Business assessment of staff: features of the process and its fundamentals

Managers in modern conditions must constantly enrich their management style. After all, otherwise the formation of a harmonious and friendly team will not work. Do not waste time managing people who are not trustworthy. A business assessment of staff is just one of the measures that allows you to evaluate how professional employees are, whether their qualifications are sufficient for a particular activity.

staff assessment

Features of such an analysis

The main thing in this analysis is to adhere exclusively to a systematic approach, which is often absent in practice. Moreover, sometimes managers are limited only to the distribution of wages between employees, depending on their total contribution to the development and operation of the enterprise. Meanwhile, according to the law, the boss on his own initiative can terminate the employment contract with an employee who lacks qualifications. So the business assessment of the staff, conducted competently, really helps to identify the best of the best.

What happens in practice?

Recently, quite a lot of scientists devote their works to this particular problem and its development. Including many Russian authors pay attention to this topic. But in fact, even the usual business assessment of staff has not been worked out to the end, although there are quite a lot of scientific literature.

About existing shortcomings

Any organization will be able to increase its effectiveness if it competently holds an event such as a business assessment of staff. True, today this process is not without some drawbacks. First of all, there is no clear relationship between the individual contribution of workers and the end results of labor. The enterprises often use different forms of assessments, but they are used in isolation from each other, and not in combination.

staff business valuation methods

A few additions

In general, it is important to develop methods for business personnel assessment. Indeed, practically only this system allows you to evaluate how efficiently a particular person or a whole group of employees cope with their duties. There is an inverse relationship between different processes and phenomena. So employees themselves receive an additional incentive to improve the quality of their work.

About important conditions

business assessment of staff of the organization

First of all, for such a system to be effective, it must be objective. In this regard, both the employees themselves and the leaders who pursue the appropriate policy should develop an attitude towards it. A business assessment of the organization’s personnel also provides for confidentiality of results. That is, they should be known only to the employee and his manager. Well, maybe the human resources department can find out about this . The situation at the enterprise will become even more tense if the results of such inspections are made public. Subordinates will be even more opposed to leaders, which will only be a distraction for any person. Accordingly, the entire enterprise will begin to fall apart.


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