How to bake fish in the oven, steam and smokehouse

Who knows best how to bake fish in the oven, if not fishermen? English, Greek and, of course, traditionally Russian recipes are presented in this article to your attention: cook and delight your loved ones.

How to bake fish in the Greek oven

In addition to the fish itself in an amount of 500 grams, for this recipe you will need:

- 3 pcs. Tomatoes
- 250 gram can of mayonnaise;
- a slice of cheese 150 gr.;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- half a lemon;
- greens.

Sprinkle the fish with freshly prepared lemon juice, then grease with a mixture of mayonnaise with chopped herbs, grated cheese and chopped garlic (chopped with a knife or through a crush) and tomatoes, cut into small cubes. Grease the mold, put the fish in it and bake. The cooking temperature is 180 degrees, the time is 25 minutes.

How to bake fish in the oven in English

Cod is used in this recipe, it is necessary to take 800 g - 4 pieces of fillet 200 g each, and you will also need:

- onion;
- 50g of fresh champignons;
- a bunch of parsley;
- butter;
- salt;
- thyme;
- black pepper;
- Bay leaf;
- milk 0.5l;
- potato starch;
- breadcrumbs;
- 4 slices of bacon without fat.

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. While it is warming, chop onions, mushrooms, thoroughly washed parsley. Stew onion with mushrooms for 5 minutes in a saucepan on 2 tablespoons of butter. Put the finished frying in a baking dish. Blot the washed fish with a towel, put on top of it. Next, pour parsley, half a teaspoon of salt, thyme and pepper 2 times on the end of the knife, put a bay leaf.

In another bowl, boil the milk and pour in the starch dissolved in water (3 tablespoons of water - 2 tablespoons of starch), stirring continuously. In a thickened mass, fill the fish and simmer in the oven for 10 minutes, closing the lid.
At this time, fry the bacon until the crunch. Remove dishes with cod from the oven, sprinkle the fish with breadcrumbs, spread the bacon on top and bake for another 10 minutes, but without the lid and at a temperature close to 220 degrees. Serve hot, with potatoes or croutons of white bread.

How to bake fish in the oven in Russian


- fish fillet 600g;
- fish broth - half a glass;
- 2 tbsp butter;
- half a glass of milk;
- 2 eggs;
- a bunch of parsley;
- a little grated cheese;
- salt, ground pepper;
- 10 boiled potatoes.

Cut the fillet into large pieces and place in a greased pan. Add salt, pepper and fill with broth.

Lay a mug of boiled potatoes on top, salt and pour the mixture with a mixture of milk and eggs. Sprinkle grated cheese on top, drizzle a little with oil and bake until a golden crust forms. Before serving, sprinkle the fish with herbs and pour freshly melted butter.

The easiest baked fish recipe

For him, only fish is needed - nothing more. You don’t need to clean and gut it, just rinse it and put it on a slightly greased baking sheet - and in the oven. After 30-45 minutes, the dish is ready. Salt it right with food. This is an imitation of a fishing recipe for freshly caught fish in the thickness of the coal left over from the fire. In the field, the catch is wrapped in thick paper and buried for half an hour or a little more in coals. After cooling, break into pieces, clean from scales along with the skin and add salt.

How to cook fish in a double boiler

Take trout fillet, parsley, onion, lemon and pepper and salt.
Rub the fish well with salt and pepper, pour it with lemon juice, then sprinkle with parsley. Put in a steam basket in the lower compartment and cover with onion rings. Such a dish is steamed for 15-20 minutes and retains maximum benefits for your health.

How to smoke fish in a smokehouse

In a smokehouse, fish is cooked in scales so that harmful substances from the smoke settle on it, without penetrating the product itself. Each fish is gutted, washed and cuts along the back so that everything is well smoked. Then it is rubbed with salt and laid on a wire rack with a tray, in a smoking mold. Smoke well on alder sawdust. Ready fish in 20 minutes.


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