Filter "Barrier Expert Hard": characteristics, reviews

Can I drink tap water? Most of us will answer “no”, because it smells of bleach, it doesn’t taste very good, and it’s still unknown how the body itself will react to the presence of elements harmful to humans. The Expert Hard Barrier filter will become an indispensable tool in this situation. It will not only cleanse water of harmful impurities, but also make it tasty, healthy.

Purpose of water purifier

The Expert Hard Barrier device belongs to household water purifiers; it is designed to purify cold water from such harmful elements as mechanical impurities, various kinds of organic pollution, active chlorine, heavy metals and other substances. Water in this filter goes through three stages of purification. It uses mechanical cleaning of 5 microns and softening of the flowing fluid. Special Smart Lock technology prevents the filter from falling out under water pressure. The byPass technology is also used here, which significantly increases the service life of the filter element and avoids excessive hyper-softening of water.

This water purifier is mounted under the sink, and in its configuration there is everything necessary to carry out the installation yourself, without the help of specialists. Everything else in the package you can find a reliable and very elegant faucet that can decorate any sink. The filter can work around the clock, and its resource depends entirely on the quality of the water being recycled. The device is used only for centralized water supply and must be installed in accordance with the instructions for use.

Water purifier

Water purifier "Barrier Expert Hard" is designed for cold running water. It not only cleans the liquid from unnecessary impurities, but also softens it. After the water passes through the filtration system, its taste changes, there is completely no scale in the kettle, and the water hardness is completely normalized. Fluid is good for your health.

The complete set of the filter for running water, which is installed under the sink, is as follows:

  • the filter housing itself, where the filter elements are fixed;
  • set of cartridges "Barrier Expert Hard";
  • a tap designed to supply purified water, it goes along with gaskets, washers and a nut;
  • a white plastic tube that connects the elements of the water purification system, its size is one meter, two of them are included;
  • a sticker sticker that facilitates the installation of the water treatment complex;
  • two fittings, one for a tap with purified liquid, and the second for an angle;
  • ball valve, which makes it possible to connect to the water supply;
  • self-tapping screws for fixing and hanging the filter on the wall;
  • instructions for use.

The connection diagram for all of the above details can be seen below.

expert hard barrier

Unit Specifications

The Expert Hard Barrier device is designed to soften and purify cold water from free chlorine and other no less harmful elements. The device has a three-stage cleaning system. Its productivity is 2 l / min. Filters particles of 5 microns. The resource is 10,000 liters, but this indicator can vary depending on the degree of water pollution. The temperature of the liquid being cleaned ranges from 5 to 35 ° C. The maximum permissible water pressure at the inlet to the device is 7 atm. Three replaceable cartridges are included, as well as a tap for purified water. Unit weight is 5.5 kg, parameters - 267 x 95 x 368 mm (width x depth x height). It is made of plastic and presented in a blue and white version.

The manufacturer reserves the right to improve the water purifier for the better without prior notice to users.

Instrument Installation Procedure

filter barrier expert hard

In order to install the Expert Hard Barrier filter, do the following:

  • Install a tap. First, you should choose a place suitable for mounting the crane so that it is convenient to use, and under the sink on the wall there is a certain amount of space for its reliable fixation and connection. A hole with a diameter of 12 mm is drilled, then a crane is installed and fixed with a nut. The fitting is screwed onto the end of the product.
  • Mount adapter. The ball valve is fixed to the water pipe. Disconnect from the water supply channel to the mixer, designed for cold water. The eyeliner is fixed to the ball valve.
  • Choose a place to suspend the filter. It should be noted that the device will be connected directly to the ball valve (through which water is supplied to the purification apparatus), and then to the tap of the filtered liquid. For this, two plastic tubes come with a filter, each of which has a length of one meter. In order to correctly install the unit, stick the sticker on the wall in the place where the filter will be suspended. It must be positioned in such a way that a distance of 32 cm, equal to the length of the filter with cartridges, can be put down. Screw the screws into the points indicated on the template.
  • Compound. Hang the filter housing on the self-tapping screws. The nut from the ball valve must be unscrewed and a white plastic tube inserted into it. Then everything should be tightened with a nut. The other end of the tube must be fully inserted into the connector on the filter housing marked IN. If everything is done correctly, the tube will enter the fitting 17 mm. The second plastic tube on one side is inserted all the way into the fitting of the tap with filtered water, on the other hand, into the water purifier compartment labeled OUT.
  • Installation of filter elements. The Expert Hard Barrier filter cartridge is inserted into the head of the water purifier and rotated 90 ° C clockwise until it clicks. The triangular marks on the filter and cartridge should be aligned. In a similar way, install the two remaining filter elements.

The start of the water treatment system

barrier expert hard cartridges

The “Expert Hard Barrier” filter should be checked before starting work for the correct wiring diagram given in the instructions. Pay attention to the ball valve, it must be closed. Almost simultaneously, you should open the tap for the filtered liquid and the water supply valve through which cold water flows. Only then should the ball valve be opened. For some time, water will fill the filter with itself, and then it will flow from the tap. The first liquid at this stage of the device may have a dark or cloudy tint, which indicates the washing out of the cartridges of coal dust and air.

Using a ball valve, an optimal indicator of fluid flow is established, based on the technical capabilities of the device. Over time, the performance of the water purifier may decline. You can restore the desired parameter using a ball valve.

Next, close the tap and check the unit for leaks. If necessary, you can pull the joints of the plastic pipes, double-check the entry of pipes into the fittings. If there are no leaks, then open the tap and drain the first ten liters of filtered liquid. This is done to wash the cartridges.

In the first week of operation of the device, the unit and all connections should be inspected daily for leaks. The spare set of cartridges for the Expert Hard Barrier filter should always be at hand, then they can be easily replaced if necessary. Only following the instructions for use of the unit will help ensure reliable and uninterrupted operation of the water purifier.

Expert Hard Barrier Filter: Cartridges

cassette set barrier expert hard

The device has a three-stage degree of filtration. Water at the first stage of purification passes through the Barrier Expert Mechanics cartridge. At this stage, preliminary water treatment is carried out. Water is purified from various mechanical impurities. This cartridge consists of a sprayed polypropylene having a filtration resistance of 5 microns.

At the second stage, water passes through the Barrier Expert Softening filter element, which contains an ion-exchange resin. It reduces the amount of salts and at the same time the rigidity of the liquid. It uses byPass technology, it extends the life of the cartridge and prevents water from becoming hyper-softened.

At the third stage of purification, water passes through the Barrier Expert PostCarbon cassette. This filter element is intended for additional liquid purification. Contains ion exchange fiber that can trap heavy metal ions. It removes water from iron dissolved in it. Helps to remove unpleasant taste, smell. Silver processing of activated carbon is also taking place here. This process occurs directly in the cartridge, which prevents the growth of bacteria in it with prolonged use of the unit.

The Expert Hard Barrier device will serve for a long time and properly with regular replacement of filter elements and following the instructions. Cartridges for it are not difficult to buy, and to replace them you do not need to call a specialist, because the device is so simple that anyone can understand its design.

Replacing filter elements

cassette barrier expert hard

Expert Hard Barrier cassettes contain materials and components that remove all unnecessary elements from the water in the most efficient way, softening it. Despite the good result that filter elements give when cleaning water, they need to be changed from time to time, since they lose their properties over time and begin to purify water not so well.

To replace the cartridge, close the ball valve at the inlet to the filter. After that, you need to open the tap with clean water to reduce the pressure level in the device. After some time, the tap is closed, and the old filter element is dismantled by turning 90 ° C counterclockwise, and it is removed from the top of the unit. A new cartridge is installed in its place and rotated clockwise 90 ° C until it clicks. When mounted correctly, the triangular marks on the removable cartridge and on the main body of the water purifier will match.

Open the tap for filtered water, then the ball valve located at the entrance to the device. They wait until the water fills the filter with itself and spills from the tap. After that, the valve is closed and the device is checked, as well as all connections for leaks. If the system is working properly, the tap for the filtered liquid is again opened and the volumetric flow rate of H 2 O is adjusted using a ball valve. The first ten liters of clean water must be drained to properly clean the new cartridge.

Filter elements need to be changed regularly, at least once a year. If water has a lot of mechanical impurities, then cartridges need to be replaced more often.

The frequency of replacement of the Barrier Expert Softening filter element is affected by the stiffness of the tap water. With a hardness of 5-7 mEq / l and a daily fluid flow rate of five liters, the cartridge should be replaced every two to one and a half months. If the hardness level is 10 mEq / l, then the filter element is changed once a month. If the daily water consumption is ten liters, then at a stiffness of 5 mEq / l, the replacement should occur once a month, at 7 mEq / l - once every three weeks, at 10 mEq / l - once every fourteen days.

Instructions for use

cartridge set barrier expert hard

Flowing filter "Expert Hard Barrier" should be used only for its intended purpose and only for cold water. The device must be kept clean. It should be carefully protected from shock and other mechanical stress. Do not allow excessive tension and kink of plastic hoses. Also, the plastic parts of the water purifier must not touch the hot water pipes. Water in the water treatment system must not freeze.

If during the operation of the device there are long interruptions, more than two days, then the ball valve at the inlet to the filter must be closed. When using the unit again, drain at least ten liters of filtered water.

If only one cartridge changes (first or second cleaning stage), the old filter must be replaced with the third filter element in order to displace air and flushing from the new cartridges. In the future, all the elements must be put in place.

When replacing cartridges, you must follow the instructions, as improper actions can lead to disruption of the functionality of the water purifier and a change in its technical characteristics.

Where could I buy? Cost

The “Expert Hard Barrier” filter set, like the device itself, can be purchased in stores that sell household products, household appliances, as well as in retail chains selling clean water and selling equipment for cleaning H 2 O. A water purifier is also sold on the Internet stores and on the official website of the manufacturer.

There is a flow filter from 2000 to 3000 rubles, depending on the margin in the distribution network. A set of three replaceable cartridges costs about 1350 rubles, and the price of one filter element is 500-600 rubles.

Filter "Barrier Expert Hard": customer reviews

filter cartridge barrier expert hard

Opinions about this water purifier are mostly positive. People note the good quality of the water received, the compactness of the device, for which you can always find a place even in the smallest kitchen. Plus users consider the ease of installation and ease of replacing cartridges. It is claimed that the device eliminates the smell of bleach, traces of rust and sand. It has three degrees of purification. It is inexpensive and is the best among similar units. Many people use this water not only for drinking, but also for cooking.

Some are unhappy with the result that the Expert Hard Barrier water filter provides. They note the specific taste of water that you need to get used to. They say that the life of removable cartridges is much shorter than the manufacturer indicates. They say that the ball valve quickly fails and needs to be changed immediately, and the water system can begin to leak at any time, so you need to monitor it constantly. Some people find the filter unreliable and say that the Expert Hard Barrier set of cassettes and the unit itself are quite expensive. Indicate that he does not cope with all types of water pollution.

The opinions of users are contradictory, but most of them believe that this unit improves the quality of life, as it allows you to have clean water always at hand.


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