Jobs in Israel: job reviews

What is work in Israel like? Reviews about her can tell a lot. So, we will understand what people say about employment in this country. Israel is a wonderful hospitable state in which you can find wellness, a wonderful vacation, and activities for every taste. There are many attractions, cultural monuments, holy places. Every day, airplanes bring tourists to the country's airports. People come here to have a good rest or to find an excellent well- paid job. Our compatriots also strive to get here. Work in Israel is for Belarusians, and for Russians, and for Ukrainians. If desired, you can find many suitable options.

Work for Ukrainians

What kind of work exists for a Ukrainians in a country like Israel? Reviews in 2016 indicate that there are vacancies in Israel. In order for a Ukrainian, Russian or Belarusian to find them in this warm country, you need to learn some rules. They will help in the search and achieve success.

work in israel reviews

Would you like to get a great job? You need to comply with the parameters established by employers, standards. Many say that if a Ukrainian has a good education, a scientific degree, is engaged in the development of a scientific project or works on rare experiments, then it is especially easy for him to find a job in this country if he has a professorship.

Do you need a job in Israel? Everyone needs to study reviews about it. In Israel, a Ukrainian will be immediately provided with work if he is a master of his craft - a scientist or a physician. In this country, special programs have been developed for citizens of Ukraine, with the help of which they can quickly find good, profitable jobs, where they will be offered a full social package and all the conditions for productive work. Israelis need bright heads in which amazing ideas are born. Many Ukrainians complain that talented people are not particularly valued in their homeland, and they do not have the desired privileges at home. That is why they are leaving in search of a better life.


work in israel russian reviews

What is a good job in Israel? Reviews about it are very interesting to read. Many say that returnees can be sure that they will not remain without work. Especially for them, the country has created many centers in which you can turn for help. These institutions help citizens of other countries who come to Israel to find work at least for the first time. Information about the vacancy and the requirements of the employer can be found even before arriving in the country. There are specialized agencies in this state similar to our employment centers. That is why you can safely go to a distant country to work, knowing that bitter surprises you will not meet on the way.

Popular place

What else can Israel offer? Work in a nursing home ... What will they tell us about it? Many Ukrainians claim that they are employed mainly in social spheres. In general, our people in Israel are hired because of their performance and responsibility. A large number of immigrants, including Ukrainians, work in nursing homes.

work in israel reviews 2016

Most foreigners seek employment in a hospice shelter for terminally ill people who need to be looked after and given attention to. Israelis believe that such work is best done by foreigners. This is often taken as carers of Ukrainian women. A lot of Russian and Ukrainian doctors work here.


What are the nuances of working in Israel? Reviews about this country are quite interesting. Those who have already worked in this state say: in order to find work under a contract, you need to know languages ​​- English and Hebrew. Of course, in this country many people know the Russian language, but very often those who know only it are denied work. Therefore, for some, this nuance will become an obstacle to employment, an obstacle.


Let’s further consider the reviews about working in Israel. For men and women without higher education, the list of vacancies is limited. People who do not have a diploma are convinced: the Israelis offer them only the work that they themselves do not want to do. Men write that they are recommended only various positions at construction sites. Women claim: they are taken only by carers or nannies, or they are offered to monitor the order in the house.

Israel job reviews for men

Perhaps for many immigrants this is exactly the first job in Israel. She is also called unskilled labor. But do not lose heart. You need to learn a language and get an education. Then you can find a prestigious job. Every day you need to persistently engage in self-education.


Do you know what decent work is (Israel)? Reviews of the housemaid, written about this country, we will consider further. Now we will find out what package of documents you need to collect in order to get a job in Israel under a contract. Before you take on any position, you will be given a list in which everything you need will be indicated.

No need to think that very easy work in Israel. Reviews in 2016 demonstrate its complexity. What do you need to have with you, for example, a Ukrainian to leave for work in this wonderful country? Experienced people say: you need to get a work visa. It can be of two types: permission to serve with any owner and from a specific employer. If there is none, then those who know should advise you to have the following papers with you:

  • proof of your identity;
  • a description from a previous job and a biography;
  • returnee certificate (if any);
  • work book;
  • graduation certificate.

Those who have already worked in Israel are advised to collect all of the above documents so that the interview is not only calm, but also effective.


work in israel construction reviews

Little is known about the nuances of working as a maid in Israel. Reviews about this post can provide everyone with a lot of information. Mostly people say that there are many vacancies in Israel for citizens of the CIS countries. They argue that it is very important to establish oneself. They are sure: it is important to remember that you represent not only yourself, but also your people. That is why you need to work efficiently and well. In general, for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians who wish to work in Israel, there are many opportunities.

Belarusian visa

Is there a job in Israel for Belarusians? Reviews of such vacancies are available in large numbers. It is known that, unlike Ukrainians and Russians, Belarusians cannot visit Israel without a visa. Visas come in many forms, for example:

  • allowing to enter this country;
  • giving the go-ahead;
  • allowing transit through a particular state.

Citizens of Belarus can apply for a visa to enter the country of Israel. To receive it, you need to provide the embassy with a package of necessary documents and pay 24 euros. A visa to Israel in Belarus is considered one of the cheapest.

Work for Belarusians

Many people like working in Israel. The reviews of Russians and Ukrainians are mostly positive. Of course, in this beautiful country there is work for Belarusians. Many of them want to go to work in Israel, but not everyone wants to apply for a visa. Recently, a rumor appeared that Israel and Belarus want to decide on a visa-free regime. If this happens, the trip will not be so burdensome for Belarusians, the process of entering the country will be much easier. And many of them will go to work with the Israelis.

A little information

What is famous for work as a nurse in Israel? Reviews about this vacancy are quite numerous. Many people write about what foreign workers say in Israel. In this country, opinions about foreigners are different, but there is no analysis of this phenomenon. Those who work as carers (look after the elderly) believe that they are at the very bottom of the social ladder. They tell everyone how hard this is. They get $ 900 - the official salary. In addition, these people claim that they have to earn extra money by cleaning apartments where possible.

babysitting in israel reviews

At the same time, they report that they live and have dinner with the owners. And this means that they have no expenses on food and rent. They say: "A couple of years of service can save a considerable amount of money." These workers say that they earn enough money not only not to buy an apartment in their homeland, but also for an impressive contribution to purchase housing in Israel.

Most of the nurse workers understand: it is more profitable for them to stay on the Promised Land (having married a citizen of this country, living illegally or having a baby) than to return home.

Many are satisfied with work in Israel. Reviews from Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians testify to this. Immigrants realize that they are better off than the Israelis, who also work as carers. After all, the native, having an identical salary (though for labor 8 hours a day), has to pay for expensive rented housing and food.

You must admit that work as a nurse in Israel is very attractive. Having studied the reviews, some will also want to get such a position. Although there are negative opinions. So, the Russians write that, for example, the Alef Shin company, from which some of them work, can lower its salary for unknown reasons, without explaining anything. And this is an illegal act. They argue: this organization also does not pay vacation pay for the year, its employees charge 0.68% of vacation pay every month and pay this amount along with their monthly salary. And Ukrainians say that if an employee wants to go on vacation, he must go at his own expense and, in addition, independently look for a replacement for his place of work. It is also an unlawful act.

Many report that mostly fifty-year-old immigrants from the CIS countries work as carers, who do not have the opportunity to study or get a different position. They claim that these workers have to serve three or four elderly people who live far from each other.

Construction Worker Reviews

Many liked the work in Israel at a construction site. Experts leave reviews about it quite often. Many people from the CIS countries go to work in this hot country. They say: "When the plane is landing in Tel Aviv, below the ships are visible in the lights, the amazing Mediterranean Sea and the unfamiliar shape of a large metropolis." Workers remember how they descended the ramp, and they were politely greeted by many Russian-speaking employees.

What is the job in Israel? Reviews of 2015 about her are very interesting to read. People tell how, when they arrived in Israel, they went through the paperwork process, after which they were fed a free tasty breakfast, and they were prompted to move luggage by nimble movers and taxis, which could transport them anywhere in the country without incident.

And they also say: β€œIn Israel you can hear Georgian, Uzbek, Hebrew, Armenian, Arabic, and Russian.” At the same time, some argue that by paying for renting apartments to fellow countrymen a month in advance, you have a chance to be kicked out of it in a week. Perhaps these are isolated cases, but they have a place to be. Experienced people advise not too trusting those who have lived in this country for a long period of time.

israel work for ukrainians reviews 2016

People often ask if there is a job as a nanny in Israel. Reviews confirm that such vacancies exist. Most of those who have visited Israel tell amazing stories about this country. They say that as soon as they come here, they immediately acquire a Russian-language newspaper in order to find a job advertisement in it. They argue: in the press there are vacancies for sellers, sailors, and guides, which are required for tourist liners that cruise the Mediterranean Sea.

Many tell how they call these ads and, taking with them 400 shekels, go to the city of Ashdod, where the employment organization is located. When they get to their destination, they find themselves in a cozy office with bright signs, where a well-groomed young boss (man) and pleasant secretaries of about eighteen work.

They say that they carefully filled out the questionnaire there, paid the money and began to wait for the call. Three weeks later they were called and asked to call in the office. People remember how, in a festive atmosphere, the boss announced to them that out of the whole mass of people who wanted to get a warm place, only a few dozen lucky ones were lucky, including them.

Workers write that they were asked to fill out another questionnaire with their own hand, where they had to indicate their details: ID number, passport number and so on. After that, they were informed of the date when a taxi was supposed to call for them, and they were told to take toilet accessories and a couple of dollars with them, which would be useful for them when they walk around Greece, Cyprus, Spain ... They say that they’ve returned to Jerusalem pacified and began to count future payments.

Further, employees complain in reviews. After all, the long-awaited day has come, but the taxi never appeared. They say that they understood - they were deceived. But they continued the search and yet found a job for themselves!

Many say that in the north-east of Jerusalem there are two towns - Maape Adumim and Mishor Adumim. The first is populated by the intelligentsia. Hard workers write that in this town the bulk of the workers are immigrants, and everyone is already used to watching former professors pushing some kind of cart. Some argue that they were lucky, because thanks to higher education, they were able to do not black work, but to stand at the machine.

One of the factories that many immigrants fall into is engaged in the production of devices for carbonated drinks, which were an analogue of the Russian household siphon. Workers say they are instructed to print labels on the plastic parts of these devices. And they also say: there are no bonuses at this enterprise, the work is three-shift. Experts say that the authorities could get permission for a couple of hours of overtime work, and they did a smoke break only with the permission of the master. They say: "These are not our factories, but their organizers, of course, are trying." Workers claim that the Israeli factory provided them with food, organized various interesting excursions, purchased shoes and work clothes, and his buses took them to the place of work and back.

Workers from the CIS countries write that if they had not got a job at this enterprise, they would never have visited Lake Kinneret, the Dead Sea, the Jordan Valley, the Golan, the oldest city in the world, Jericho and the town of Migdal (the birthplace of Mary Magdalene) . And also they would not be able to visit the place of baptism of Jesus Christ, to see the ruins of the fortifications of the knights of the times of the Crusades. They are convinced that in no factory in our country would they be given as many gifts as they received in a couple of months of work in Israel.

Many workers regret that they did not stay on the Promised Land. They say that they simply did not want to live in a country whose lifestyle they would have to get used to for a long time. They are sure - people are the same everywhere. They also recommend that everyone not spare money and time looking for the desired job in Israel. They sincerely wish everyone to experience what they have been able to experience.


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