Snake hair oil: reviews

Snake oil has magical properties for hair. It restores curls, gives them radiance and shine.

snake oil


Snake hair oil is a natural product. He gives curls nutrition, accelerates their growth. The oil has healing properties:

  • Makes the root system strong and healthy.
  • Helps in the fight against hair loss.
  • In the summer, it protects from exposure to the sun.
  • Eliminates dandruff.

Oil is able to eliminate itching due to its properties. After application, the hair is combed well and becomes more silky.

The composition of the oil includes vitamins A, C, B, D, unsaturated fatty acids, natural antiseptics of animal origin.

Snake hair oil, reviews of which can be found in scriptures from ancient times, activates sleeping bulbs. After regular use, the curls become more voluminous.

Oils based on cobra fat are ideal for dry and brittle hair. They give them a natural shine and beauty.

snake hair oil

How to apply

There are several ways to use snake oil. First of all, it is used as an additional tool for hair care. To do this, apply a small amount of oil in the palm of your hand and rub it into the scalp and curls before washing and stand for 10 minutes.

The effect will be visible after just a few uses. Hair will become more silky, shiny and beautiful.

The uniqueness of the oil is given by snake fat, which is obtained from the inside of its skin. It is rich in vitamins and amino acids that are beneficial for the scalp and hair.


Snake hair oil, a photo of which can be seen in advertisements for hair care products, is not suitable for every girl. Before use, it is recommended to apply a small drop on the wrist to check for allergic reactions.

Do not use oil for wounds and scratches on the scalp, as well as skin infections. It is forbidden to use it due to the presence of snake in the composition of fat during pregnancy and lactation.

snake hair oil reviews

Who can use oil

The tool is recognized as an excellent solution for the prevention of hair loss. Who can use snake oil:

  • To people who want their hair to be healthy and long.
  • Owners of dry and weakened curls.
  • The oil is ideal for hair prone to loss.

A natural product can eliminate many problems in a short time. A drop of oil added to the shampoo during washing will help restore the natural shine of the hair.

Where could I buy

You can buy snake oil at specialized hair cosmetics stores. There are many sellers on the Internet who specialize in products from the East.

snake hair oil reviews and applications
The most popular manufacturers of such oils are:

  1. Hemani . He is located in Pakistan. Sandalwood, olive, sesame are also added to snake oil.
  2. Zafayer Snake Oil from United Arab Emirates. The product has a lower price. Quality remains high.
  3. Tala Snake Oil from Turkey. The most affordable manufacturer of snake oil oils.

When choosing a product, it is important to pay attention to the composition and price, the country in which it is made.

Hair masks

Girls, buying a product, are wondering how to use it correctly so as not to harm the curls. You need to be very careful when buying snake hair oil. How to use it is always described in the instructions, but professional hairdressers advise making various caring masks with its use.

The most popular is a tool for hair growth. For its manufacture:

  • 2 tablespoons of dry nettle are thoroughly chopped and mixed with boiling water until smooth.
  • Then add one few drops of oil and a pinch of cinnamon to the resulting mass.
  • After mixing thoroughly, the mask is applied to slightly damp clean hair and kept for 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse with warm running water.

This care routine is recommended every week.

snake hair oil how to use

To nourish the hair with vitamins, restore their elasticity and shine, use a tool made at home. For this:

  • Add 3 drops of bergamot essential oil to a teaspoon of snake fat oil and mix well.
  • Then the mixture is heated in a water bath and applied along the entire length of the hair after washing the hair.
  • After 30 minutes, the hair is washed with running water.

The mask against split ends is used once a week for prevention and treatment.

For oily hair, it is not recommended to use oil in its pure form. For this:

  • 2 parts of dried chamomile flowers are crushed and poured with green tea until gruel is formed.
  • Add 2 parts of blue cosmetic clay and some oil from snake oil.
  • Thoroughly mixing the mask until smooth, apply it to dry hair and leave for 30 minutes.

Such a tool does not require rinsing. It will give the hair volume and natural shine.

Head massage

To strengthen the hair roots, it is recommended to apply oils in a circular motion. Massage is done before washing the hair. To do this, drip a little warm oil from snake oil onto your hands and distribute it to the roots. Fingers massage the head for about ten minutes, and then wash in the usual way.

snake hair oil photo

There are a lot of methods for performing the procedure, you need to choose the optimal one. Massage using snake oil will strengthen the hair follicles, relieve headaches.

Before starting the procedure, it is important to check for allergic reactions. To do this, a drop of cobra oil is applied to the wrist, and if redness does not appear, you can proceed to massage.

Laying and curling curls

Varnishes and mousses adversely affect the quality and health of hair. They can be replaced with natural cobra oil. It does not violate the structure of the hair, and also protects against external influences.

How to make styling:

  • On clean, washed hair, apply a drop of the product.
  • Using a comb, distribute the oil along the entire length of the curls.
  • After that, you can start styling or curling hair using a hairdryer or curling iron.

Snake oil is able to maintain a hairstyle for a long time, and at the same time strengthen the curls, make them more shiny and silky.

The opinion of professionals

Experts believe that snake oil perfectly helps in the fight against hair loss, makes them strong, gives a healthy shine.

It can be used at any age for both men and women. Thanks to its unique composition, it moisturizes hair, stimulates growth, and protects against ultraviolet radiation.

During the massage, the oil improves blood circulation, removes dead skin cells, strengthens hair follicles. Curls become elastic, healthy and shiny.


What do women think about purchasing a product like snake hair oil? Reviews and application speak of an incredible effect that can be seen almost immediately.

Owners of long hair note that cobra oil makes the hair more dense, keeps styling well. It is also noted that after applying the product, curls are less likely to need washing.

Girls say that hair is easier to comb after applying snake oil. In addition, it makes their natural shade brighter and more saturated.

The oil completely removes the electrification of the hair, making it more docile. If the hair is bleached or dyed, it will help to maintain the brightness of the color longer.

Snake oil is a unique product donated by nature. Beauticians note that it copes with any hair problems perfectly, gives them healthy shine and beauty, protects from the sun.


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