What is YouTube and how to use it? How to use "YouTube"?

YouTube is the largest global video archive that collects millions of views every day and replenishes its collection with user-downloaded videos every second. If you are still unfamiliar with this resource - now is the time to do it.

YouTube is ...

Talking about what YouTube is and how to use it, first of all, we briefly describe video hosting. The name You Tube is a combination of the English words "you" and "pipe" (the English-language slang name for the TV). In Russian transcription you can pronounce both "YouTube" and "YouTube".

what is YouTube and how to use it

The resource demonstrates, stores, delivers various video files. Any user can view all kinds of videos from the catalog, rate them, comment, share them with friends (including social networks), as well as upload their videos and edit them. "YouTube" contains content for any request: news, trailers and movies, music videos, educational videos, life hacks and master classes, video blogs, reviews, humorous videos and much more.

Facts and Figures

Now a few numbers. The company "YouTube" was founded in 2005, the Russian adaptation of the site became available in 2007. It has been owned by Google since 2006. Every minute about 60 hours of various videos are uploaded to the site, and about 86 thousand per day. In 2012, the number of daily content views exceeded 4 billion. And it is not surprising, because YouTube is the second most visited world site and the most popular video hosting. By the way, Russians make up only about 2% of its audience - 51 million users.

How to use "YouTube"?

For those who want to learn more about what YouTube is and how to use it, we’ll tell you how to navigate it if you have chosen the role of a spectator for yourself.

Register on the site

Of course, you can watch videos on the hosting for unregistered users, but authorization on the site will give you a number of advantages:

  • you can subscribe to any channel you like - the system will notify you of new videos on it;
  • in the "Watched" section, all videos you see will be saved;
  • You can click on the "Delayed viewing" icon to view the video later;
  • you will have the opportunity to evaluate the creations of other users and comment on them.

You can register using gmail.com email . If you already have it, then you are automatically logged in to video hosting - just log in.

Watch video

Open youtube.com in a browser . On the main page you will be offered the most popular videos from users. Something you need will appear here when you watch a series of videos that interest you. YouTube will offer content according to your preferences.

Watching a video is simple: click on the icon of the video you like or on its name. When you lower the mouse cursor down the video player, you will see a menu with useful functions: volume, video resolution, wide screen, quick scroll to the desired location. Even lower: video information, comments. Immediately, you can evaluate the video by clicking on "thumbs up" or "thumbs down."

Video search

Understanding further how to use "YouTube" correctly, one cannot help but touch upon the topic of search. It is conducted simply - at the very top of any page of the site there will be a search bar where you can enter a word or phrase characterizing what you would like to find. You can find something interesting both in the "Channel Directory" on the left side and in the "Recommendations" on the right side of the page.

how to use youtube affiliate program


The channels here are a collection of videos from one author. Each user has his own channel, which can be filled with clips. If someone seemed to be interested in such a collection, you can subscribe to it - you will receive notifications when new content appears in it.

How to use a YouTube channel to a blogger?

If you came to the site in order to share your creations with users yourself, the following instruction is for your attention.

Before acquainting users with your creativity, make the appearance of the channel attractive:

  1. You can keep several channels on one account at once - if your creativity or business is multifaceted.
  2. First of all, upload a high-quality avatar photo to your Google account.
  3. Decorate the banner (top long image) with a suitable collage or photo.
  4. The name of the channel should be “catchy”, and the description should be concise and informative.
  5. Add a short trailer (how to use YouTube to download videos - see below), where you welcome subscribers and motivate them to watch you.
  6. Customize the sections of the main page - attract users with your brightest creations.
  7. Develop in "Photoshop" and upload the png-icon of your channel - it will be visible in any of your videos in the lower right corner.

youtube video editor how to use

Upload video

After the channel has found a “face”, it’s time to download the first video:

  1. Users don’t like raw video - adjust its contrast, brightness, cut out unsuccessful fragments, remove camera shake, apply the appropriate music in the YouTube Video Editor application (see below for how to use it).
  2. Until you’ve verified your account using your mobile number, you can upload videos no longer than 15 minutes.
  3. Video can be downloaded from either a PC or a gadget (download the official app for convenience). It is laid out both ready and shot just on the webcam.
  4. Like a channel, each video should have a bright title, an exhaustive description.
  5. Tags are words used by users to find your video on the web. Write down specific, succinct, short descriptions - about 10 pieces.
  6. Confidentiality - open access for a limited audience.
  7. After publication, share the link to the video with your friends on your blog, social network profile.

how to use youtube channel

Video editor "YouTube"

It is impossible not to mention this convenient addition, talking about what YouTube is and how to use it. So his tools:

  • brightness / contrast, auto correction;
  • stabilization of the "picture";
  • slow down / speed up playback;
  • art filters;
  • sound control;
  • gluing (up to 50 videos and 500 photos) and trimming clips;
  • video rotation;
  • adding text, music, photos to the video;
  • Adding transitions and a video title.

how to use youtube

It's easy to start using it: "Creative Studio" - "Create" - "Video Editor":

  1. Drag an already downloaded video or clips onto the video track.
  2. Audio: Choose from hundreds of thousands of ringtones.
  3. In the right window you will have access to all editing tools.
  4. Use the Scissors element to cut out bad moments.
  5. Set up smooth transitions between parts of the video.
  6. Use the correction tools to make the image clear and bright. Pay attention to the "Stabilizer".
  7. If desired, supplement the video with headings explaining the text.

affiliate program

For users, it is represented by monetization - an ad will be embedded in the video, for each viewing by the viewer a certain amount will be credited to your account.

How to use the YouTube affiliate program: Creative Studio - Channel - Monetization - Enable. Then it’s up to the site administration - after checking your channel (it may take several weeks) to your email and this section will receive a notification of the decision: approval or rejection of the application. A positive decision awaits users with a large number of views.

how to use YouTube

You can talk endlessly about what YouTube is and how to use it, but it’s better, as they say, to see it once. After becoming acquainted with video hosting, many immediately add it to their favorite bookmarks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C43907/

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