Is it possible to fry red onions if there is no white?

Every housewife has a situation where you have to choose an alternative to certain products. I ran home, started cooking dinner, it turned out that there was no onion head. Can I fry red onions? In fact, there is no big tragedy, but you need to know the features of this vegetable.

Is it possible to fry red onions with potatoes

Purple onion

It is also called Crimean or Yalta. Turnip has a beautiful shade. It has a rather pleasant and less harsh taste. Few people know that this vegetable is very healthy. By the way, this is also why the question arises whether it is possible to fry red onions. That is, whether it is worth destroying nutrients by heat treatment.

A little bit about culture

White and red are varieties of vegetables that are called the same, that is, onions. Many fell in love with the second, red, for its delicate, sweet taste. That is why it does not require pre-treatment and is added fresh to all dishes and salads. Can I fry red onions? Yes, but why?

This differs from the usual golden turnip with a purple peel. And the flesh is white, with bluish or reddish veins. The diameter of the bulb reaches 16 cm. It is no less useful than its golden counterpart. But if the lastness of the latter does not allow it to be eaten raw, then you can safely crumble the purple turnip into salads.

Chemical composition

Speaking about whether it is possible to fry red onions, it is necessary to note its exceptional juiciness. That is, it will be necessary, rather, not to fry, but to stew. It has a lot of sugars. What is noteworthy: in this respect, a vegetable surpasses even some fruits. This is another reason to consider whether to fry red onions. From the second courses they expect spiciness, piquancy, but not sweets. But if you like the combination of meat and honey, then it may very well be that the result will be pleasant.

Despite its sweetness, Crimean onions also cause tears when sliced. This is due to the presence in its composition of a special essential oil. In addition, the turnip contains many vitamins and minerals: iron, calcium, fluorine nickel and, of course, volatile. To maintain their maximum number, it is recommended only to passer the red onion. Although doctors say that heat treatment does not reduce the usefulness of this vegetable.

Cooking use

It can be prepared in the same way as an ordinary turnip. There is not much difference between them. And the chefs recommend, on the contrary, to choose it as often as possible or even completely replace it with onion. In addition to its benefits, it is famous for its excellent appearance. Any dish becomes brighter with it. If the onion is grown correctly, then its taste can surprise even gourmets. This can serve as an incentive to start growing it on your own site.

What can I cook

Using red onions, you get a huge amount of delicious dishes. But you need to keep in mind that its value in the market is usually much higher than that of the golden turnip. This is what determines the choice of most housewives, because this vegetable goes to almost every dish, including the first, second and pastries. With it you can make salads, marinade and much more:

  • Original pizza. You just need to cut the onion rings and fry in olive oil. After spread on a dough cake and bake in the oven. The dish is for an amateur, but many like it.
  • Tomato salad. It is very simple: you need to chop the tomatoes and onion, mix and season with oil.
  • Sauce. It turns out pretty tasty. For cooking, you need to grind the turnip, add milk and heat to a boil. Separately, fry the flour in butter and mix both mixtures.
passer red onion

Pickled Red Onions

This dish may become the duty on your desk. It is suitable as a vitamin supplement for daily lunch and dinner. And cooking does not take much time. You need to chop the onion rings and cook the marinade. For the latter, take 250 g of water and 7 tablespoons of vinegar (9%). Do not do without sugar, it needs 50 g. And the marinade completes 15 g of salt. That's all, fill the rings with the mixture and put in a jar. You can fill with greens on top. Perfect for pilaf, sandwiches. You can store for a week.

Is it possible to fry red onions with meat

Fried potatoes

This dish is both simple and beloved for most of our compatriots. Can I fry red onions with potatoes? Yes, there are no bans. Just keep in mind that it turns out darker than if you took a golden turnip. On the other hand, this does not play a big role in potatoes. Rosy pieces with a crust give the dish an uneven color, and the onion will not stand out too much against this background. We suggest you try the original cooking option.

  • Potatoes need to be cut into large pieces (into halves) and boiled until half cooked. Be careful - we don’t need mashed potatoes.
  • Cut red onion into 6-8 slices, that is, also quite large. Add the garlic. This is all the charm. Spectacular slices complement roasted potatoes.
  • Melt the butter in a pan and put onion with garlic.
  • After a minute, you can spread the potatoes, after draining the water from it.
  • After 20 minutes, you can call everyone to the table.

It turns out delicious rosy potatoes with aromatic onions.

Is it possible to fry red onions with mushrooms

Meat with onions

There is no better combination in the world. But the question arises: is it possible to fry red onions with meat? Most culinary experts agree that this is not the best option. Delicate, sweet, it will be lost against a stronger taste. But there is a way that will reveal its merits. In this case, we fry the meat as usual.

After that, in a separate stewpan we cook a large amount of onions. That is, we cut it into large cubes and fry in olive oil. Add to soy sauce or tomato paste. It turns out a wonderful side dish that will shade beef, pork or chicken. You will be surprised, but the onion will pass for the sauce and side dish. If desired, you can supplement the dish with boiled rice, it will not be worse.

do red onions

Mushroom snack

Usually for champignons, honey agarics or oil select onions. But you can cook an original dish in which the purple turnip will become a highlight. Each culinary specialist has his own opinion on whether it is possible to fry red onions with mushrooms. But as for this dish, everyone agrees. Here it will perfectly complement the rest of the ingredients.

  • Onions need to be chopped and sautéed in a high saucepan in melted butter. Stir for about 10 minutes and sprinkle with caramelized sugar.
  • Add Worcester sauce and wine. Simmer until it evaporates.
  • Add garlic and chopped mushrooms to the pan. Salt and pepper.
    how to fry onions
  • Add chicken stock and bring to a boil.
  • Spread the pasta, add some cream and grated cheese.

It turns out a fantastic dish in which red onion sets off and complements the overall composition. Be sure to try, it is not complicated and very tasty. Ideal for a quick dinner. As you can see, red onions can be successfully used in the kitchen. Its only drawback is its high cost. So, by and large, the answer to the question of whether the red onions are fried can be affirmatively.


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