Freezing tomatoes for the winter is a great way to preserve vitamins.

freezing tomato
In summer, many fruits and vegetables are available to us. And when winter comes, our table becomes rather poor in vitamins. How to avoid this? Good housewives know the method of stockpiling for the winter. The crop is perfectly stored and at the same time does not lose its beneficial properties. Home-freezing vegetables and fruits is an ideal way to preserve the gifts of summer, and they retain much more vitamins than when dried or canned. In addition, everyone knows that in the winter many people cannot afford vegetables and fruits. And freezing them in the summer, you can save in the cold season. And the procedure itself does not require much time and labor.

General rules for freezing

  1. Only frozen vegetables and fruits are used for freezing.
  2. Before the process, the products are washed and dried so that they do not stick together.
  3. Store in the refrigerator no longer than a day.
  4. Blanching is allowed.
  5. Vegetables and fruits are cleaned of tails, seeds, inedible parts, large cut smaller.
  6. They must be stored in tight and durable bags or special packaging for no more than 1 year.

homemade vegetable freeze
Frozen fruits taste good and smell good. In cooking, they are used for a variety of dishes. Try to freeze tomatoes so that in winter you can not only enjoy your favorite vegetable, but also feed your body with useful vitamins and minerals.

Freezing tomatoes for the winter. Ways and Tips

If the vegetables are frozen whole, then they can then be used for stuffing. The preparation process takes some time. Wash tomatoes thoroughly under running water. Dry on a paper towel. Pulp with seeds is removed from each fruit and gently placed in a bag or container in a row. Next, send the tomatoes to the freezer. Since these vegetables are very tender, care must be taken not to crush them or ruin their appearance. Tomatoes can be frozen for the winter in two more ways - they can be cut into small pieces and mashed. What is the process? For the first method, you need to wash the tomatoes and dip them in boiling water for a few seconds to remove the skin. Then the tomatoes are cut into small slices, laid out in prepared bags, tied tightly and put into the freezer. Freezing a tomato in the second way also does not require much effort. Vegetables are washed, dried and wiped through a sieve. Then they are laid out in prepared containers and immediately frozen. You can also harvest small cherry tomatoes. There is a slight nuance.

freezing tomatoes for the winter
In these vegetables, it is necessary to make several punctures with a knife in order to avoid the "explosion" of such tomatoes.

As you can see, freezing tomatoes for the winter is a fairly quick and uncomplicated way to preserve summer vitamins in the freezer. After all, vegetables should be the indispensable product in the diet. They are not only low-calorie, but also contribute to the partial elimination of cholesterol from the body. And after reading the article, even an inexperienced housewife will understand that freezing tomatoes for the winter is a necessary annual process. And when fresh vegetables are absent on our table, frozen ones can perfectly replace them.


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