Trophy is the foundation of a healthy life!

Talk about proper nutrition became popular only at the end of the 20th century, when people massively rushed to follow the figure. But the corresponding processes of the body have been studied for a long time, and all of them are included in the scientific term "trophic". These are many processes of eating and removing waste at the cell level. The slightest failure leads to damage to the body, and many familiar names for diseases are formed only with the help of prefixes to an unusual word.

Origin of the word

The Greeks called trophe a meal. If you want to ensure the harmonious growth of the body, the full maturation of a person in physiological and psychological senses, to maintain the functioning of organs at the proper level, then you must support trophism. This can be done by simply observing the diet and physical activity. A balanced meal avoids a shortage or overabundance of important elements. And the bloodstream timely carries out their delivery and abduction.

Dystrophy (left)

Types, diseases

Scientist Pavlov revealed the existence of a connection between special nerves and organs. Nerve trophic tissue is a special effect of the nervous system, which is reflected in the metabolism. The experience is famous when a dog choked with saliva when she saw the light on, because she subconsciously expected a good dinner. The opposite situation occurs in a person who cannot swallow a spoon due to excessive excitement.

In this case, the only good condition is eutrophy, that is, the absence of the slightest glitches. Unfortunately, due to genetic or other disorders, as well as due to eating disorders, contemporaries are more familiar with other situations:

  • hypertrophy - getting excessive nutrition, cells become larger, organs, tissues increase in size;
  • hyperplasia - similar to the previous option, but the cells grow not in size, but in number;
  • malnutrition - lack of food, followed by a decrease in organs and tissues;
  • hypoplasia - a decrease in the number of cells;
  • atrophy - the complete disappearance of a certain group of cells due to the lack of any recharge;
  • dystrophy - a pathology with a change in the structure of tissues.

This is a cruel reality that is easy to avoid if you follow the advice of doctors.

The study of conditioned reflexes

In everyday life and not only

Medical workers can safely declare: improper or impaired trophism is the basis of most diseases. Moreover, it affects not only the diet, but also severe stress. The nervous system and endocrine glands easily destroy the fragile inner world of a person, especially during adulthood. Do you want for yourself and loved ones none of the above diseases? Then follow the diet, create comfortable living conditions and do not forget to visit the hospital for an annual examination!


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