What muscles work on an exercise bike and how effective

Exercise bicycles are very popular. Indeed, they are accessible to people of different ages and various levels of physical fitness. And the fashion for installing them in apartments and houses has not passed so far. It takes up a little space, and training with it is very effective, because in 45 minutes of training you can spend up to 600 kcal.

What muscles work on an exercise bike
Hearing the question: "What muscles work on the exercise bike?", Many confidently answer: "Legs, of course." This answer is correct, but inaccurate. First, by changing the load and position on the simulator, you can load completely different muscles of the lower extremities. Secondly, not only do they work during training. And thirdly, and this is the most important thing: active riding is a fairly serious cardio load, which, as you know, trains the heart muscle. So the question of what gets more, the legs or the “fiery motor,” is a moot point.

Exercise bike - the path to harmony

More specifically, the maximum visible load really goes to the muscles of the legs, hips, buttocks, lower leg and pelvis. They will be the first time to make themselves known after the first training.

Today, there are many varieties of such simulators: mechanical, electromagnetic and lightweight, designed for training called Cycle. The latter are an imitation of a cross-country race and are held under the guidance of a coach in specially equipped halls. This lesson is a group one, so for newcomers who come there, the additional motivation will be the success of more experienced associates.

Exercise Bike
In any case, you can ride such bicycles while sitting, or you can significantly increase the load and pedal while standing. In this case, various muscle groups will work.

What muscles work on an exercise bike if you ride it while sitting? If the trainee occupies this position, the load mainly falls on his legs. Gets the calf muscles and muscles of the anterior thigh. Insignificant static load falls on the hands and press. More serious work is done by the back muscles to maintain the spine in the correct position (during occupation, the shoulder blades should be brought together, and the back remains straight).

What muscles work on the exercise bike, if you stand above the saddle and continue to ride while standing? The load in this case is more significant, especially if you “tighten” the resistance to simulate a climb uphill. The pedaling will be more difficult, which means that the press (straight and oblique muscles), back, arms will also get the load. Well, the main work will be on his feet: the front and back of the thigh, calves, buttocks.

Training can be aerobic (cardio-load), power and mixed type. This is determined by the intensity of the activity and the settings of the exercise bike (torsion resistance). In any case, regular exercises help to reduce weight and tighten the figure.

If we talk about which muscles swing on an exercise bike (their volume and mass increase significantly), then there is only one answer: leg muscles. True, this can be achieved with the most “harsh” equipment settings and daily activities. However, we can say that these simulators still belong to the class of "cardio" and are designed to increase stamina and reduce weight.

what muscles swing on an exercise bike

Exercise on a stationary bike - the path to good health and mood

As already described above, training using such equipment gives a significant burden on the heart, whose health is the key to the well-being of the whole body. Therefore, such exercises improve vascular tone, blood supply to internal organs, help relieve stress and recharge with a good mood. Of course, all this can be achieved not in one training session, but by conducting them constantly.

Having learned what muscles work on the exercise bike, it's time to hurry to the nearest sports club and begin active classes, because the beach season has already begun.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41315/

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