HTC Nexus 9 32Gb LTE tablet: review, description and owner reviews

Nexus smartphone and tablet at the time made a lot of noise in the mobile device market. The thing is that these devices were released under the auspices of Google, which allowed them to get the most advanced software. In addition, the gadgets themselves are produced by well-known manufacturers, which clearly makes them better in the eyes of buyers. Yes, and the price-performance ratio of the device is clearly on their side - at least this is confirmed by reviews of the Nexus 5 and 7.

Obviously, the line continues. More recently , Google announced the release of the next model under the same name with the specified. This is HTC Nexus 9. Already by its name you can understand what kind of manufacturer is producing the device.

Read more about the new product in this article.

General impression

Let's start with information about the device as a whole. It is noteworthy if only because it was released first on the updated Android 5.0 operating system. This means a completely different approach to design, which we can observe with the example of HTC Nexus 9. There are no traditional “Android” black backgrounds - everything was done on, rather, “Apple” light gradients.

And since the launch of the device coincided with the presentation of the new operating system, it is not surprising that the developers worked hard on it, equipping the tablet to the maximum.

HTC Nexus 9

On the other hand, you have to pay for quality. This was made clear by the fact that they significantly (almost doubled) the base prices for the new HTC Google Nexus 9 tablet. Due to this, now the device can hardly be called "budget" - its cost of $ 400 is hardly behind the price of iPad Air.

With smartphone

In parallel with the tablet computer, the Nexus line-up was supplemented by the 6th model, presented in the form of a smartphone. Motorola was engaged in its release, and the phone became a real "heir" of the previous mobile - Nexus 5.

We recalled this device in the framework of the article not by chance. Together with the tablet we describe, it is actually a new generation of gadgets from Google and world famous manufacturers that produce devices that are multifunctional, quality and at a fairly high price.

HTC Google Nexus 9

However, we discard the negative features of the models and characterize the tablet HTC Nexus 9, as it is.

Starting from the box ...

A meeting with a new device for each buyer begins with a box. This is a kind of visiting card of a tablet or smartphone. We remember that the Nexus 7 delivered an unremarkable rectangular box that did not create any impression of the device inside. In the case of the “nine”, everything is different - the designers decided to go for an experiment and present a package with rounded edges.

Honestly, this option looks interesting and unusual - I really want to know what is hidden inside. And the packaging is suitable for the color of the new Android 5.0 operating system , as it is made in bright colors.


Despite the fact that the shell "Android" is decorated in the style of iOS, in the design of the device there is nothing that would resemble an iPad Mini. The tablet's back cover is made of matte plastic of white color, which lies nicely in the hand. On it, as in the case of the second generation Nexus 7, a company inscription flaunts - the name of the device line.

HTC Nexus 9 32gb LTE

For greater strength, the side panels of the tablet are made of metal, which clearly makes it more profitable from the point of view of operation against the background of the “seven”, in which, as we know, users noticed chips and cracks on the sides.


HTC Nexus 9 has a larger screen than the previous generation, whose diagonal is 8.9 inches. Obviously, this is a real compromise that allows you to achieve two goals at once: to present a gadget with a large display and at the same time not to make the tablet body excessively large. On the other hand, by launching a similar product, Google is clearly creating a competitor to the iPad Mini with the same dimensions.

The display of the device is covered with a special protective glass Gorilla Glass 3, which, as stated in the technical specifications, allows you to protect the inside of the screen from bumps, scratches and chips. Of course, the reviews of those who already use a tablet with such a display coating deny this. Even such a solution will not help in some situations, so you should not rely on it.

HTC Nexus 9 LTE

The screen resolution of the HTC Nexus 9 is 2048 by 1536 (this, given its area, creates a density of 281 pixels per inch). Perhaps in numerical terms this doesn’t mean anything to many users, but in practice, such parameters make it possible to provide a complete gamut of colors, as well as display a high-precision picture. This tablet is suitable for reading, and for viewing video files and colorful games.


If we compare the tablet HTC Nexus 9 (LTE) with other devices, we can note its high performance. It is achieved due to 2 GB of RAM, as well as a high processor clock speed of 2.3 GHz (2 cores). For comparison - on the Nexus 7 there was a 4-core processor with a frequency of 1.6 GHz. Obviously, the developers managed to make the “heart” of the tablet more powerful, which, of course, was reflected positively on its performance.

In everyday work, it is not difficult to notice the high power of the device - HTC Nexus 9 very easily reproduces any games in the highest quality. Another thing is that now, according to experts from a number of reviews on this model, there is simply no application on the market that can really load such a processor. Therefore, perhaps at this stage in the development of the gaming industry, such power is excessive.


Despite the high performance, the device also has a sufficient level of autonomy. This is primarily ensured by the battery, whose capacity is 6700 mAh. In the second - we can talk about optimizing the charge consumption, which also allows you to significantly extend the operating time.

HTC Nexus 9 32gb

In practice, the gadget lasts about 9 hours for a high-level download (at least the manufacturer claims this). If you believe the reviews, then the tablet in normal mode is able to "stretch" 1.5-2 days on a single charge. This is a pretty good indicator for an Android device.


We remember that on the 7th generation Nexus a 5-megapixel camera was installed without a flash, which showed mediocre results of images. In principle, in the case of the ninth model, little has changed.

The HTC Google Nexus 9 has an 8-megapixel camera that comes with an LED flash. The latter gives some color improvement when taking pictures in low light, but does not save the situation as a whole.

As the tests show, the focus in the tablet’s camera works with an obvious delay, not providing the ability to take fairly clear pictures. In addition, sometimes the color scheme in photographs is poorly transmitted.

However, as user reviews show, few people use a tablet computer to take pictures, so no one expects photos to be high-quality.

operating system

As already noted, the device has a new (at the time of development of the device) operating system Android 5.0 Lollipop. In many ways, it differs from the previous version (KitKat) in the design of the interface. As for the logical structure (settings, menus, etc.), from this point of view, no changes are observed.

Now HTC Nexus 9 (LTE) has become similar to products on iOS because of the new lock screen and keyboard.

tablet HTC Nexus 9

As for the convenience of working with the new OS, here the opinions of users differ. Some argue that working on version 5 has actually become more convenient due to a more intuitive organization. Others note the instability of the new OS and emphasize the need to roll back to the previous modification.

Reviews: disadvantages

For a more complete picture of the device, in this article it is necessary to give at least generalized information about what feedback buyers of HTC Google Nexus 9 leave. At least that way we can at least be able to more objectively understand what this device is.

Of course, most of all recommendations are positive. Buyers highly appreciate the device, praise it for the advantages that we have listed above. However, we are also interested in the weaknesses of the HTC Nexus 9 (32gb LTE). Therefore, we will try to identify the shortcomings of the tablet, based on what people write.

First of all, this, of course, is the price. Yes, the device is worth the money, but since its cost is slightly different from the iPad, some users can opt for the latter. The next drawback is people call the operation of the volume keys located on the side panel. The recommendations note that when working with the device, you can observe difficulties in navigation using these buttons, since they are difficult to get. In addition, it is very difficult to understand when they are pressed.

HTC Nexus 9 LTE ​​tablet

Another disadvantage is the heating of the tablet. It is not critical - fingers, during work, of course, do not burn. However, this is due to the need to convert the graphics of a game or program that is launched in such a way that it matches the screen size of the tablet. As we already mentioned, the non-standard resolution is to blame. And so the conversion is carried out, as a result of which a larger number of processes are performed, and (often) the quality of the graphics is lost. We were not able to identify other comments about the operation of the HTC Nexus 9 (32gb LTE) tablet left by at least several users.


In this article, we described how the new ninth generation Nexus can please the buyer. It is worth noting that the device is released with a number of improvements (compared with the model of the 7th series), due to which the tablet can be called more thorough. He has clearly fewer shortcomings, but one of them (price) can become a serious obstacle to the buyer’s ability to purchase his Nexus.

Well, be that as it may, the HTC Nexus 9 (32gb) has become a real sensation in the world of electronics, the output of which everyone had so expected. Therefore, you just have to wait to understand how well this model will sell, and whether it will have the expected success on Google and HTC. Given the quality of the device, its design and functionality, we can conclude that it really will become popular around the world.


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