Simple recipes: how to make lizuna at home

This interesting toy was invented relatively long ago, back in 1976, but still does not lose relevance. In English, what we today call "lizun" is called "handgum." In literal translation - โ€œmanual chewing gumโ€. The sticky substance takes any form, but always retains its original structure. And, most importantly, correctly made slime does not leave any marks on the surfaces it touched. The famous film about ghostbusters brought huge popularity to an unusual toy. After all, a green slime is so similar to one of the heroes of the movie!

This โ€œhand chewing gumโ€ can be stuck anywhere, thrown against the walls or just wrinkled in the hands - such a soothing entertainment brings joy to both adults and children. Of course, times are changing, and with them the fashion for toys. The lickers are best remembered by the older generation, while many of today's children have not even heard of unusual entertainment. But, as they say, everything is in our hands. And if you try a little, you can learn how to make a slime at home, and teach this to a child. The process itself takes no more than five minutes, and the joy of a wonderful metamorphosis of ingredients will last much longer.

A joint lesson will help the child learn how to make a toy in his hand, and parents will be reminded of their own childhood. In addition, games with this variable substance have a healing function, as they help develop fine motor skills and massage the hands. As already mentioned, the creation of a slime does not require large expenditures or any special knowledge. At the heart of the toy are harmless accessible substances that can be easily reached. Therefore, it is much more interesting to make a lick by yourself than to buy a finished one. Moreover, in this case it will be possible to color the toy and flavor it to your liking.

If you do not know how to make a slime at home, then this article is for you.

First way

There are several recipes for creating this toy. Here we will consider only two ways to make a slime. At home, as a rule, there are almost all the components necessary for this. The simplest and closest to the original version includes a glass of a little warm (but not hot) water, food coloring (can be replaced with ordinary green or, for example, gouache) to give the substance a beautiful color, several bottles of borax (sodium tetraborate). The last ingredient can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. For a toy, a 4 percent solution is taken, two or three bottles are enough. If borax is not available, replace it with diluted Borax Powder. And the last component that is useful in our business is PVA glue.

Next, you need to prepare rubber gloves, a plastic box and something that can stir the resulting mass. Instead of gloves, it is very convenient to use a small lockable plastic bag. Now we turn to the question of how to make a slime with your own hands using all these components. The size of the future licker depends on the amount of glue to be taken. The more it is poured into the container, the correspondingly the larger the toy will turn out.

Without dye, the substance will remain milky white, so the next step is to dilute with water and add dye to it. Then the mass must be stirred and (if necessary) pour more dye into it. The last component - borax - is added gradually, pouring it in a thin stream until the moment when the mass acquires the necessary properties. Then you need to take the mixture in your hands (or sachet) and mash it a little. The toy is ready for this, it remains only to let it lie down a little on a blank sheet of paper.

Composition with starch

Here you will need ingredients about the same as in the first case: ordinary PVA glue, half a glass of slightly heated water, any dye of your choice (green, food, paint for painting) and starch. Enameled dishes, a stirring spoon and a resealable polyethylene bag are also needed. But the mixing order in this case is slightly different: first you need to pour water into the cup, then add (stirring) the starch. It is important that the solution is completely homogeneous, without lumps. Then you can add the dye, once again mix everything well and leave to cool completely. When this happens, it is necessary to pour the starch into the prepared bag and add the same adhesive in a proportion of 50 to 50. If excess liquid forms inside, it can be drained. Now it remains only to thoroughly mix the components, and our toy is ready.

If you wish, you can approach the issue from the creative side, add colorful sparkles, small stripes and stars, as well as aromatize the substance with your favorite essential oils. That's all the secrets. Now you know well how to make a slime at home.


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