Kunya of Kazakhstan on how to cook beshbarmak

Quite often in our post-Soviet cuisine you can find dishes of other nationalities. Most likely, this is due to the fact that they have not only an interesting composition and specific taste, but also the ability to add variety to the usual diet. One of such dishes is Beshbarmak, who came to us from Kazakhstan. Since this dish is not common with us, few know how to cook beshbarmak.

It should be said that the Eastern people have long used the method of preparing a satisfying meal with a minimum set of ingredients. In addition, he used to do without tableware. Therefore, “beshbarmak” is translated as “five fingers”, which means that it is usually eaten with hands.

To date, there are quite a few ways to cook beshbarmak. Even in Kazakhstan, every cook prepares it to his taste. However, there is a traditional recipe for the preparation of this dish, which requires a careful attitude to all its components and a lot of time for its creation. The main components of beshbarmak are dough, broth and meat. It usually uses lamb or horse meat, but you can take other meat, such as beef or chicken. To make the broth rich, bones are also added to it, and to give it a special taste - carrots and onions. Onions must be cut into rings and fry in broth oil until golden brown.

In order to understand how to cook beshbarmak correctly, it must be remembered that the broth should be very rich, fat, but transparent. To do this, it is filtered through a sieve. Noodles for this dish are usually cooked at home, it is very important here that the dough is firm enough. So, the finished noodles are put in the broth and cooked for ten minutes, after which they are removed, laid out on a dish and watered with onion dressing. Chunks of meat are placed in the center of the dish, and the broth is poured into bowls. You can add pepper, herbs, garlic or other spices to Beshbarmak, but the main thing here is good meat with homemade noodles and rich saturated broth. Now it became known how to cook beshbarmak, this process is simple, but requires a long period of time.

It should be noted that the meat should be cooked for about three hours in a covered lid. An hour before the end of cooking, onions, carrots, peppers are added to it, while all the fat from the broth is removed, since onions will languish later in it.

Let's look at an example of how to cook chicken beshbarmak.

To do this, you need a two-kilogram chicken, five onions, herbs (you can use any), salt, spices, half a kilogram of flour and two eggs.

Chicken should be chopped and sent to boiling water (water must be taken three liters) and cook for at least two hours, salt and add spices. The resulting fat on the surface of the broth must be removed in a separate bowl.

While the meat is being cooked, you can cook the noodles. To do this, knead the steep dough using flour, eggs and a little broth. When rolling, the dough should be thin, it is cut in the form of rhombs or squares. Meat is taken out of the prepared broth. It is separated from the bones and laid out on a large dish. And in the broth, cook the noodles until it starts to surface.

Onions are cut into rings and fry in broth oil until golden brown. Ready noodles are taken out, placed on a dish with meat and sprinkled with stewed onions. The remaining broth is poured into bowls.

In Kazakhstan, every housewife knows how to cook beshbarmak. At the same time, real beshbarmak is cooked without adding potatoes. And since not everyone likes lamb, poultry or beef is often used in the preparation of this dish. A properly cooked Kazakh dish is able to please and surprise with its taste not only the hostess, but also her guests.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41319/

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