What is fire? Subculture and a great fashion show

Those who more or less know English, to the question: “What is fire?” - they will answer: “Fire.” And they will not be mistaken. The word is literally translated exactly this way, it came from the pragerman form fuir, in the 13th century the English word fier was formed from it, and the modern spelling fire was finally formed only in the 17th century. So what is fire, what other meanings does this word have?


The etymological dictionary of Maxim Fasmer explains that the word came from the German language and translates as “fire”, was common in the Smolensk region, but was used in the meaning “catch up”.

In the dictionary of synonyms Trishina V.N. two words equivalent to the term “fire” are indicated: “fire” and “smoke exhaust”.

What is fire in the modern sense of the word?

The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language explains that "fire" is used in three meanings:

  • Fire;
  • fire show;
  • performer of a fire show.

In addition, fire is a pyrotechnic torch. Used in the Ministry of Emergencies, it is a lamp on the handle, capable of illuminating large spaces for a long time and in any weather.

Currently, most often the word is used in the meaning of "fire show."

fire it

What is a fire show? And who are the firemen?

In Soviet times, posters with the inscription: "Do not play with fire!" The era has passed, posters have faded, and in many large cities people have appeared for whom playing with fire is not just a hobby, but also a real profession, a life's work. Firemen are dodgers who stage shows with fire.

Nowadays, fire performance has become very popular. He is ordered to celebrations, shown on television. What is a fire show, what is it?

Literally from English, the term translates as “fire show”. Its essence is to perform various manipulations with fire, tricks and dances with set fire to objects. A fiery performance is a form of street art, or rather street performance.

Fiery performance


The fire show has now become a fashionable hobby for young people. But the very first firemen were members of the Maori tribe, who on the ocean coast were very fond of entertaining and demonstrating performances with burning balls - poi (translated from Maori language means "balls on a string"). But who would know that the women of the tribe invented this item. They trained his hands with his help, a little later the Maori warriors began to use this method of physical preparation.

New Zealand Aboriginal entertainment was spied on by circus artists from Australia around the beginning of the 20th century. And already in the 60s, fire shows became popular in the USA and Western Europe, performances were included in the program of many circuses. Fire culture spread among hippies, who were happy to be carried away by the conquest of fire.

The popularity of fire shows in the 90s has grown significantly. Fire performances have become popular in nightclubs, at parties, at music and street festivals, at beach or holiday parties, and they have also become part of flash mobs and pyrotechnic shows.

Fire shows in Russia

Fire shows in our country appeared in the early 90s and are very popular nowadays. Firemen gather mainly in the dark, when the action can be appreciated in all its glory. They mastered squares, parks, embankments, central squares and other places convenient for performance and training. Their shows are always accompanied by live music. Drums, tambourines and other percussion musical instruments set the rhythm and create a special mysterious atmosphere. There is a feeling of being present at the shamanistic ritual. This is what fire is. Photos of this performance amaze the audience no less than the action itself. It’s hard to believe that this is a production and that it is happening here and now.

fire what is it

Firemen themselves call themselves pointers, hunters or poisters. But they spin not only poi, there are many other shells.


The arsenal of pointers is constantly updated with new devices, but the main ones are: poi, meteor, fan, claws, staffs, fire ropes, hoops, torches. They are all of different shapes, but in essence they are objects with burning wicks. Moreover, the more elaborate the projectile, the more spectacular the performance.

Clothing poiter should be as safe and comfortable as possible, so as not to expose them to additional danger and not interfere with movements. They themselves argue that the risk of getting a burn is minimized after a month of training.


With the increasing popularity of the presentation and the general availability of props, various types of shows appeared:

  • Traditional - Polynesian outfits are used, reminds a festival.
  • Ritual - fire is used in pagan and occult ceremonies, they pay less attention to technology, the artistry of the firecracker matters.
  • Modern - there are no rules and restrictions; various music, styles, techniques are used.
  • Comedy - all the tricks are set with one single purpose - to make the audience laugh.
  • Fire Theater - fire tricks are elements of a dramatic performance. Some theaters are accompanied by musicians, make-up artists, dressers.
Theater of fire

Fire subculture

Many poysters consider the fire show a subculture. They know each other, communicate with each other, even if they live in different cities and countries. Of course, there is a competition between theaters, as well as individual fireworks, as this is a business, a commercial enterprise.

But despite this, they share their experiences with each other, arrange special festivals, competitions, master classes.

What is a subcultural fire show? This is a kind of para-dancing and para-sporting party or extreme dances with fire. Of course, not everyone strives to become professionals, many just twist their shells, admire the beauty and grace of fire.

As in any subculture, poysters have their own slang, their imitators and their idols.

Fire unites completely different people who are passionate about one common thing - a fire show.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C43890/

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