Effective mask for hair straightening at home

Smooth and obedient locks are the dream of every woman. To make it a reality is quite possible without expensive trips to the beauty salon and extreme ways. You can independently make curls smooth with a special ironing or hairdryer. An effective mask for hair straightening, made at home, will also help. Prepare it from improvised ingredients.

mask for hair straightening at home

Hair straighteners

Everyone knows the paradox: owners of perfectly straight and smooth hair dream of playful curls, and girls with luxurious curls sleep and see how their curls become perfectly straight. Irons and hair dryers, affecting the hair at high temperatures, do not have the best effect on its structure, destroying the strands and making them less attractive.

That is why it is worth paying attention to more gentle home hair straightening. It is worth noting that you should not expect an instant result. Cosmetic products are effective only in case of regular use for a certain time. Such caring masks, creams and muses, designed for naughty and curly curls, also have a therapeutic effect. They nourish the strands, restore the structure of the hair, and also contribute to their smoothing.

hair straightening cream

Common Ways

There are several ways to turn naughty curls into perfectly straight and shiny strands: chemical and mechanical. The latter, in turn, make hair smooth at home by exposure to high temperatures. Mechanical straightening methods include the use of a special ironing machine, professional hair dryer with ionization function, curling iron.

As for chemical alignment methods, they allow you to achieve the desired effect by affecting the structure of the hair, covering it with a specific film. These include the following procedures: lamination, the use of cosmetic products (masks, balms, conditioners and shampoos), as well as hair straightening with keratin.

There are also folk methods that can not only achieve the desired result, but also improve the appearance of the hair, providing it with nutrients. Mask for hair straightening at home can be made on the basis of beer, sugar or gelatin.

Hair straightening with folk remedies

Any young lady can get silky and shiny curls without resorting to salon methods. So, coconut, castor, linseed or olive oil will help the girls in this. It is ideal for hair straightening. Oil is applied along the length of the strands. It slightly makes the hair heavier, thereby leveling it. Colorless henna is also used for these purposes. Cosmetic masks from this product create the thinnest film, which also makes the curls heavier, straightens them and prevents the ends from being cut.

Some girls rated all the benefits of a low-alcohol drink as a natural straightener. A small amount of beer is applied to the washed hair with a sponge. Strong tea with a low sugar content (no more than a teaspoon per glass) straightens no less effectively. The product is applied to the tips with a sponge and effectively straightens them. Blondes instead of tea use lemon juice, which has brightening properties. Decorative means for straightening strands are added to it.

homemade hair straightening

Homemade cosmetics

At home, you can cook a wide variety of products that will straighten your hair. For example, using improvised ingredients, you can prepare a straightening hair cream :

  1. Based on oils. For cooking, it is necessary to slightly warm the almond, coconut or olive oil, apply it with massaging movements on the scalp and gently rub. Then wrap the hair with a terry towel or plastic wrap and leave it for a few minutes before washing.
  2. Based on honey. It is necessary to mix a few tablespoons of the sweet flower product with mashed strawberries and milk. Rub the resulting mixture into the basal region and leave for half an hour. Wash off with regular shampoo.

There is another good recipe with which you can prepare a homemade cream (based on oil) specifically for naughty hair. It is necessary to warm up a few tablespoons of almond oil, apply to hair and cover your head with plastic wrap. Then comb the strands and re-cover for half an hour. This tool will help straighten hair, and also protect them from the effects of ironing or hair dryer. In addition, there are several fairly simple recipes that allow you to not only straighten naughty hair, but also give it a well-groomed appearance and healthy shine.

hair straightening oil

Masks for hair straightening

Hair care products for smoothing hair are quite effective with regular use. White henna is very popular among owners of naughty ringlets . The mask for straightening hair made on its basis (at home) is highly effective.

A natural product gives the hair a healthy shine, and also makes them softer and more docile. To prepare a cosmetic product, you need to dilute the henna with water and apply to the hair. We stand the mass on strands for 45 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. When using such a mask at least twice a week for several months, you can notice an obvious result. Hair becomes smooth and obedient, gaining a healthy appearance and characteristic shine.


Natural Hair Health Ingredients

All the nobility of an exquisite drink can be used for the natural beauty of long hair. Cognac is the best mask for straightening hair at home. The recipe is very simple. To make cognac balm you will need a quarter cup of an alcoholic drink and the same amount of chamomile decoction. It is worth noting immediately one feature of the recipe - cognac can give a slightly darkish tint, so this ingredient is best used by girls with dark curls.

Cognac mask for hair straightening, made at home, is also recommended for weakened curls, prone to loss. A mixture of an alcoholic drink and chamomile must be carefully applied to the hair along the entire length - this can be done with a cotton pad. Leave for half an hour, covering your head with a towel or plastic wrap, and then rinse with water.

mask for hair straightening at home recipe

Homemade gelatin mask

To prepare a cosmetic product, the following ingredients are needed: one bag of gelatin and 3 tablespoons of warm water. We combine these components in one container and mix well. Leave for a while to swell. After this, the mixture must be heated until completely dissolved in a water bath and mixed with a small amount of hair balm. Apply to clean and damp hair, wrap head with cling film and leave for 50 minutes. Rinse off without using shampoo.

This mask is also used for home lamination of hair. As a result, the curls become shiny and silky, obedient and well-groomed. This tool has several advantages. Firstly, such a mask can be used an unlimited number of times. Secondly, gelatin contains natural protein, which is necessary for normal hair growth. Thirdly, the mask is available to each representative of the beautiful half of humanity. In the case where an instant result is needed, you can turn to mechanical methods of straightening hair at home. For these purposes, you will need a special iron or professional hair dryer with ionization.

DIY hair straightening mask

How to straighten hair with an iron?

To straighten the strands you will need the following set of tools:

  • flat comb;
  • barrette;
  • the iron itself;
  • a means to protect hair from exposure to high temperatures.

In no case should you straighten wet or even wet curls. After complete drying, it is necessary to treat the hair with a thermal protective agent and collect them on the back of the head, leaving small strands. Separating the curls, iron them gently with a curling iron. Remember that for perfectly smooth and smooth hair it is not at all necessary to go to beauty salons and buy expensive drugs. A mask for hair straightening, made with your own hands, is an equally effective tool that will help to achieve the desired result.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41341/

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