Pillow "chest" - an original gift

In anticipation of various holidays, many girls are tormented by the question of what to give to a beloved man. Of course, you can make a long list of options, but far from the last place in its originality will take a pillow in the form of a chest. It can be either a part of the body of an abstract woman, or an almost exact copy of the donor’s bust.

pillow chest


In general, initially the “chest” pillow was created in the Antistress collection. It is no secret that nervous situations have a huge impact on the mood and health of a person. For faster relaxation, such a collection was created. The items were crammed with polystyrene microspheres, which is their main secret. Thanks to this stuffing, they are very soft, it is pleasant to touch and crush them. In addition, a feature of such a packing is that the products take the shape of a head, which contributes to a comfortable sleep. Just holding the pillow "chest" in your hands, you can feel a surge of positive emotions. And how could it be otherwise, because it is this part of the female body that has the greatest “anti-stress” qualities.

female breast pillow

To date, this item is already being released as part of other collections and for other purposes. Most often, the pillow "female breast" is purchased as a cool souvenir. The stuffing of these products, as well as the manufacturing material itself, can be completely different. They are made in different colors, configurations and sizes. Now you can either buy such a souvenir, or make it yourself.

Where could I buy

Pillow "chest" is sold in a huge number of online stores, it can be found in retail outlets that sell souvenirs, little things for the home or bedding. There are plenty of options anyway. The cost of such pillows an average of 600 rubles.

Do it yourself

There are options too. The pillow can be made of fabric or knitted. The choice depends on the availability of time, desire and amount. A “chest” pillow, tied to order, will cost more than just bought or created independently. Therefore, it is worth thinking in advance about this side of the issue. Pillow "female breast" made by the master costs from 1,5 thousand rubles. You can find such a product on specialized sites for knitters.

breast pillow

Master Class

If you have some knitting skills, time and desire, then such a souvenir can be made independently.

The “chest” pillow measuring 30x22 cm requires the following materials:

  • Flesh-colored yarn - 150 g, pink - 20 g.
  • Hooks number 4.
  • Material for stuffing. It can be a synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, cotton wool, pieces of fabric, sawdust, granules from old decorative pillows - anything.

First you need to connect two paintings for the pillow itself. To do this, dial 50 air loops. After that, knit 40 rows with single crochet. Thus, two identical panels should be made. Sew them on three sides and stuff them tightly with filler. Sew the rest of the side, cut the threads, tighten their tips tightly inside the pillow.

After this, you need to start knitting the "chest" itself. First of all, pink thread is used. Each row should begin with an air loop and end with a connecting column.

From air loops you need to make a ring by tying it with a dozen single crochet columns. After that, knit two rows without increases. In the next three rows add through the column. The last seven rows again knit without increasing. The second "chest" fits in a similar way. Sew both “breasts” to the pillow, leaving room for filler to be added. After the packing is placed neatly and tightly, the “chest” should be sewn finally with a tight stitch. Tighten the ends of the thread inside the product.

chest linked pillow

Such a pillow "chest" is good in that you can choose any element of the gift yourself: the size of the "chest" itself, and the color, and dimensions of the pillow. With increased enthusiasm, you can even vary the plane or bulge of the "nipple", linking it in a slightly different pattern.

In addition, many knitters offer to complement this pillow with accessories - most often they knit a bra. This can be lacy underwear, and a dense swimsuit, and khaki clothes for a gift in honor of February 23. In any case, such a present will give pleasure to both the giver and the giver. No man can remain indifferent to such an original gift. His individual approach to making a surprise will especially please him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41436/

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