Favorable days for dyeing hair according to the lunar calendar

In the past, all people lived in complete harmony with the environment, with the moon and the sun. The order of life and work was built according to the phases of the heavenly bodies. Today, few are guided by this principle in life. Nevertheless, you can sometimes notice that one person is lucky in almost everything, and the other even stumbles on flat ground. Why is this happening?

The influence of the moon on human life

First of all, you should think about why, so far, people who have their own garden, always have a gardener calendar in the house. There is only one reason: planting plants along the phases of the moon will provide a rich harvest.

auspicious days for dyeing hair

Almost every human activity has favorable and unfavorable days. Therefore, there is even a calendar for hair coloring, which is used in most cases by women. And this is understandable, because the ladies are very emotional and they are associated with the moon much more than men. The part of the weak half of humanity that uses such a calendar notes that on favorable days after a visit to the hairdresser there is a surge of energy, hair becomes better.

Lunar calendar: haircut, hair coloring in the first quarter

In the first month of the year, you can radically change your appearance. Almost all days of January are suitable for haircuts, except for numbers 1,8,15, 22, 29. Favorable days for dyeing hair are 7, 13, 18, 20, 24, 27, 31. When the full moon is observed , you can dye your hair with chemical and natural coloring compounds, then the hair will be bright, saturated, and the color will last a long time.

In February, it is best to trim hair from 5 to 6 and from 14 to 15. To make hair a fast branch, trim it best on a new moon. Favorable days for dyeing hair in February are from 1 to 9, as well as on the 27th and 28th. These days you can experiment, the paint will adhere perfectly and will not damage the hair structure. In February, it is better to give preference to paints on a natural basis.

when can you dye your hair

In March, it is better to get a haircut on the waning moon, from the 13th to the 25th. You can dye your hair from 1 to 11, as well as 29, 30, and 31. By the way, if you dye your hair on March 8, then relations with superiors will improve almost immediately.

Second quarter

In April there are more favorable and neutral days for haircuts. Do not go to the master on the 14th, 16th and 21st. Favorable days for hair coloring are everything except April 2, 4, 17, 22 and 26. And on the 13th, in general, after painting, you may not recognize yourself in the mirror.

To accumulate positive energy in May, you need to choose the following days: 3.8, 13, 17, 21, 24, 27, 28. A new haircut made on May 9 or 31 can help increase profits and improve health. In May, the most successful hair coloring will be on the growing moon.

June is a very favorable month for haircuts. 27 and 28 are the days most suitable for owners of rare hair. In June, during the growing moon, all days are favorable for hair coloring. You should not visit the hairdresser on June 7, since the desired color will not work.

Third quarter

To strengthen your hair in July, it is better to go to the master on the days of the new moon. And you can strengthen the roots, on the contrary, on a waning moon. Not many women want to dye their hair in the heat, but if you still decide, it is better to do it in the new moon. Do not be painted 7, 13, 15,20, 24, 29. These days, it is likely that the negative will simply โ€œstickโ€ to you.

hair coloring calendar

In August, if the hair is not too thick, it is better to cut your hair on the 20th and 21st, when the moon is in the zodiac sign Leo. Haircut August 9 portends a radical change for the better. The August growth of the moon is observed from 1 to 6, and also from 22 to 31. These are the most favorable days for changing hair color.

September is the month when it is better to get a haircut on a slimming moon. In this case, even thin hair will not be affected. Favorable days for dyeing hair are from 2 to 5, from 21 to 25, as well as 27, 28, 29, 30. Do not paint on September 10, 16 and 26, there may be quarrels and scandals.

Fourth quarter

October is also rich in favorable days for haircuts. These are the following numbers: 2, 3, 10, 11,12, 18, 24, 25, 26. A haircut these days promises positive, recovery and financial issues. Toning and hair coloring is best done on the growing moon.

favorable days for dyeing hair in February

When can I dye my hair in November? Yes, almost every day, as, however, and get a haircut. Do not change the color of your hair only on November 1, especially from an unverified master.

December is also full of favorable days, but you should not cut your hair on the 3rd day when the full moon is observed. No need to get a haircut on the new moon - December 19. Dyeing hair is not worth it on the 13th lunar day, that is, the 1st and 31st numbers.

Recommendations for hair coloring

If your personal hair dyeing calendar matches the moonlight, then itโ€™s fine, but there are still lunar days, in which itโ€™s better to follow certain rules to attract good luck, preserve health and, of course, get the perfect hair color.

If you decide to color on 1 and 2 lunar days, then give preference to natural paints that will attract financial well-being. On the 3rd day it is impossible to clarify, the remaining manipulations are not contraindicated. On day 4, you can only adjust the shade close to natural. On days 5, 9, 21, 27, you can lighten your hair. 7 and 18 days are good days for a radical change in image. 22 and 26 days are the most favorable for obtaining a natural shade. To use tint balms and shampoos, 12 lunar days are suitable.

lunar calendar haircut hair coloring

  • Favorable day for staining in dark colors - 15, 16, 24.
  • These days it is better to use natural dyes - 10, 12, 19.
  • A good day for getting a golden hue is 11, and for a red color - 17.
  • 6, 8, 13, 20, 25, 28 and 29 - it is not recommended to dye your hair at all.
  • On the 23rd day you can be painted by any means, most importantly, without involving outsiders.

When you can dye your hair, of course, each woman should decide for herself. But do not forget that the wisdom of the ancestors applies not only to hair, but also to almost all spheres of human life, so it is sometimes better to listen to ancient tips.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41446/

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