Fanaberia - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

It is time to consider the obsolete noun “fanaberia”. This is our research subject today. We learn about the origin, meaning and synonyms.


It is not exactly said where such an interesting definition of exorbitant pride came to us from, but it is known: the same word is in Polish - fanaberia. It means "cheating", "pretense."

In our language, a word is not popular, probably because of too many letters. The noun “arrogance” is much more convenient to use. In addition, even in the language there is such a thing as fashion. At one time they are expressed like this, at another - differently. Sometimes significant phenomena depend on trifles. For example, an important person for a certain circle decided that the word was no longer relevant, and it gradually went out of circulation, like an old coin. However, we were distracted. We pass to the meaning.


fanaberia is

As already partially announced, fanaberia is arrogance, exorbitant pride. At A. N. Ostrovsky “fanaber” is proud. Classics, then this word is not bypassed. In order not to break traditions, let us turn to our ever-present assistant, an explanatory dictionary, what does he think about this? Fanaberia is "arrogance, arrogance, swagger."

I recall one psychological phenomenon that many are familiar with. A man comes to work, communicates with everyone easily, and then he is suddenly promoted, and then he picks up a star fever. This happens both at the usual tiny firm, and in large organizations, for example, in the Union of Writers of the USSR. Yesterday, the author greeted everyone and was for his own, but today he should be addressed exclusively by name and patronymic. What can I say, an attack of fanabery, it is rather regrettable, but not fatal. People occupy posts, then they are left. Everything flows, everything changes.


word fanaberiya

Of course, when almost all the necessary data is on hand, the reader could perfectly choose synonyms for the object of study without us, but we don’t want him to bother. Therefore, we provide him with a list of analog words:

  • nobility;
  • importance;
  • arrogance;
  • ambition;
  • pride;
  • arrogance;
  • puffiness;
  • megalomania;
  • arrogance;
  • swagger.

The people are well acquainted with the tendency of people to wonder and deceive themselves regarding their social status. Otherwise, there would not be so many substitutions and variations of the definition.

We hope that the reader has understood the meaning of the word “fanabery”. But another thing is more important: one must understand that one should not be conceited, because no one can vouch for tomorrow. Life is a changeable young lady. This should be remembered.


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