How to soak the kebab correctly?

Want to know how to soak the barbecue? Forget about mayonnaise, vinegar and all kinds of chemical additives from supermarkets. Today, only natural products and just the right tips! Here are the best recipes from the cuisines of several countries. You will learn how to soak the kebab in Georgian, Cossack and Afghan. This is a completely different approach to the same dish. But each recipe is unique in its own way. Read, cook, enjoy.

How to soak a barbecue
The first recipe was left to us by one Georgian friend. It was he who told how to soak the barbecue so that it was juicy, fragrant and really tasty. It turns out that this is both quick and easy. For the barbecue, he chose the meat ribs (brisket). Those who do not like fatty meat, it is better to stay on the neck (on the most tender pieces without fat).

The pieces should not be small, otherwise instead of barbecue you will get crackers. Onions are usually made into rings. It is important that it be about the same as meat (equally). From seasonings, only lemon juice, basil, tarragon, parsley and white pepper were needed (well, salt is already to your taste). All this was mixed and put under oppression for a while, until the coals began to give the desired heat (one and a half hours). The meat was strung on skewers along the fibers (in no case not across), freeing from greenery. Fried until browned, sprinkling with lemon juice.

How to soak shish kebab
The next recipe is the echoes of the old Cossack cuisine, but with new additions. In general, the word “shish kebab” was coined by the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who borrowed the method of cooking on a spit from the Crimean Tatars. The meat was soaked not in wine with onions, but in sour milk. The details of how to soak the kebab in Cossack did not reach us, but the basics still remained. Therefore, we will try to get closer to the cuisine of Zaporizhzhya Sich.

Prepare large pieces of lamb (2 kg), black pepper and almonds (ground), sour milk (a couple of glasses) and salt. All ingredients except salt are mixed. The meat is pickled for about three hours (or more). Salt will be needed already before putting meat on the skewer (or laid on the grill) on the coals (not earlier, otherwise juiciness will be lost). Lamb lovers will appreciate this kebab.

The third recipe relates to Afghan cuisine. It’s not enough to know how to soak the barbecue, you still need to be able to choose the “right” meat. Lamb should only be young, pale pink, light, smell good and have no streaks. Each piece is wiped with a mixture of olive oil and pepper, then chopped onion and peeled garlic cloves (per kilogram of meat - a head of garlic, more can be added), tomato juice and curry are added to the meat. Salt, as in the previous recipe, is added immediately before the barbecue directly, as it “draws out” juices. Do not interrupt an excellent mutton kebab with store sauces. Limit yourself to fresh vegetables, herbs and good dry wine.

How to soak meat for barbecue
Before you soak the meat for barbecue, pay attention to a few tips given below.

1. Any meat (lamb, chicken, pork, beef) should be only fresh, even better paired. Frozen for barbecue is not suitable.

2. Do not use vinegar. As an acidic base, it is better to take the juice of pomegranate, lemon, gooseberry. Dry wine or kefir is suitable.

3. Meat friendly onion, tomato, spices, herbs. As an experiment, try adding a little honey, mustard (not for everyone) to the marinade.

4. Meat is usually pickled for 6 hours, but not more than a day, otherwise the onion will begin to give off its bitterness.

5. Pieces are strung only along the fibers (can be alternated with onions and tomatoes).

6. Kebab fried on fire will be doomed - it needs the heat of coals, and not the flame.

7. The best kebab is obtained on the coals of the vine. Since this is very rare, logs of fruit trees (not branches) are suitable. Pine will give bitterness to meat, and kebab will turn black from birch.

8. If you want to play with aromas, try to throw some cardamom, wormwood, dill, thyme on the coals.

9. When frying, sprinkle meat with either dry wine or lemon juice.

10. The readiness of the kebab will show an incision of the piece. When transparent juice appears, the meat is removed. If it is still pink, you need a few more minutes. Well, if there is no juice at all - the kebab is overdried.


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