Marina Anisina - biography and family of the skater

Currently, no one can be surprised by the news that this or that athlete / athlete is playing for another country. However, at world championships, everyone is trying to defend the interests of their homeland. Due to some circumstances, some athletes are forced to observe the triumphal procession of their compatriots, sitting at the stands, where delegates from other countries settled down. For some time, Marina Anisina also belonged to this category of people. The history of her career cannot be called cloudless. The ups were interspersed with falls, the change of one residence followed another, and only one component was present in her life invariably - this is figure skating.

marina anisina

Children's years in a sports family

The biography of Marina Anisina takes the first round of her story in Moscow. It was there that on August 30, 1975, the future famous skater was born. Her parents knew the world of sports firsthand. Marina’s mom is the famous skater Irina Chernyaeva. The girl’s father - Vyacheslav Anisin - became famous for his achievements in hockey. Therefore, it is not surprising that the future career of the girl was predetermined in advance: she was destined to repeat the success of her parents by the will of fate.

Marina Anisina from three years old joined the skates. Parents instilled in her faith in victory and the desire to achieve their goals. Gradually, the girl began to achieve excellent results.

anisina marina birth

Victories and defeats

Her first partner in pair skating is the famous Ilya Averbukh. It was with him that skater Marina Anisina won gold medals at the junior world championships. Their first triumph occurred in 1990. The couple repeated their sparkling success two years later. However, a sad fate was destined for a sad union: Ilya Averbukh leaves his partner, choosing Irina Lobacheva as her new colleague .

However, Marina Anisina very quickly found a replacement for the “slipped away” athlete. In place of Averbukh came Sergei Sakhnovsky. However, here fate decided to play a trick on the girl again. As soon as the couple began to achieve high results, Sergey left for Israel, where he became a colleague of Halit Hait.

skater marina anisina

From Russia to France

This time, Marina was looking for a replacement partner for a very long time. However, the search process in no way relaxed the skater: she was still training hard. After some time, Anisina realized that in Russia she was not destined to find a full-fledged partner. It was then, on the advice of her coach, she began to look at tapes with recordings of performances by foreign athletes. After a long and careful selection, Marina Anisina focuses on two skaters: the Frenchman Gwendal Peiser and the Canadian Victor Kraatze. The athlete writes letters to both foreigners about the proposal of a doubles performance. The Frenchman responded with consent to this request. However, in return, he also set a condition: the pair will play for France. Not seeing a way out of this situation, Marina moves to the country of fashion. It was the year 1993. The first six months she lives with the Peyser family in Lyon. Then she moves to her own apartment and receives French citizenship.

The success of the new French national

The change of partner and country allowed Marina to perform again. The couple demonstrated the first success of the Russian-French union at the 1998 Olympics in Nagano. From there, Marina and Gwendal took the bronze medals. In a duet with Peiser, the girl three times became the champion of France. In 2000, the couple won the European Championship. Two years later, they repeated success, further securing it at the world championship. In the same year, Anisina and Peiser left to perform at the Salt Lake City Olympics. Marina was glad about the new opportunity to show her skills. The only thing that bothered her was the French anthem sounded from the speakers instead of the much-desired Russian one.

It is noteworthy that this performance was accompanied by a grand scandal. It involved not only Marina and Gwendal, but also the French judges. However, this did not prevent the international duo from taking gold home. The career of a bright couple ended in 2002 after winning the Olympics and the World Cup. Since then, they have performed only in various shows. However, their performances are still remembered by the public: the support provided by the partner, and not the partner at all, favorably distinguished the duet from its competitors.

marina anisina children

From Athlete to Prince

The first true love of Marina Anisina was the skater Alexei Urmanov. However, their relationship was hindered by distance: for a long time, the boy and girl trained in different countries. Love by mail did not last long, and soon the young man had a new lover. And Marina was inflamed with new feelings for Pavel Bure. However, he did not know about the torment of the girl, and the flame of passion soon died out.

Once at a banquet in Monaco, Marina met with the heir to the throne of the kingdom. The loving prince could not miss the red-haired beauty, whose eye color resembles the radiance of emeralds. And soon the couple began to spend a huge amount of time together. Their romance lasted two years. Once, having learned about the other adventures of her lover, Marina made a terrible scandal. Unaccustomed to such treatment, Prince Albert quickly said goodbye to his temperamental girlfriend and left. And Anisina had to collect the remains of a broken heart from the floor.

biography of marina anisina


In order to change the situation, Marina decides to return to Russia for a short while. By fate, she was invited to take part in a project called “Dancing on Ice. Velvet season ”, which had already become very popular at that time. This program was broadcast on the RTR channel and was very interesting to viewers. In this project, Marina’s partner becomes an impressive and very shocking bard, singer and actor Nikita Dzhigurda. Their relationship quickly moved from the friendship phase to the love phase. The result of the novel was a wedding: on February 23, 2008, Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina tied themselves with the sacred bonds of marriage. It is noteworthy that the mother of the athlete was shocked by the choice of her daughter and did not even try to hide her attitude.

Family archives

In January 2009, a spicy video appeared, where the main role was played by Anisina Marina. The birth of the first-born couple was captured on the frames of this family film. On January 7, 2009, Nikita Dzhigurda became dad. The actor hastened to share his unimaginable joy with the whole world. I must say that this act is very frank and rather controversial. Although what else can you expect from a very shocking Dzhigurda?

The couple also called their first-born son - very extravagantly: Mick-Angel Krist Anisin-Dzhigurda. It is quite problematic to imagine how a boy will grow up surrounded by peers, whose names are an order of magnitude easier not only in spelling, but also in pronunciation.

Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina

Second replenishment

On January 23, 2010, a little more than a year after the first birth, Marina gives her eccentric spouse a second child. This time a girl was born. It is noteworthy that the name of the baby was chosen double: Eva-Vlad.
Nikita Dzhigurda, Marina Anisina, the couple’s children - all live in Moscow, choosing to take a short vacation to France, where they spend a pleasant time surrounded by their relatives. However, the athlete’s mother is terrified of her son-in-law’s demeanor. Irina Chernyaeva, a well-known skater in the past, never approved the choice of her daughter and always wanted the couple to break up. And the bard only laughs and, in the manner peculiar only to him, upsets the mother-in-law.


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