Medium-length haircuts: types, fashion options

Fashionable haircuts for hair, which have become even more unexpected and sophisticated this season, help make the image more expressive and vibrant girls. Stylists offer various individual variations based on classic and universal forms.

Medium-length haircuts have always been and remain the most successful choice, since they provide an opportunity to demonstrate to others not only the beauty of hair, but also the tenderness of the image as a whole. With all this, the concept of average hair length in the current year is conditional - the length and volume should be selected based on your own feelings and appearance.

Recommendations for choosing a fashionable haircut for medium hair

The main trend of the last few years is naturalness, and this is manifested in everything - in haircuts, hairstyles and hairstyles. The key fashion trends for medium-length haircuts this season are:

  1. Natural volume. It should be as natural as possible - fleeces and other similar variations are in the past.
  2. Light carelessness and geometric contours are the latest trend in fashionable haircuts.
  3. Asymmetry. She must certainly be in a haircut, or at least in one part of it.
  4. Classic hairstyles. Stylists and classics did not lose sight, however, they brought fresh notes to it with the help of hairdresser tricks.
  5. Shocking. Unusual news for many - shaved temporal and occipital parts in combination with a square. Only the most daring and decisive beauties will prefer innovation.
  6. Graduation and beveled parting. These elements were present in past seasons and smoothly passed into the current.
medium length haircuts

Most of the previously fashionable hairstyles were supplemented by a list of other hairdressing innovations. The most relevant medium-length haircuts this season are different bean options, an unexpected approach to the execution of a square and a cascade in different interpretations.

Elongated bob

This hairstyle at the peak of popularity has been holding for several years in a row, this is not at all surprising, since it looks very stylish, feminine, gives the image freshness and youth. In addition to all these advantages, the elongated bean is very practical, it easily changes from everyday styling to an evening hairstyle. By choosing this haircut, you can solve several problems in one fell swoop:

  1. Add the missing volume.
  2. Balance facial proportions.
  3. Choose an individual style depending on the type of hair, a haircut is suitable for any texture.

Asymmetric bean

The essence of the haircut is that the strands are made of different lengths, and this difference can be both barely visible and very significant, up to 15 cm. In this design, the bean looks more extravagant. There are many options for an asymmetric hairstyle, the choice depends on which area of โ€‹โ€‹the neck or face you want to show or cover.

The most popular option for a medium-length haircut is when strands up to the clavicles remain near the face, and the back is cut off at shoulder level. The gap between these two parts can reach 5โ€“7 cm.

medium length haircuts


This variety of bean is a mixture of two directions. Geometric and straight lines crossed from the bean haircut, and the torn contours, which are obtained by graduation, were borrowed from the square. In addition, the hairstyle does not exclude the presence of a bang, which is often present in the square. However, this element of the haircut has undergone changes, most often it is made beveled and torn.

Favorite 2018: graduated bean

This year, a graduated bean won the special love of women, the main advantage of which is multifunctionality. The hairstyle goes well with almost any shape of the face, so itโ€™s suitable as a medium length haircut for overweight women. By the way, the people of this hairstyle have a large number of names - ladder, cascade, multi-layer bean and other varieties. Graduation forms a lush shape and a beautiful volume, including on rare hair.

Graduated bean has many advantages:

  1. Switching attention from flaws to face virtues. For example, with the help of such a hairstyle, you can hide a large chin, wide cheekbones and deep-set eyes.
  2. The texture of the hairstyle allows you to create a lush and elegant shape.
  3. The absence of cut ends on the hair. This becomes possible due to the fact that cutting with a ladder allows you to create โ€œstepsโ€ in a chaotic manner.
  4. An ideal form for those who dye their hair using ombre or balayazh technology, as color transitions are clearly visible.

But there is a disadvantage of a graduated bean - the complexity of laying. This process will require more time, since the complex structure of a multilayer haircut is formed in different directions.

medium length haircut for full

Caret with shaved temporal part and nape

For lovers to attract attention and look not only fashionable, but also extraordinary, stylists have made adjustments to the usual square. The haircut differs from the classic variation in the extremely short nape length and shaved temples. Restrained hairstyle has changed dramatically, becoming ultramodern and non-standard. In addition, there was a huge space for fantasy receptions, for example, some decorate the shaved area with various patterns, and long strands are combed on one side, making waves or an even strip of them.

Bob Carry with Pigtails

This tandem looks very fresh and stylish, since the braids of girls have always been a standard of beauty. And even if nature has not gifted the girl with long hair, this is not a reason for gloom, you can just braid the braids from the elongated locks of a bob-car. A fashionable haircut of medium length makes it possible to do this. The pigtail can be placed above the bangs or let go according to the diameter of the head in the manner of a โ€œFrench waterfallโ€.

Haircuts with bangs

haircuts medium length for a round face

Bangs again quickly broke into fashion, and she appears in various interpretations, sometimes very unexpected and even incomprehensible. For example, the bangs in a gradient bean became the novelty of the season. The advantages of her presence are obvious - equalization of facial imbalances, emphasis on the eyes, masking of wrinkles in adult women. Medium length haircuts with bangs allow any of its shape without any restrictions. It can be straight, beveled, torn, rounded, asymmetric and so on. The main condition is that it should be harmoniously combined with a haircut and face shape.

Medium length haircuts for round faces

As noted earlier, at the peak of popularity there are various variations of quads and beans. The average length of the locks makes it possible to execute them in different forms, but taking into account the structure, as well as the coloring of the hair. In addition, it is extremely important to take into account the shape of the face, especially when it comes to chubby beauties. For example, they are contraindicated in the classic form of a bean or a haircut on a leg, since hairstyles of this kind form a clear ball shape, which will play a bad role for a round face. The most successful haircuts of medium length for a round face are:

  1. Asymmetric bean variation with long locks on the face and a short nape.
  2. Cascading haircut. It will be good only if you do not put your hair inward towards the face.
  3. French pluck. The ragged ends of the haircut distract attention from a round face.
medium haircuts

Oval shaped haircuts

Surely for many it is no secret that the owners of the oval type of face are most fortunate, because almost any hairstyle and hairstyle suits them. This form is perfect, so choosing a fashionable haircut of medium length is quite simple. However, with all the ideality of the proportions, one must remember that all people are different and they may have individual flaws and shortcomings. These include:

  1. Volumetric forehead. If this area is problematic, with high bald patches, it is recommended to veil it with a bang.
  2. A narrow face. In this case, the bangs are contraindicated.
  3. Size and irregular shape of the ears. Even the perfect oval of the face can be spoiled by large and protruding ears, therefore asymmetric stylish haircuts of medium length, opening the side of the head, should be discarded.
  4. Age. This criterion is of great importance when choosing a perfect hairstyle, it is unlikely that the beauty of an adult woman will be emphasized by an extraordinary and very creative haircut.

Haircuts for liquid hair

Unfortunately, not everyone is naturally given long and voluminous hair, many women have a problem with thin and silky locks, which means that it can be difficult for them to choose a hairstyle. Haircuts for liquid hair of medium length (fashionable this season) will help to solve this problem:

  1. Classic square of the same length.
  2. Multi-stage bean.
  3. French style haircut.
  4. Multi-layer ladder.
stylish haircuts of medium length

All these options are connected by one common property - they give volume to the hair. Medium length haircuts for liquid hair are thought out in such a way as to increase the thickness of thin hair, giving them a lush and layered texture. If the hair is not only liquid, but also curly, then an asymmetric bean with long locks on the face will become the ideal haircut. This will help to give the hair a volume that is so lacking.

Medium-long hair styling trends

Fresh notes in the form of new forms of fashionable styling have been added to the classic lines of hairstyles. After all, trends are changing. The main idea is a light but carefully thought-out negligence and naturalness, without indicative rigor and smoothness.

Stylists advise this season to abandon strong and hard styling products in favor of a natural and soft volume. You can model and style a bob haircut (like a bob) in different ways, since they are very versatile. This year you can choose a medium-length haircut with and without bangs, walk with perfectly straightened, smooth strands, and with a little disheveled, there is only one rule - you need to abandon only ideal and too decorative curls and curls.

medium length haircuts without styling

Haircuts that do not require styling

Any woman strives to be not only attractive, but also follow fashion trends. And since modern beauties are increasingly striving for naturalness and comfort, then they choose haircuts of medium length without styling, with which they do not need to suffer for a long time. These include:

  1. Four of a kind. A universal haircut suitable for almost everyone. A classic option is considered a haircut, in which the length of all hair is the same.
  2. Asymmetric square. A distinctive feature is the uneven length of all hair. This hairstyle is suitable for courageous girls who choose bright and eye-catching images.
  3. Haircut cascade on medium length hair. This is a multi-stage hairstyle with locks of various lengths. The technique of its implementation is quite a lot, therefore, it will not be difficult to choose an ideal form taking into account age, type of face, hair structure and other things. Cascading haircuts can be of several types, namely double, torn, multi-layer and graduated.
  4. Ladder. It is a kind of cascade and is a multi-layer haircut. The technique is that the hair is cut so that the shortest length is at the top and the longest strands are at the bottom. The transition between them is done in different ways, that is, it can be smooth and barely noticeable or sharp.


Loved by many types of haircuts for the average length of hair in the form of a bean, square and cascade are win-win options at any time. Stylists did not forget about extreme lovers, offering them a non-standard approach - a square with shaved sections. With such a variety of fashionable haircuts, every girl will be able to choose her hair style, taking into account the type of appearance, age and lifestyle.


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