Growing up is ... Definition, steps and features

People themselves do not notice how quickly they grow up. Growing up is often a change in understanding of the world and life over time. Over time, a person gets older and gain new experience. In this case, it is not so much a question of physiology that changes from year to year, but the way of thinking of a person, his views and principles. That is why many do not understand what is the specificity of growing up a person and how it occurs. It turns out that getting an answer to the presented question will not work, since each person is individual in his own way, and therefore, growing up also occurs individually.

The concept of growing up and the main stages

Growing up is a long period of a person’s life, in which it is customary to distinguish the following stages:

  • stage of early adulthood (20-40 years);
  • stage of average maturity (40-60 years);
  • stage of late adulthood (60 years and older).

The presented stages differ in their features and characteristics. However, a person is an individual person, so it is very difficult to apply age restrictions. After all, his subjective idea of ​​his age and himself as a whole significantly affects the manner of behavior and the development process. As a result, the concept of “age hours” is used in relation to adults, and the problem of growing up daily becomes more relevant and requires increased attention.

The concept of "age hours" and three independent ages

Growing up is

An age clock is a certain schedule that shows the individual’s internal state and allows one to determine how far ahead of the main and important events in his life or lags behind them: studying at school, university, marriage, having children and achieving a certain status in society. Along with the concept of "age hours" began to distinguish three concepts of age:

  • biological age shows how a person corresponds to a certain moment of life;
  • social age determines the degree to which a person conforms to the norms of a particular culture, which are considered in the context of biological age;
  • psychological age shows how the level of human intelligence corresponds to the conditions of society, motor skills, attitudes, feelings.

Regardless of the concepts listed above, there are several stages of personality growth, which also require special attention.

Childhood - from birth to 11 years

Childhood is the brightest period of a person’s life. After all, he has to go the greatest way in his individual development from an creature that is not capable of anything to a child’s personality adapted to the surrounding world.

Growing up baby

As a rule, the psyche of the child during the first 10 years of life goes a way that is incomparable with each of the subsequent age periods. Such a passage of life distance is primarily due to the orthogenetic characteristics of age. Thus, we can say that childhood is oriented by natural prerequisites to the intensification of development. Regardless of this, self-development does not determine this movement, and natural conditions only promote a child in childhood from one life stage to another.

It is important to note that the child’s body is rapidly developing in this age period. He also has his own "I", his own concepts and understanding of certain things. During childhood, the child develops psychologically, begins to communicate, feel, realize his uniqueness and show his abilities in important life situations.

Adolescence - from 11 to 16 years

Growing up person

The adolescent period involves the growing up of a child and is a vital stage for self-identification of a person, that is, his self-determination. Constantly in a social environment, the child is separated from parental values ​​and seeks to try on others. Often parents try to take control of their child’s psychological territory, which causes disagreements and conflicts that turn into a struggle for freedom.

Growing up is an important process that entails a transition from a children's understanding of the world to an adult worldview. Children throughout their adolescence begin to reflect on their future life and professional activities. In this case, parents gradually release their children into the adult world, thereby freeing their psychological territory. However, there remains a dependence not only on parents in the material aspect, but also on the model of behavior and family values.

Youth - from 16 to 19 years

Growing up problem

Youth is a life stage, which, with the uncertainty of the boundaries of the psychological territory of the personality of an already adult child, develops into a struggle with parents. And despite the financial support of their parents, they will not be able to change anything. It is at this stage that almost all of the responsibility for their actions and the adoption of important decisions is transferred to children along with freedom. Often, parents try to keep their children near them and take on some of the responsibilities themselves, which subsequently leads to serious problems.

Youth - from 19 to 35 years old

Growing up girls

Youth is rightfully considered an important period in life when a partnership is established in relations between children and adults, as well as the interaction of psychological territories. Both parents and children are always ready to provide support and assistance to each other, without interfering with the fulfillment of the needs of everyone.

As a rule, the area of ​​interaction is preserved, and rules are established that are beneficial both for some and for others. However, it should be noted that at this stage, the growing up of a girl is noticeably different from the growing up of a boy.

Maturity - from 35 years and older

Mature age is devoid of the specificity inherent in other life periods. Most of the time people spend at work. Despite this, economic considerations dominate - work also allows you to organize time and is an area of ​​communication where a sense of necessity and self-esteem is maintained. Thus, it is pleasant to combine working hours with the possibility of free choice and independent decision making.

Stages of growing up

As a rule, after reaching 30 years, people seek to find themselves in life: they make long-term plans and begin to achieve them. After some time, some try to free themselves from the power of other people and establish independence. After 40 years, men often begin to reflect on what they managed to achieve in life, and, evaluating the results, draw appropriate conclusions. After 45 years, a midlife crisis sets in, which most individuals manage to cope with.


Growing up is a wonderful period in a person’s life, which takes place individually. After all, only in the process of growing up is the formation of personality. It is this bright life stage that helps to become more restrained and tolerant towards people. Rebel is already absent, a person becomes calm and more representative, which is actually not bad.

The process of growing up allows you to gain experience, which gradually helps to realize your plans. However, every effort should be made to preserve the childhood dream, which makes a person an individual personality. Do not be afraid to live, grow up, because this is a new stage in life that everyone has to go through.


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