Kefir hair mask: to brighten hair and restore it

Almost every girl faced disappointment after dyeing her hair. The desired effect is very difficult to achieve, especially

hair mask for lightening hair
It is painful if repeated coloring is carried out: layers of paint are superimposed one on top of another, forming darker shades. It’s good when the initial result suits you, and the difference in several tones does not really matter to you. But for some women, this effect becomes a huge problem. A too dark color does not suit everyone, and, in general, clearly adds extra years.

Today, cosmetic companies are vying to offer professional products for flushing chemical dyes. However, even gentle preparations are highly undesirable if you have thin, brittle and weak hair. Is it really in this case that you have to wait until the paint is washed off by itself? Fortunately, we can use a tool like a hair mask. To lighten hair and restore it, a recipe using ordinary kefir is suitable. This product contains lactic acid bacteria, which favorably affect the skin and hair of the head.

Kefir mask for lightening hair

kefir mask for lightening hair
There are many recipes for kefir masks. But a regular supermarket product is not suitable for our purposes. Let us make the basis on our own, from which we get a wonderful hair mask. To lighten the hair, we need fatty raw materials.

So, take whole milk, add kefir to it (half a liter of milk 10 tsp. Kefir), leave it in a warm place for several days. We store the finished base in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

The easiest recipe is to use a cooked base. This will be our hair mask . To lighten her hair , you only need to distribute it on dry strands, put on a bath cap and wrap it with a towel. To withstand such a mask must be at least two hours. When you wash off the product from the hair, pay attention to the fact that the jets of water are painted in dark color. This means that kefir did its job: neutralized part of the synthetic pigment.

hair brightening mask reviews
Consider another recipe that will help solve the problem of too dark hairstyles. This is a lemon-kefir mask for lightening hair, reviews of the action of which indicate that many people liked it. In the juice of one lemon add 3-4 tbsp. l kefir basis of own preparation. Then we introduce the following ingredients: honey (1 tsp), cognac (2 tbsp.) And one egg. We mix all the components to a homogeneous consistency, and we get a home-made hair mask. To lighten hair and restore their structure, its repeated use is recommended.

It will be fair to note that not a single folk recipe will help radically change the color of your curls. In addition, this method of lightening provides approximately 5-10 sessions. The expected result is a difference in shades of just a couple of tones. But if you have nowhere to rush, you try to minimize the harmful effects of chemicals and dream of a healthy shine of hair, these recipes will come in handy.


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