Zinoviev Nikolai Alexandrovich: biography, photo, family and work

Nikolai Alexandrovich Zinoviev is one of the strongest contemporary poets. He was originally from the Kuban and began to write his poems almost 25 years ago. Despite the fact that at one time the poet was a laureate of various Russian literary prizes, today he lives on a very meager pension. Nikolai Zinoviev, whose photo is almost always absent in literary magazines and encyclopedias, lives very modestly and leads an almost ascetic lifestyle.

What are the verses of one of the strongest authors of our time

Nikolai Zinoviev is a poet whose books, despite being published in small editions, always find their readers. This is explained by the fact that in his poems he sharply raises the problems of Russia and mourns the pain of his country. Moreover, in all works he remains a faithful patriot.

Nikolay Zinoviev, photo

Zinoviev Nikolay writes poems that differ from the works of other authors in their clarity and conciseness. In just a few lines, he is able to make the reader feel personal anxiety for the fates of Russian people. In his work, he categorically rejects any imitation, and thanks to this, Nikolai Alexandrovich managed to develop his inimitable style.

In verses, Zinoviev mainly addresses the topic of the loss of moral values ā€‹ā€‹of the Russian people, and lack of spirituality. He very sharply describes in his works the decline of morality and discusses the future of his country.

Nikolai Zinoviev - poet

In his work, the poet inclines to reflection, the advantage of which belongs to gloomy and disturbing tones. Despite the fact that after reading many of his works, the reader has a feeling of sadness, and sometimes even pain, the author has thousands of his fans.

The birth and youth of the poet

Nikolai Alexandrovich Zinoviev, whose biography began in the small town of Korenovsk, Krasnodar Territory, was born in 1960. The future poet had completely simple parents. His mother, Lidia Alexandrovna, was a teacher. Nikolai's father, Alexander Dmitrievich, was a simple worker.

Poet Nikolai Zinoviev, biography

As a child, he grew up as an ordinary child and did not cause his parents any particular problems. The boy also did not show any unusual and bright talents, and, it would seem, did not portend anything that in the future the child could become a famous poet.

Education received by Zinoviev

After graduating from school, the young Nikolai Zinoviev decided to go to vocational school, after which he received the profession of a welder. Further, he studied at the engineering college.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Zinoviev, biography

After receiving a technical diploma, a love of literature, which the future poet already had, made itself felt. Nicholas decided in absentia to continue his studies at the Kuban University, namely at his philological faculty. But life has developed in such a way that the next few years the most talented author was far from art.

Non-poetry work

The future poet Nikolai Zinoviev, whose biography is similar to the fate of many ordinary Russian guys, was forced to do work that could provide him financially. After graduating from university and receiving a philological diploma, the guy worked as a welder. He also has a hard job as a concrete worker. Sometimes Nicholas happened to moonlight as a loader.

Nikolai Zinoviev, biography

This talented man throughout his youth was forced to engage in heavy physical labor, and it seemed that constant lack of money and fatigue did not leave a single chance for a hidden poetic talent to prove himself.

The beginning of creativity

Everything changed after Nikolai Zinoviev once read poems published in the Kuban magazine. The poetry impressed the young man so deeply that he decided to try writing on his own. This happened when Nikolai was 20 years old. Zinoviev wrote exclusively for himself and showed his creations only to those closest to him.

Over time, the poetā€™s mother, Lidia Alexandrovna, persuaded her son to send poems to the regional newspaper. But, ironically, this local publication did not believe that the works belong to Nikolai himself.

By chance, these poems were noticed in 1982 by Vadim Nepodoba, an authoritative poet in the Kuban. His positive assessment of the work of Nicholas led to the fact that, inspired by his first success, the young poet continued to write poetry. In 1987, he released his first book of poems, entitled "I Walk On The Ground."

Despite the fact that the number of copies was not a record, in Russia they actively started talking about a new poet, and the works of this author quickly became recognizable among ordinary people. They were copied from books, passed from hand to hand, read and reprinted.

Released Collections

After recognizing the authorā€™s talent as a regional newspaper and praising Vadim Nepodoba for the Krasnodar edition, as already reported, in 1987 Zinovievā€™s first collection entitled ā€œI am Walking the Groundā€ was released. Further, with a certain interval, the following books were published:

  • "At the most ancient frontier."
  • "Taste of fire."
  • "Flight of the soul."
  • "I am Russian".
  • "Circle of love and kinship."
  • "The gray heart."
  • "New poems."
  • "I am the heir to love and sorrow."
  • "Days bestowed from above."
  • "Souls are sad outbursts."
  • "On the Cross."

Awards and nominations

Since 1993, Nikolai Alexandrovich has been a member of the Union of Writers of Russia. The undisputed talent of Zinoviev was noticed by many literary contests. At one time, the author was awarded several awards, among which:

  • Great literary prize;
  • authoritative award "Delvita";
  • Prize of the Writers' Union ā€œImperial Cultureā€ named after E. Volodina;
  • The Kulikovo Field Award dedicated to the memory of Vadim Negaturov;
  • All-Russian Orthodox Prize named after A. Nevsky.

Zinoviev Nikolay

Nikolai also became the winner of the following contests:

  • The Golden Feather.
  • "Poetry of the third millennium."
  • "Literary Russia".
  • "Imperial culture."

The poet's wife is his fulcrum

Zinoviev Nikolai Alexandrovich, whose wife (Irina) has been living with him for many years, rarely writes poetry about love. In a few interviews, he talks about his wife with great respect, but at the same time believes that they never cry out for real love.

Nikolai calls his wife not only an assistant and a support, but also, in a sense, a colleague. By education, Irina is a journalist, and often Zinoviev listens to her opinion and criticism during the preparation of the next collection.

The couple is currently raising two children: a son and a daughter. The family for the poet became a reliable support not only in words. An example of the full support of each other's spouses is the real story of their lives.

A few years ago, when Zinovievā€™s poems were already beginning to be recognized throughout Russia, the couple continued to live in their Korenovsk in a neglected and very old house. Since the eldest daughter was already born in the family at that time, the issue of new housing was very acute.

Irina and Nikolai had to work hard in order to somehow raise money for a new home. They were engaged in agriculture, raised bull and piglets for sale. Despite the fact that the couple were not afraid of any work, they still had to constantly save.

At this moment, Nikolai Alexandrovich had the opportunity to publish his next collection in Moscow. The only problem for the release of the new book was the lack of funding. Having learned about this, Irina, without hesitation, sent all the money accumulated over several years, and thanks to this, the next book of poems by her husband was published.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Zinoviev

Over time, fate rewarded Irina for her act. At one of the events, which was dedicated to the work of Nicholas, was attended by the head of the district. A few days later, after he personally heard Zinovievā€™s poems, the official ordered that a new large house be allocated to the family.

Everyday life and everyday problems of genius

Nikolai Zinoviev, whose biography, unfortunately, resembles the fate of many talented poets, does not earn fabulous sums from his verses. He lives modestly and is published in very small print runs. For this reason, buying an authorā€™s book today is very difficult.

If he is invited, he is happy to attend various literary events, to which, as a rule, his faithful wife accompanies him. Among his favorite poets, Zinoviev singles out Soloviev, Blok, Lermontov, Kuznetsov and Pasternak.

Nikolai Alexandrovich is a deeply religious person. Regarding questions and his not always easy life, he replies that a true Christian should not grumble. Zinoviev says that he is very calm about his fame and recognition, as well as his frequent material difficulties. He is convinced that all earthly problems and joys are exclusively temporary.

N. Zinoviev never complains about his fate and believes that the life of a real poet can never be easy. Writing about the problems and sorrows of a simple Russian person is possible only if you yourself go his way.

Despite the small runs of his publications, Zinovievā€™s poems were translated into Vietnamese, Czech, Belorussian, Montenegrin, and Armenian.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41344/

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