unknown how the body will behave at the moment when the iron bird will take off. From a lack of oxygen and well-dilated blood vessels, a person may faint. Even cases of heart attacks have been recorded. The heart could not stand those people who decided to improve their morale with alcohol. Are you looking for the answer to the question "how not to be afraid to fly on an airplane"? Do not believe everyone who says that alcohol will save you. Yes, you can drink a little during the flight itself, but not more than 100 g. And that is only permissible for those who fly more than once and know how his body behaves during a long flight and during landing.

Don't wrap yourself up

how not to be afraid to fly on an airplane tips

The worst thing a person can do is complain to friends just before they leave. A phrase like "I'm afraid to fly on an airplane! What should I do ?!" certainly will not help you get the right moral attitude. Well, what then to be? Not to think? Yes, try to talk with friends about anything, but not about your flight. Listen carefully to stories about children, about their pets. Talk about nature. Of course, you should not only listen to the interlocutor, but also hear him. Since many people can mechanically nod, smile and even insert relevant phrases, but part of their consciousness will still think about the upcoming event. Take a break. If all else fails, watch a movie. You can start viewing it already at the airport, and continue on board the aircraft. So the transition will go smoothly, and you will hardly notice it. By the time the film ends, you will be in the air.

Keep busy

how not to be afraid to fly on planes psychologist

Work is a universal cure for all problems. When you load your brain with business, it simply does not have time to worry. But here it is necessary to make a reservation, it is necessary to engage in mental activity, and not mechanical physical labor. If you clean the house, nothing will stop your thoughts from coming back to coming up with all kinds of air crashes, plane breakdowns and all that sort of thing.

Have you ever noticed which particular people are afraid to fly an airplane? That's right, those that have great intelligence. Children and many students happily jump on board without thinking about the consequences of the trip. They do not wind themselves. You must do the same. If you can’t concentrate on writing the report, try fixing it. For example, put in place a cabinet door that has not closed well for six months, or think about replanning the apartment.

Don't be late

I'm afraid to fly on an airplane what to do advice

One of the tips for not being afraid to fly an airplane is to arrive at the airport on time. It is the fact that you will not worry that boarding the flight will end without you will bring reassurance. Do not listen to those who will tell you that being late, you will think about how to be in time, and not about how not to die. Stress, which will accumulate in the body during the rush and unnecessary unrest, can go into panic on board the plane. You do not need it. Therefore, leave the house in advance. Even if you are taking a taxi or acquaintances are taking you, try to arrive at least 30 minutes before registration. After all, anything can happen on the road: a traffic jam, accident or unexpectedly block the road that leads you to the goal. Always throw extra half an hour in force majeure.

Treat yourself

relax before flying

Not sure what to do? Afraid of flying an airplane? You can give this advice: “anchor” your time before planting with something pleasant. What are psychological anchors? This is an emotional attachment of one event to another. For example, before boarding an airplane, you can have dinner at your favorite restaurant with your best friends. You will sit in a beautiful place, discuss current affairs and not think about what you have to do in an hour. Arriving at the airport after such an event, you will be cheerful and cheerful. The wait will pass quickly, and when you board the plane, you can still mentally be in your favorite cafe. If you don’t have the opportunity to enjoy delicious food and a pleasant company before the flight, you can buy something on the way to the airport. For example, if a girl has long wanted to buy a handbag, then she can buy it for herself. Thoughts about buying will brighten up an exciting expectation, and the process of landing and take-off will be easier to carry.

Meditation and the power of thought

Many have heard that a person can independently control consciousness. For example, you can stop a headache with the power of thought or reduce abdominal pain. But this requires practice. One of the most useful exercises is meditation. When a person focuses on his breath, it is difficult for him to think about something else. Consciousness is cleared, and now you should fill your head with what you want to settle there. For example, you can make out the question: “Why not be afraid to fly on planes?”. Give yourself logical arguments and draw a beautiful picture of the flight and what awaits you after landing. Clean beaches, blue ocean, beautiful sunsets and dinner on the beach. Such visualization helps a person to enter the necessary state when fear goes by the wayside, and a joyful foreboding of vacation looms in the foreground.

Or maybe you should get a physical examination?

why people are afraid to fly

Why are people afraid to fly airplanes? If you are flying for the first time, you have a fear of the unknown. This is a normal occurrence. The body includes a defensive reaction and tells you that if necessary you will be ready to act. The first time you are unlikely to have a panic, rather an unpleasant sensation in your stomach or a pain in your teeth. But if you are not the first time traveling through the air and nausea, fainting and drowsiness haunt you relentlessly - this may be an occasion to consult a doctor. Thus, problems with the heart, hormones, or blood vessels may occur. Do not blame it all on aerophobia. Contact the clinic and do a full examination of the body.

Add to extreme life

But it’s easier still not to treat the problem, but to do prevention. How can this be done? Engage in extreme sports. This adds adrenaline to help you survive fear. Why are people afraid of flying on airplanes? Because they are afraid to die. If you risk your life reasonably at least once a week, your fear of flying will recede. What can be done? Fly an airplane, jump with a parachute, go skiing or rock climbing. Of course, everywhere you need to be careful, but if you approach the matter wisely, then the fear of flying will disappear very quickly.


Well, if nothing helps, then how not to be afraid to fly on airplanes? A psychologist is what you need. The doctor will be able to find out the cause of your fear and help you get rid of it. Perhaps you are afraid of heights, and this fear in your soul settled in childhood. Or maybe you had a car accident and got serious injuries there. The therapist will be able to work with any form of fear. Indeed, in fact, a person is always afraid of only one thing - death. An experienced doctor can treat you in many ways: psychological therapy, hypnosis, or various kinds of exercises. But remember that only psychological help will not solve the problem. Do not refuse to take medications. Someone will ask: “Why so, because pills badly affect the body’s performance, and many pills also have side effects?” .Yes, this is true, but when a doctor treats a phobia or fear, he must get to your deepest memories and at the same time not harm the nervous system and not hang other phobias along the way. Therefore, find a good doctor whom you trust and follow all his recommendations.


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