Alexander Ponomarenko: biography

A. A. Ponomarenko was born on October 27, 1964 in the city of Belogorsk (Republic of Crimea).

Early biography of Alexander Ponomarenko

Alexander Anatolyevich served in the army from 1983 to 1985. He received the title of CCM in the late 1980s of the twentieth century, is also the champion of Ukraine in boxing among juniors. In 1982, he was enrolled in Simferopol State University at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports, but because of conscription in the army he studied there for only a year. And only in 1988 received a diploma of higher education.

In 1997, he defended his thesis upon completion of the Sergo Ordzhonikidze State Academy of Management in Moscow and became a candidate of economic sciences. After that, Alexander Ponomarenko worked for six years at the ANO “International Institute of the Corporation” in Moscow, first as a chief research fellow, and then was appointed vice-rector. In 2001, Ponomarenko defended his doctorate in economics.

Alexander Ponomarenko

Entrepreneurial career start

In 1987, together with his business partner Alexander Skorobogatko Ponomarenko opened a company that was engaged in the manufacture of building materials, plastic bags, perfumes and so on.

Alexander Ponomarenko biography

In the late nineties, Alexander Ponomorenko moved to the capital of Russia and decided there to do banking. Thus, in 1993 he became a co-owner of a small bank, which later went bankrupt. But this fact did not stop the entrepreneur, and in the same year, Alexander Anatolyevich became the co-founder of JSCB Russian General Bank. Seven years later, business partners create on the basis of the RSL a universal bank with a significant retail direction. By 2006, entrepreneurs manage to open a network of branches of Investsberbank.

Outdoor advertising

The businessman decides to take up another direction, so in 2003 he became the beneficiary of a company that is engaged in outdoor advertising. By 2005, Olympus was one of the major players in the outdoor advertising market. The Moscow city government and MosgorTrans signed agreements on cooperation with this company, but in 2011 it was decided not to extend the cooperation. Some sources report that in eight years of engaging in this activity, the entrepreneur has generated revenue of about eighty million US dollars.

Stevedore business

Alexander Ponomarenko together with other projects in 1998 decides to enter the stevedoring business by investing his capital in the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port. A lot of money was involved in expanding the pier, grain terminal, as well as in the construction of a new tank farm. In 2003, the businessman was admitted to the Board of Directors. In 2008, the situation changed, and Arkady Rotenberg, considered a close person of Vladimir Putin, becomes the owner of ten percent of the shares of the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port. Three years later, Ponomarenko and Skorobodko quit this business by selling their shares to Transneft and the Summa group of Ziyavudin Magomedov. According to the press, this transaction cost a total of two and a half billion dollars from the United States of America.

Alexander Ponomarenko photo

Sheremetyevo airport

In 2013, long-time familiar entrepreneurs, such as Alexander Ponomarenko, Alexander Skorobatko, Arkady Rotenberg, became the founders of the TPS Avia Holding collective business project for investment in the Sheremetyevo international airborne system. Thus, in 2016, entrepreneurs acquired most of the largest airport in the Russian Federation (68.44%), a smaller part (31.56%) remained in state ownership.

Since June 2016, Alexander Ponomarenko became the chairman of the board of directors of Sheremetyevo International Airport JSC.

The main tasks currently facing businessmen are the construction of the latest terminal, a third refueling system and a drift connecting the north and south (terminals D, E and F) areas of the airport terminal. A huge amount of $ 840 million is involved in this project. According to businessmen, the expected period of occupation after putting the facilities into operation will be approximately ten years.

Status, personal life and hobbies of an entrepreneur

According to the famous Forbes magazine, in 2016 the Russian billionaire was in 771 places of the most wealthy people in the world. His fortune is about two and a half billion dollars. In 2011, the entrepreneur bought for $ 350 million a complex of buildings with land near Gelendzhik, known as Putin's Palace.

ponomarenko alexander anatolevich

The businessman is currently married and has three children. Alexander Ponomarenko, whose photo is presented in the article, does not like to talk about his personal life, therefore it is hidden from the public eye. Alexander Anatolyevich is a hunter and supporter of a healthy lifestyle. He collects works by marine painters and books about hunting.


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