How to cook frozen mushrooms?

Mushrooms - this is the product that can always become a worthy table decoration. Despite how often you consume them, they do not bother. In addition, many are directly attracted to the process of independent search and collection of mushrooms, which is called "mushroom hunting." However, this article will not talk about how to pick mushrooms, it will further describe how to cook frozen mushrooms. By the way, they can be bought both ready-made (frozen and packaged), and freeze yourself after a particularly successful "hunt".

Given that honey mushrooms are quite satisfying, it becomes clear why they are sometimes replaced with meat products, preparing them as the main dish for a responsible dinner. Such a substitution makes sense, especially for people who want to lose weight, as it will be easier to refuse meat with dishes from honey mushrooms . The Japanese even bred a special kind of honey mushrooms that taste like a steak. Thanks to this, people can refuse meat, without feeling it, since all the necessary substances are contained in this mushroom.

How to cook frozen honey mushrooms

There are a huge number of recipes and ways to cook mushrooms, among them there are soups, pickling, stewing, frying. The following will describe the basic recipes for how to cook frozen mushrooms. There are no special features in the preparation of frozen mushrooms (compared to fresh ones), they only need to be thawed first, and fresh ones can be cooked right away. If you are very interested in how to cook frozen honey mushrooms, then you should know that this is a lengthy operation, as they should unfreeze naturally.

The first recipe I would like to describe is mushroom soup. To prepare this dish, you need to take 1.3 kilograms of honey mushrooms, 5 large tablespoons of buckwheat, 2 cups of milk or 2 tablespoons of sour cream, salt and herbs. Before cooking frozen mushrooms in the soup, you must defrost them and rinse thoroughly. Next, you should cut the legs and finely cut the hats. All this must be placed in a pan, where they must boil for at least forty minutes. Now you can put buckwheat and chopped onions into the pan, the soup should be cooked until the cereals are completely boiled. After that, you can put salt, chopped herbs in the soup and season with sour cream or milk. Soup should be served hot.

The second recipe will tell you how to fry frozen mushrooms with chickens. You will need such a set of ingredients for preparing this dish: 1.3 kilograms of honey mushrooms, 1.5 kilograms of chickens, a spoonful of butter, 100 grams of white wine, bacon and sour cream, 15 small onions, as well as salt, pepper and herbs. First of all, it is necessary to grind the bacon and fry it in vegetable oil. After that, you can add whole onions and mushrooms to the pan, everything should be stewed until soft. Now you can go to the chickens. They must be washed, grated with pepper and salt, placed in the oven, where they must be fried on all sides. You do not have to be very zealous with the amount of fat. When they are ready, they must be removed and cut in half. In the container in which the chickens were prepared, it is necessary to pour sour cream and wine, boil the sauce for several minutes. Birds must be laid out on a dish, pour sauce and mushrooms in the middle. Garnish with greens.

The third recipe suggests making cutlets from honey mushrooms. To do this, you need to take: 1.5 kilograms of mushrooms, 2 cups of milk, 2 buns, eggs and onions, 3 tablespoons of hard cheese, salt, pepper, vegetable oil. Soak buns in milk, squeeze. Chop the onion and fry it in oil. Skip all the products through a meat grinder, add spices and eggs to the mixture, mix everything thoroughly. Blind the patties and fry them. On the table they must be served with salad and potatoes.

Bon Appetit!


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