The Triple Helix by Milton Erickson: how it works, examples. Neuro-Linguistic Programming

The name of Milton Erickson quite often appears in the field of neuro-linguistic programming. His work, based on numerous studies in the field of altered states of consciousness, has become key in medical hypnosis. It was this American psychiatrist who created the hypnotic technique called the Triple Helix, which allows you to enter a person into a trance state so that he does not feel and is not aware of the hypnotic effects.

The essence of the technique of Milton Erickson

The subconscious mind is limitless

As mentioned earlier, this is such a hypnosis technique with which you can enter a person in a trance state in such a way that the subject does not feel the effect. This technique is one of the most powerful in neuro-linguistic programming. Its basis is effective methods of speech exposure, so the result of this technique is amazing. The essence of the Triple Helix technique of Milton Erickson is as follows: the specialist who owns it tells a story in which there are specially selected key phrases that you need to instill in a person. It is surprising that in the session there are three stories that are completely unrelated.

How does it work?

Human brain

So, the specialist begins by telling the first story, and then, when approaching the finale, abruptly switches to the second without linking them together. Then such a trick is carried out with the second story, abruptly moving to the third story. The final text should contain key phrases that need to be “embedded” in the client’s subconscious. Undoubtedly, this story is compiled using certain techniques of controlling consciousness. Further, after telling the third story, the hypnotist instantly proceeds to the second text and finishes it. After this, the first story ends, and it is important to start from the place where it was originally completed. In order for this monologue to bear fruit, it is important not to lose sight of any detail, and also not to make long pauses. To avoid mistakes, you can consider how this technique looks in practice.

Triple Helix Examples

One person speaks, another - listens

The presented option will contain a hidden suggestion about relieving pain and improving well-being. Next, three stories will be given in the desired sequence.

History 1 (beginning)

In the hectic weekdays, we forget about our physical and moral condition. Burrowing into everyday and work problems, we postpone trips to doctors and remember about our health only when serious problems lie in wait for us. When I was told at the doctor’s office about the need for surgery, I did not postpone it, and it was carried out the very next day.

History 2 (beginning)

It is a pity that not everyone knows how to listen to the signals that our body sends us. Sometimes they serve as a sign that it is necessary to change a familiar life. My dad was very often ill when he worked on a steaming tanker: his chronic bronchitis was in an acute phase. He often took sick leave, underwent a course of treatment, but the result was short-lived. In connection with the specifics of the work, each time he became worse and worse.

Story 3 (suggestion)

The power of a word

In those moments when I feel unwell, I try to stop, catch my breath and listen to my body. Being in an unhealthy state, I analyze and suggest possible options for the causes of my illnesses. For example, a headache can cause overstrain, and a lack of joy in life or life difficulties can cause pain in the heart. At such moments, I take a deep breath and exit, relax, calm down, and notice that after some time the pain goes away.

Story 2 (ending)

After dad changed jobs, where working conditions are not so difficult, bronchitis began to torment him much less often. After it turned out that his constant illness was a signal of the need for changes in his life.

History 1 (ending)

The operation was successful, and after that I feel much better. Usually we get an understanding of what is happening after we have to part with something. And at that moment I realized that you need to be aware and live every moment of your life, be able to listen to your body and not bring the situation to extremes. Now I always find time to relax and monitor my health.

Stream of thoughts

The following example is programmed for the listener to believe in themselves.

History 1 (beginning)

This happened in the spring of the year before last, when I was a student at a pedagogical university in my last year. All five years I was an example for my fellow students, studied well and went to the red diploma. But the conflict with the supervisor of diploma work crossed out the further opportunity to safely defend his work and get the coveted red diploma.

Story 2 (beginning)

Sometimes the various difficulties that life presents lead us to despair, and only then we realize that this was all for the good. I came to this conclusion when my sister was in search of work for a long time.

Story 3 (suggestion)

In those moments when I am faced with various problems, and it seems that there is no strength to fight, and hands are already dropping, I assiduously assure myself: "Be confident in yourself. You are strong. Believe in yourself and your strength. You will surely succeed ! " These words help me to cope with anxiety and understand that everything is solved. These are not complicated words that can work a miracle. Therefore, do not forget about the power of the word and your own inner power.

Story 2 (ending)

While my sister was in search of work, over the course of two years she went through more than forty interviews. Due to the lack of self-realization, favorite business and financial income, she began to lose heart. But one day, being at the next interview, when she was asked who she sees herself in five years, she realized that she wanted to become a child psychologist. After my sister went to university and received special training, she immediately found a psychologist in a child care institution, where she still enjoys working today.

History 1 (ending)

There was only three months left before the defense of the thesis, but there was nowhere to go: I had the courage and achieved that I had changed the supervisor. On a decisive day for me, namely, on the day the diploma was defended, in order to avoid an incorrect assessment of my first scientific adviser, she was asked not to take part in evaluating my work. Thus, the selection committee rated my performance and work for the highest score, and thanks to this I received a red diploma. As it turned out later, my new supervisor turned out to be part-time director of one large holding. After the brilliant defense of the diploma, he invited me to work in his company. And for a year now I have been heading one of the departments of this holding. This life situation made it clear to me that in no case should we step back from our goals, and all the difficulties that are given to us, at times are only good for us. One has only to accept the problems that fate provides us and solve them with a proudly raised head.

This ends the story. Now stop and remember all three stories that you read. Analyze them and try to highlight the suggestion contained in the third story.

Reveal Secrets

Brain work

The emphasis in the Triple Helix concept is that stories are capable of controlling the listener's mind. For this reason, when compiling them, it is important to take into account the interests of man. Abrupt transitions from one story to another help to confuse the listener’s consciousness and automatically force him to search for meaning. And it is at this time that the suggestion takes place. Given that a state of confusion and confusion can discourage consciousness, at this point the suggestion penetrates the subconscious. Actually, this is the result of the Triple Helix in NLP.

The concept of technology includes three important points:

  • Stories should be as simple and easy to understand, but, in addition, they should be interesting to the listener. This is important in order for the consciousness of the person to whom you are telling you to be able to grasp the essence of the stories, as well as let the suggested information go further into the subconscious. At the end of your entire monologue, the listener will not be able to reproduce in detail the third story, which contained basic information. But then this message will penetrate into his subconscious. If all the actions were performed properly, then the subject will not be able to recognize the information suggested.
  • It is worth considering that the stories should not be interconnected, and they must be told without interruptions, pauses and stops, and directly in the sequence as required by the technique.
  • When compiling the suggestible phrase, it is important to ensure that there is no “not” particle in it, because the person’s subconscious mind is structured in such a way that information is not perceived in a negative way. Therefore, it is always necessary to speak in a positive manner. For example, if a person gives himself the setting: "I will not be sick," thus the subconscious mind will receive the command: "I will be sick."


Brain feature

Thanks to this technique, scientist Milton Erickson was able to prove that every person is able to fall into a state of trance. In addition, all people have a need for this, just like, for example, there is a need for sleep. A person can sometimes have the feeling that in the process of reflection he seems to drop out of the real world for a short time. Or, when engaging in monotonous activities, actions become mechanistic, and consciousness begins to wander somewhere. A trance is a state of a person in which the degree of his conscious participation in the processing of incoming information changes. In order to successfully use the trance state of human consciousness, it is important to know in practice how the Triple Helix works.


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