The number of employees is ... Definition, calculation methods

Staffing is the number of employees established by the head taking into account current standards that is necessary for the normal functioning of the company. Usually it is drawn up by an internal document, where all structural units represented in the organization are recorded . They call such a document "Structure and staffing."


Documents: ensuring the activities of the company, taking into account the standards

How to draw up this internal document of the organization? The current legislation does not establish any mandatory standards for execution, so you need to focus on the standards adopted within the company, as well as on the Instructions for record keeping approved by the Director General.

staffing standards

Approval of staffing - what is it? As a rule, the procedure involves the formation of an order for the enterprise. The paper is signed by the chief manager - the general director or another employee holding the highest position in the hierarchy. In some cases, approval is provided by order of the person to whom the director has delegated the appropriate authority. Be sure to describe in detail the hierarchical structure of the company. Units are listed subject to subordination. Opposite each position indicate how many units in the enterprise are necessary for the full work of the company. The document is the basis for the staffing. A staffing document for an office clerk developing internal paper is not actually needed. The main thing is to correctly indicate the positions and write the text correctly. The main difficulty is the actual calculation of the number of employees, which is usually done by accounting.

Theoretical base

A structural unit is a department that is highlighted by official documents in the structure of the company. He has specific functions, a task, responsibility is assigned to the unit (to his boss) within the framework of core tasks.

The structural unit has no signs of a legal entity. It should not be confused with separate divisions of the organization. The staff size of the department largely depends on the direction of its work. Allocate:

  • services;
  • production area;
  • laboratory rooms;
  • sector;
  • management body;
  • the Bureau.

System of work and number of workers

It is no secret that in any company, employees have a narrow range of tasks assigned to them. It is prescribed in the employment contract. An employee can be given additional functionality by concluding an agreement with him to an employment contract. Different employees in different positions can solve similar problems. This allows you to combine them into some structural unit. But this is not always necessary.

number of employees

Standards of staffing and the actual number of company employees come to the rescue. They analyze how many people work at the enterprise, then study the standards and decide whether to create a department or not. In fact, standards are needed precisely to standardize the process of formation of units at enterprises throughout our country. In addition, the standards by which the staffing is determined make it possible to correctly distribute work among company employees and formulate job responsibilities for all personnel.

In numbers by example

Suppose there is some enterprise. According to the lists, more than seven hundred employees work on it. This number of staff allows you to create a bureau responsible for labor protection. In this case, the staffing level is no more than five people (but no less than three). This number also includes the person in charge - the head of the new structural unit.

But if six or more people will be responsible for labor protection, then the neoplasm is called the department. Some companies introduce internal standards - at least 4 employees must be responsible for labor protection.

Standards in Private Companies

What could be the maximum staffing level in a private enterprise? Typically, the standards are chosen by the head of the organization. The state is structured by division into departments. Be sure to control that small departments, in which there are no more than three employees, do not occupy a dominant position. Otherwise, responsibility is divided between a large number of people, in fact, no one is responsible for the decisions made, and this leads to the decline of the company.


If the staffing allows, it is necessary to create sufficiently large departments. The more people are subordinate to the head of the department, the higher the level of responsibility, the more thoroughly a person approaches work. But one cannot fail to admit that with the growth of responsibility people have higher wage requirements.

Documents as justification

Creating a new unit at the enterprise, the staffing for it is usually chosen not by chance. The experience of large, successful companies, regulatory documents valid in our country, and internal LNA come to the aid.

The most important official papers are:

  • The resolution of the Ministry of Labor, adopted in 1995 under number 56, which contains the standards of accounting, financial activity.
  • The Decree No. 10, issued by the same body in 2001, declaring the number standards for bodies responsible for labor protection.
  • Gosstroy orders of 1999 under the numbers 65, 69. They indicate the number standards for some individual areas.
  • Order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of 1998 under the number 252 declaring what the staffing at the fuel and energy complex should be.

How to count correctly?

At the moment, there are no generally recognized and approved by the laws algorithms for calculating the actual, maximum number. Actual, as follows from the term itself, is determined by a simple calculation of the number of employees in the organization.

staff size sample

The staff limit is determined by the chief executive officer of the company. Typically, an assessment is made taking into account the structure of the company, as well as the functions of a particular department. In general, the head of the enterprise has the right to choose his profession, the number of employees for each production function. But there are separate organizations, institutions to which the standards established by laws are applicable. Government departments and institutions are squeezed into the narrowest framework.

Rules and restrictions

The restrictions imposed on state authorities are especially obvious if we study the staffing of executive bodies. As an example, you can take the central apparatus. There is a leader who can approve the number of employees, but the payroll is set above. That is, even if there is a desire to hire more people, this is impossible, since there is simply not enough salary. FOT affirm the President, the Government. To do this, take into account the posts in accordance with the centralized register, and also focus on some other legal acts, from which it follows what should be the number of staff in the department. Officially, the process describes a government decree adopted in 2005, published under number 452.

marginal staffing

The head, calculating the marginal, actual number, is reporting. In order not to be mistaken, it makes sense to request information from the responsible authorities, that is, those where you need to transfer the report on the number of employees of the enterprise. But be careful: all such appeals must be written, registered under the incoming office number. Otherwise, it is highly likely that the question will remain unanswered and simply be lost.

Differentiating concepts

Analyzing regulatory and legal documents that are valid at the moment, you can see that they use two terms:

  • average headcount;
  • average size.

The first option considers those who work in the enterprise as in the main place. The second involves taking into account all part-time workers, as well as persons with whom the GPA is concluded.


The average number includes the average number, but in addition to them, it involves taking into account the number of people working on external jobs, as well as the number of people involved in GPA, on average.

The average includes those people who work in the company on an ongoing basis. Workers are considered full-time, part-time. They also consider those with whom unlimited, urgent contracts are concluded. It is necessary to take into account seasonal workers, temporary staff.

department staff

If the company has internal part-timers, they are considered one unit for the headcount. If a certain part-time person comes from another company, they are not included in the payroll number . Separate records are kept for those who are accepted according to the rules of external combination.

Optional mandatory

There are such legal acts that have been adopted by the authorities of the country and approved as advisory. Of course, there are similar documents regulating the staffing level at the enterprise.

The most comprehensive and restrictive recommendations apply to budget organizations. They oblige to apply to labor standards, from which it follows how many people are needed in the enterprise for normal and effective work.

Formula: it is useful

Calculate the number of employees, based on labor standards, as follows:

  • (Annual expenses for the full amount of work in hours): (Standards of one employee in hours) x (Coefficient taking into account vacations, absenteeism, sick leave).

Standards are usually valued at 2,000 hours per calendar year.

staffing what is it

To summarize

Staffing is a quantitative assessment of employees. It is established by the head of the company, taking into account current standards and recommendations. Most legal documents are non-binding, but desirable. But in budgetary organizations it is important to comply with the norms and rules for determining the number of employees that are enforced by the laws of the country.

The head of a private organization can be guided by the same standards that state enterprises comply with. At the same time, it is recommended to avoid splitting the company into small units, if possible, otherwise the hierarchical structure is violated, the boundaries of responsibility are blurred. In order for the company’s structure to be clear, efficient, it is declared by an internal document approved by the director.


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