What fragrances can be used for humidifiers?

A humidifier will help create an optimal climate and prevent the development of a number of unpleasant phenomena. Fragrances for humidifiers help in the treatment of colds, promote relaxation. Let us consider in more detail which essences are most effective and when they can be used.

Why is a humidifier needed?

During the heating season, the air in apartments and houses becomes overdried. This leads to a deterioration in the efficiency of the immune system, the mucous membrane of the respiratory system dries up and cannot resist the penetration of pathogens. To avoid the occurrence of health problems, experts recommend artificially increasing the humidity level in the room. It is for these purposes that humidifiers are used.

fragrances for humidifiers

The climatic device helps to quickly cope with the problem of dry air. Pediatricians recommend placing such devices in a nursery, because babies should breathe air, which will not adversely affect the mucous membranes. In addition, with normal humidity, the baby sleeps much better.

The most popular at present are ultrasonic humidifiers. They break water droplets into small particles due to high-frequency vibrations. The resulting "water aerosol" is uniformly distributed throughout the room. Also on sale you can find steam and traditional types of devices. Humidifier-cleaner-aroma of air belongs to the category of climatic integrated devices.

The use of flavorings

Every person wants fresh, pleasant aromas to reign in his house. This not only helps to create a feeling of comfort, but also contributes to psychological relaxation. Some humidifier models have an additional feature that allows the use of aromatic compositions. The device helps to distribute pleasant odors and bring the level of humidity to normal.

what flavor can be used in a humidifier

Can I add flavorings to a humidifier? Not all such devices have a special built-in compartment for essential oils. It is strictly forbidden to add various essences to ultrasonic, steam and traditional types of devices. This can lead to poor performance or premature equipment failure. Only a few of these types of moisturizers are provided for the use of aromatic oils. Therefore, before buying the unit, you should clarify the presence of this function in a particular model.


The function of aromatherapy in moisturizers is sometimes very useful, because with its help you can get rid of many pathological conditions. So, some types of essences are able to positively affect the condition of the skin, respiratory and nervous systems. The antioxidants contained in essential oils inhibit the aging process and remove harmful substances from the body.

air humidifier with flavor and ionizer

You can use fragrances for a humidifier in those cases when it is necessary to optimize the vitality of the body as a whole. Certain components improve brain function and stabilize the emotional state.

Despite the seemingly harmlessness of such a method, there are also certain contraindications to aromatherapy sessions.

What is the danger?

Improper use of essential oils will only harm the body. If you exceed the dosage, there is a huge risk of getting a headache instead of a good mood. With extreme caution, such products should be used by people who are prone to allergic reactions. The greatest danger in this case is coniferous oil.

During the period of gestation and lactation, it is allowed to use far from all fragrant essences. Inhalation of vapors of rosemary, sage, cedar and basil essential oils can negatively affect pregnancy. And during feeding, particles of ether pass into breast milk and enter the baby’s blood.

What moisturizers can be used for aromatherapy?

A device with the function of "washing" the air is better than others for the use of aromatic mixtures. A humidifier with a fragrance and ionizer allows you to saturate the oxygen in the room with negative and positive ions, as well as fill the room with a pleasant smell. One of the popular models is the NeoClima NHL-075. The device has an original design, a large volume of the water tank and a relatively low cost.

humidifier purifier air fragrance

A richer functionality is offered by the integrated climatic device of the Steba LR 5 Elektronic brand. The humidifier-ionizer with the fragrance function works almost silently, which allows you to install it even in the children's bedroom.

The principle of operation of the device

A conventional ultrasonic type humidifier was able to quickly gain the attention of consumers. Such devices are compact in size and modern in design. They manage to evaporate moisture due to ultrasonic (high-frequency) vibrations of the membrane, which is responsible for the conversion of water into an aerosol. This type of steam is called "cold." Ultrasonic humidifiers work almost silently and quickly restore normal humidity levels in the living room.

Fragrances for humidifiers should not be added directly to the tank with water if the device does not have a special compartment. Such a practice at first will, of course, have a positive effect. However, after some time, the parts and components of the device will cease to work.

In units designed for hydration and aromatherapy, near the nebulizer there is a container or capsule where you can put the essence. When water begins to evaporate under the influence of temperature or ultrasound, aromatic oils also evaporate in parallel.

Fragrance Humidifier

How to use and how to choose a humidifier with a flavor function? The possibility of saturating the air in the room with a pleasant smell using a special device is undoubtedly a positive point. Particles of essential oils that will evaporate simultaneously with a water aerosol will fill the air with volatile, having a powerful healing effect. A pleasant aroma will help boost your mood and strengthen your immune system.

do-it-yourself fragrance for a humidifier

When choosing a device for humidification with aromatization function, you should pay attention to the volume of the water tank. The size of the tank depends entirely on the area on which the humidifier will have to work. The five-liter tank is designed for a room up to 20 m². The advantage will also be the presence of a hydrometer, which allows you to monitor the level of humidity.

Where should the appliance stand?

The device must be installed at a height of not more than 1 meter from the floor. This will evenly distribute the aerosol with particles of essential oils. The surface on which the humidifier will stand must be level. It is best to place it in an impassable place, where the possibility of accidental tipping will be excluded.

Steam that will exit the device should not be allowed to come directly onto furniture or indoor plants. The jet is capable of leaving white marks on various surfaces. To avoid this phenomenon, it is recommended to use purified water.

What flavor can I use?

In the humidifier, the air that is planned to be used for aromatherapy sessions must necessarily have a compartment where essential oils can be poured. For this purpose, any flavoring is suitable, starting from extracts from medicinal chamomile and ending with eucalyptus essential oil.

Is it possible to add flavorings to a humidifier?

The following aromatics can be added to the humidifier:

  1. Orange oil - perfectly copes with the symptoms of anxiety and depression, improves mood and gives vigor.
  2. Lemon oil - an acidic aroma that helps to fight colds and headaches.
  3. Chamomile oil - has anti-inflammatory, anti-stress and relaxing effects.
  4. Basil oil - a powerful antimicrobial effect can be directed to the fight against flu and colds.
  5. Eucalyptus oil - contains a huge amount of volatile, which inhibit the development of viral pathologies and destroy microbes.
  6. Lavender oil - famous for its ability to eliminate insomnia, depression, headache.
  7. Tea tree oil - has a powerful antimicrobial and antifungal effect.
  8. Anise oil - will help in the treatment of wet cough.
  9. Peppermint oil - calms the nervous system and normalizes the emotional state.
  10. Oil of pine, thuja, cypress and juniper - it is recommended to use in the treatment of viral ailments and seasonal colds.

Water soluble aromatic oils

Can water soluble flavors be used for a humidifier? Such oils differ from the real ether only in concentration. Therefore, they can be used for aromatherapy with a humidifier.

To obtain a water-soluble oil, it is necessary to reduce the viscosity and density by removing glycerol from the composition. This component is replaced by alcohol. Specialists claim that the resulting product has the same properties as real essential oil.

We make the flavor yourself

Far in all cases, you can use a flavor for a humidifier. You can make a device with your own hands that will help to fill the atmosphere of the room with a pleasant smell, if the climate device does not have such functionality.

humidifier how to use flavor

The easiest option is a soda flavor. It will require a small glass container on which you can put on a lid with holes, your favorite essential oils and soda. The third part of the can should be filled with soda, add 10 drops of ether, mix and close the lid.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C43872/

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