Wine "Fanagoria Saperavi" - production technology and shades of taste

Residents of the Taman Peninsula have been making wine since ancient times. The climate, the number of sunny days in a year and the special soil composition make the grapes grown in Taman unique in their taste. From the base varieties, such as Fanagoria Saperavi, Cabernet Sauvignon, Aligote, Merlot and Pinot Noir, wines of the elite Gru Lermont, 100 shades and Author's wines are produced.

History of Fanagoria

Near the factory "Fanagoria"

Many centuries ago, on the Taman Peninsula was the ancient Greek settlement of Phanagoria, founded around 539 BC. The city was able to survive the Great Migration of Peoples; in the 7th century it was the capital of Great Bulgaria and later became part of the Byzantine Empire. Residents left the settlement only in the middle of the X century. And all this time, the townspeople not only grew wheat, which they then imported into many Greek metropolitan areas, but also engaged in winemaking. During excavations, ancient wine vessels and coins with bunches of grapes were found.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the leadership of the winery, which appeared on this site more than 50 years ago, chose the name "Fanagoria".

At the end of the last century, winemakers tried to adapt grape varieties brought from France to the conditions of the Kuban. The vine has taken root well, and now Fanagoria's dry wines such as Saperavi, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir are made from the blend of these varieties.

Wines of the Gru Lermont Collection

Wine Saperavi

Dry wines of Fanagoria belong to monosortovye wines - only one grape variety is used for their production. Material for wine is collected manually, which allows the berries to be sorted during the assembly process, discarding unripe or spoiled ones. That is why wines such as Fanagoria Saperavi or Cabernet are famous for their unique bouquet and slightly tart taste.

Dry wines from the Gru Lermont collection are aged in oak barrels. Each wine type has its own technology, this allows you to achieve a soft velvety bouquet with a long finish.

Only natural corks are used to clog up bottles of wine from premium collections; this helps preserve the taste of the drink for a long time.

Collection "100 shades"

Wine "Saperavi 100 shades"

The line of premium wines "100 shades" at the factory began to produce several years ago. Now the collection includes three types of red wine (from the varieties "Fanagoria Saperavi" and "Cabernet") and white "Chardonnay".

Red wines of this series have a bright, open aroma, rich aftertaste and rich ruby ​​hues. The bouquet feels light notes of prunes, dried berries and chocolate. White "Chardonnay" is distinguished by its sunny straw color and light notes of fruit and citrus. This wine is ideal for dishes from fresh Black Sea fish.

Shortly after the collection was released, in 2015, wines were presented at the prestigious Decanter international competition in London. After evaluating 219 world-class experts, the wine of Fanagoria "Saperavi 100 Shades of Red" of the 2015 vintage became the owner of the platinum medal of the competition, gaining 95 points.

This achievement put the dry wine of the Fanagoria plant in line with the best wines of Central and Eastern Europe.

Collection "Copyright wines"

Series "Author's wine" Fanagoria

Focusing on the experience of his talented winemakers, the plant began to produce a series of exclusive copyright wines made according to their own recipes. It was based on the principle of blending basic grape varieties with not very well-known local varieties, such as Tsimlyansky Black, Krasnostop Zolotovsky and Platovsky grapes.

By this year, 13 wines, 6 white and red each and one rosé from Cabernet Franc, have already been presented in the Author's Wine line. All wines are made from local grapes, and the secret components and proportions of blends, about which not a single winemaker blabber, make each unique.

Among the prominent representatives of this collection, it is worth noting the Fanagoria wine "Saperavi copyright", known as "Author No. 1". The deep taste determines the grape variety Cabernet Sauvignon. It is he who is responsible for the bright berry tones in the taste and rich red color. What other grape varieties are used for "Copyright No. 1", winemakers keep secret. But this idea is so good that in 2012 at the XVI International professional competition of wines and spirits this wine won first place. Since then, several more prestigious awards have appeared in the collection of wine confessions.

Another find of the series was the red wine of Fanagoria "Cabernet Saperavi". It blended the classic international Cabernet Sauvignon grape variety and the rich Caucasian Saperavi. Usually in wines where Cabernet varieties are used, it is his taste that remains dominant. But in this blend, two powerful flavors harmoniously complement each other: the berry taste of Saperavi harmoniously harmonizes with the spicy astringency of Cabernet.

This wine was first presented to a court of experts in 2012 at the China Wine Awards, where it confidently received a gold medal. Since then, every year the wine "Cabernet Saperavi" confidently receives awards at international competitions.

Line of ordinary wines

Red wine in a glass

In addition to several collections of elite dry wines, the plant produces many affordable drinks. Their production is based on grapes of the same varieties that are used in elite lines and the taste is not very different.

These wines also beautifully and harmoniously reveal the taste of grapes, they are perfectly balanced and will be a wonderful addition to dinner. By the way, although collection dry wines are not bad stored, it is better to taste them fresh and young. This is the only way to fully enjoy the amazing taste of Fanagoria wines.


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