Is it really necessary to water the onion with salt water?

Often, even experienced gardeners are faced with the fact that the onion feathers begin to turn yellow and fade. Many people think that the reason is too hot air, so it’s impossible to correct the situation. But in fact, yellowness, wilting in combination with stunting of the plant is the main sign of the work of larvae of flies. But the fact that the farmer can not figure out how often to water the onions will be evidenced by underdeveloped bulbs with small rare feathers.

Watering onions with salt water
The larva of a fly is a rather dangerous pest, small white worms damage the underground part of the plant, as a result of which its feathers themselves stop growing and fade. As a result, the farmer is completely deprived of the crop. But you can fight this problem. Even if you have not taken any preventive measures, you can save the crop even when the onions are already large.

How often to water onions
If you saw at least one spoiled feather on a carefully grown garden bed, then do not be lazy to irrigate the onion with salt water. Of course, this is a bit troublesome, but fresh green feathers, which rush up with new force, compensate for all labor costs. To do this, dissolve 200 grams of salt in a 10-liter bucket and pour each onion under the root with this water. Water consumption should be about 300 ml per plant.

It is watering the onions with salt water that will help get rid of the larvae of flies. If you do not take the necessary measures on time, you can lose the entire crop. You should not be afraid that your actions will negatively affect the soil. It is impossible to salt it with several waterings. And given the fact that this plant loves moisture, the concentration of sodium chloride in the earth will decrease after a few ordinary irrigation.

In addition, in order to overcome the larvae, the procedure does not need to be repeated every day. It is enough to water the onion with salt dissolved in water once every 3 weeks. But it is better a week after the first time to carefully see if the larvae have died. Rake the ground near one of the affected plants and check if the pests are alive. If the procedure does not work, then increase the concentration of brine to 450-600 grams of salt with 10-12 liters of water. It is enough to pour such water only once, but it is better to do it at a time when the onion is already large enough.

Watering the onion with salt
To prevent the appearance of an onion fly, some agronomists recommend watering the onion with salt water 3 times. The first should be when the feathers are already 5-6 cm peeping out of the ground. Subsequent irrigation is carried out after 2 or 3 weeks. Note that the procedure should be carried out in the evening, before sunset. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the plant, it is better to pour it from a watering can immediately under the base of the leaves.

If you are still afraid that watering the onions with salt water will negatively affect the soil, then you need to prepare in advance for planting it. Before sending it to the ground, soak the seedlings for 12 hours in a special solution. It is prepared as follows: in a bucket of water, dilute a glass of salt, place onion set in this liquid. Its upper scales will salt out, and the larvae simply will not bite it.


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