How to become a director: making dreams come true

Perhaps there is no person in this world who would not at least once want to try himself in a movie or on stage. Artists are a specific people. And not everyone can decide on such a profession. And if you want to become a director, then know that it is much more difficult for them. But if the craving for a dream is haunting, then try it! And we will tell you how to become a director.

Weigh your strength

First you need to evaluate your strength and understand what such a creative profession is. Here you need to have a non-standard vision of situations, imagination and the ability to work with people. Although the director is not a screenwriter, it depends on him as a result of how credible the work will turn out, how the actors will look in it. In addition, if you are thinking about becoming a director, evaluate your organizational skills. The ability to assemble a tired troupe and give it a boost of energy is very useful here! And one more quality that the future director will definitely need is a strong spirit. After all, breaking out in a celebrity here is even more difficult than in acting. Plus to all - irregular working hours and creative pursuits. Although, if you read all this, you have not lost faith in the dream, then it’s worth the risk.

how to become a director


director's courses

At the initial stage, of course, you can take directing courses. For example, in some theater studio. Scriptwriter courses will also help. But to get a real "ticket" to the world of cinema and theater, this is not enough. The director is now taught at the institutes of culture, cinematography, as well as theater academies. If you live in a province, then you can enter a theater school. For the entry level, that's enough. And if after such an education your intentions only become stronger, you will have to conquer the capital. In Moscow, directors are trained at the RATI and VGIK. The first university educates theatrical figures, and the second - those who will work on creating films and series. The competition for these specialties is big - sometimes it reaches five hundred people in one place. Therefore, it is important to remember something. Sometimes the creative phase of testing takes months. In order to understand in practice how to become a director, you should believe in your strength and subdue the teachers. Therefore, it is necessary "one hundred percent" to prepare for the creative competition in writing, as well as for further interviews. Your ideas should be non-banal and memorable - this is the only way you can do directing. In many universities, written work can be sent in advance, so attach a video of some of your small production (if any) to it just in case.

screenwriting courses

Instead of a conclusion

If you nevertheless overcame the difficult test of admission, then the question of how to become a director will be relevant for you in the future. Indeed, a lot of time is spent on studying at such universities. And after its completion, you need to be able to find a job. This task is also not easy. It's easier for filmmakers - after all, there are more television projects. But for those whose path is theater, they will need to look for a place longer. But if you have an inner core, faith in a dream and talent, then all the obstacles will be nothing.


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