Specialty "Ecology and nature management": whom to work?

Every year, people are more and more thinking about the world, its condition, resources and their exhaustibility, ecology and so on. The green world, which was known by past generations, has sunk into oblivion for several decades. All were flooded with factories, factories, wood processing concerns. On the streets more and more cars, more and more emissions and exhausts go into the atmosphere. More and more heavy metals are deposited in the lungs of people and animals. Further we go, worse it becomes. And so people began to think about the danger to the environment, finally realized that it was necessary to take care of it and do it wisely. This is what the Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management did. But the staff for him and some other organizations involved in the state of our environment, prepare universities. This area is called "Ecology and Nature Management". Let's analyze the characteristics and functions of this area and specialty.

ecology and nature management by whom to work

Direction characteristic

"Ecology and nature management" is a specialty that prepares students in three areas. Namely: geoecology, nature management, ecology. The principle in all areas is adjacent, and specialists can work in the future under the same conditions. As it became clear from the introduction, the profession is really relevant. And, most importantly, there are not very many specialists in it at the moment. This creates the possibility of more extensive career research and career growth, provided that the case is really interesting to the student, and in the future to the graduate and potential employee. However, you will have to work not only in a comfortable office chair. "Ecology and nature management" - a specialty that involves working in the field, frequent field trips and sampling samples for analysis. In any case, it will be so at the beginning of a career.

ecology and nature management specialty

What students learn

The Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region needs specialists who can do their job efficiently. It offers many practices, internships, and even vacancies for future graduates of higher educational institutions. But in order to get there, you need to know the core subjects perfectly. And, of course, it is important to be able to put knowledge into practice.

The Committee on Ecology and Nature Management has identified the most important skills of specialists in this industry. These include: knowledge of the biological diversity of species of the controlled territory, their requirements for living conditions; the ability to analyze, interpret the results of environmental studies; prediction of environmental risks in connection with certain actions of a technogenic nature; knowledge of environmental economics; understanding of environmental monitoring principles; the ability to rationally organize the extraction and use of organic and natural resources.

Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region

Necessary skills and knowledge

The Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region involves the work of experts in exact science. This is not a humanitarian specialty in most cases. The student and specialist will have to make many calculations of a global nature. Each similar specialist in the group of employees will have a great responsibility for the result of their analyzes, systematics and the verdict. Universities are positioning the direction of "Ecology and Nature Management" as a research one. This means that the applicant must be aware of the need to be able to use numbers and formulas, and also, quite likely, develop new methods of calculation, analysis, monitoring, and other research methods and actions to protect the environment. The ability to withstand great responsibility is far from all people, as well as the craving for computing, the more so complex and large-scale.

Committee for Ecology and Nature Management

Perspective direction

Everything in this world is currently "sick" with environmental friendliness. Eco-friendly food, environmentally friendly production of clothing and household items, environmentally friendly mining and mining. In almost all areas of society, ecology has taken first place in importance. Few living today do not realize the importance of preserving the environment in its original, clean form. And since this purity, in fact, did not remain, we must try by all means to return it. In any case, the next few decades, both commercial organizations and state projects will not make us ask the graduates of the specialty "Ecology and Nature Management": "Who should work?"

Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management

Career ladder

Training implies the ability to move on, and not stand in one place. And any self-respecting person will not work all his life without any advancements. Be it salary, professional duties, range of functions and so on. Life is motion. So environmentalists are one of the few specialists who really have a clearly built hierarchy of the career ladder and the ability to move on it. Starting with various research groups, environmental communities and laboratories, continue to work in large concerns, leading global industries. For ecologists, there is a pleasant opportunity to occupy senior positions in the government apparatus. It is the view of society on an acute problem that will help move in the right direction.

Ecology and nature management universities

"Ecology and nature management": who to work with

Nowadays, people go to study not by the call of the heart, but by the market situation and the demand for specialists. Therefore, the list of vacancies that you can get after graduation is always interesting. This is where the question arises: "I graduated from the specialty" Ecology and Nature Management. What work can I go? ". A burning question for many who are interested in this area.

So, having received the specialty "Ecology and Nature Management", who can work? These are: an agroecologist, bioecologist, geoecologist, hydroecologist, ecologist, environmental auditor, environmental inspector, environmental user, and, of course, the most obvious, teacher of disciplines. Agroecologist is engaged in research and protection of the rational use of land resources, water, air, carries out a set of measures to protect them from pollution. His responsibilities also include the study and protection of plants and animals in agriculture from various viruses, fungi and diseases.

Bioecologists carry out their activities mainly in laboratories and research centers. Their task is to study the components of the ecosystem and develop measures to maintain their balance.

Geoecologists accompany all construction work. Any construction must have the conclusion of this specialist. Firstly, it must determine how damaging for nature the construction of a new facility will be, and secondly, how the environment will react, what disasters and accidents can occur.

The profession of a hydroecologist is associated with reservoirs, rivers, lakes, groundwater, their biological component and the degree of safety in terms of pollution. The development of treatment facilities, regulatory documents on the use of water resources, reports on the work done - this is what this specialist has to do.

An ecologist and environmental engineer are required in all plants and factories, as well as in organizations involved in the mining industry. All actions of market participants should be in accordance with environmental regulations, not exceed acceptable levels of pollution and safety. The ecologist should keep track of all this.

Auditors and inspectors in the field of ecology work in inspection bodies, various sanitary and epidemiological stations, state control services, and statistical agencies. Their duty is to verify compliance with the requirements, impose sanctions on entities that violate the standards.

The prestige and relevance of the profession

What is a prestigious job in our society? It is unlikely that her sales assistant and staff accountant. There are too many of these specialists on the market right now. But researchers, designers, auditors - this is another matter. But environmentalists, in essence, can be all of the above. The work of an ecologist requires extensive knowledge and skills, which already weeds out a large audience upon admission to this specialty. An extraordinary mind and the ability to see what others do not see is what prestige does. And most importantly, they pay a good salary for this. The paucity of ecologists makes them the most sought-after specialists in the world, where they are in dire need at the moment. This means that a job search by a professional will be much faster and easier.

direction ecology and nature management

Essence of the work

Depending on the place where the specialist will find a job, and on the activities of the employer, his duties will be as follows: conducting environmental assessments and monitoring, creating and maintaining an environmental database, forming an enterprise policy regarding environmental behavior, preparing programs and action plans for environmental protection environment, making proposals to the legislative bodies, preparing reports on the environment, implementing regulatory plans, calculating noise levels in the allotted territory and in the premises, Implementation and support of the internal environmental audit system , environmental management system . Especially such specialists are needed at manufacturing enterprises to monitor compliance with environmental standards. Specialists without work experience can start working in various laboratories, research centers, and expert groups.

Salary expectations

The most important and interesting part of the article for many readers is how much the work of such a specialist costs. Is it worth learning in this direction. So, in Moscow, an assistant environmental engineer will receive around 50,000 rubles a month, an environmental project developer up to 70,000 rubles a month, an environmental engineer will be able to increase his budget every month by 100,000. Most jobs have a pay option "by agreement", which means that your price as a specialist will be told to you after the interview.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C43911/

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