The editor-builder is ... Description of the profession and main responsibilities

At the present stage, the appearance of products plays a huge role. A successful sale directly depends on the attractiveness of the package. This rule also applies to print media. A huge number of specialists are working on creating a magazine or book. And if everyone knows about editors, designers and journalists, few people know who the editor is. This profession remains a mystery to many people. And it is about this specialist that the review will be discussed.

What does he do?

The editor is a specialist who is responsible for all illustrations in the print media. He is engaged in the search and selection of images that will fully comply with the subject of the article. But the illustration he chooses will be posted or not, the editor-in-chief decides.

bill duties editor

In simple words, a build editor is an employee who daily views a huge number of photographs, choosing those images that will be placed on the covers of the printed publication. Apart from him, no one can find photographs, pick up the right combination of pictures with each other.

The specialist’s duties also include monitoring and constant replenishment of the archive with photographs. Naturally, the build editor should be well-versed in this repository.

Where to look for the necessary materials?

So, we figured out that the build editor is a specialist who searches for photos. But where can he get the required materials?

First, you can use photo banks for these purposes. A huge number of snapshots are stored on such network resources. And it is precisely from their number that one can select those illustrations that most closely correspond to the themes of the printed publication or article. This option assumes that the specialist should have such skills as a sense of taste, perseverance and patience.

how to become a build editor

Secondly, photographers work in many publications. They are engaged in the creation of images, from which you can subsequently select the most suitable options. In this case, the duties of the build editor will include the management of full-time photographers. He must give them tasks, coordinate actions, maintain constant communication.

Thirdly, you can use the usual search. At the present stage on the Internet you can find many photos that are in the public domain. However, in some situations, you still need to contact the author and get permission to use his pictures. Otherwise, copyright may be violated.

Important Nuances

A build editor is a specialist who is not just looking for illustrations for a print publication. He should also be able to explain in an accessible manner why the choice was made in favor of a particular photograph. Without this skill you can only dream about career growth.

editorial activity

The specialist also maintains documentation on illustrative material. His work with full-time journalists, photo banks should be clearly documented. In addition, it is this specialist who deals with payment issues.

The work of the editor-in-chief is closely related to the preparation of documentation regarding the payment of bonuses to photographers and designers. He makes sure that the rights and interests of the authors of photographs are clearly respected. And in some cases, it is the build editor that processes photos and images.


How to become a build editor? There are several options. Firstly, you can enter the faculty of journalism. Secondly, all the necessary skills can be learned independently. At the present stage, there are quite a lot of specialists who studied theory and learned the basics of the profession during the performance of their duties, and not at the institute.

Large print media have departments where any creative person can find a job. Moreover, the availability of special education is not a decisive condition. Once in the position of assistant or trainee, you can master all the basics of the profession.

In some cases, journalists or photographers become bill editors, because professions are related, familiar. Therefore, getting used to a new field of activity is much easier.

Advantages of the profession

Any field of activity has both advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects of a profession such as a bill editor should be considered.

famous editors
  1. Moral satisfaction. Usually this feeling arises when empty shelves are displayed in stores that previously had a printed publication created with the direct participation of a build editor.
  2. The ability to work remotely. Build editors do not have to work in a team all the time. Some creative people need privacy.
  3. If a specialist manages to prove himself on the best side, he will not remain without work even after reaching retirement age. A good build editor can always provide himself with income.
  4. There are all necessary conditions for continuous self-improvement. Work in the print media involves communication with famous, brilliant personalities.

Negative points

  1. The editor-builder is a specialty that is not suitable for people with poor eyesight, problems with the musculoskeletal system and nervous system. The thing is that you have to constantly work with a computer and with people who can’t always understand what the build editor requires of them.
  2. Specialty involves a high level of responsibility.
  3. The competition for the place of the build editor is quite tough.


Specialty requires not only specific knowledge. One must also love, respect photographs, know their language, be able to understand the meaning and subtext. It is necessary to master the art of combining pictures with each other, the formation of a visual series. In some ways, the work resembles film editing.

We must attend photo exhibitions

Famous build editors (for example, Tikhon Bazilevsky, Ekaterina Furtseva, Natasha Istomina, Anton Zhukov) usually do not miss photo exhibitions, are familiar with photographic equipment. They even study publications in other publications. To achieve great heights in this profession, to subsequently head the bill service, you need to devote all your attention and time to the cause.


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