What is a teaser network, and what do they do with it?

Translated from English, the teaser means “teaser”, “lure”. This type of advertising is an ad displayed on the network in order to attract the interest of users. At the same time, teaser advertising does not show the product itself, but only stimulates the desire to click on the image and find out more information. Most often, it is used by advertisers when launching a completely new product or service in order to create intrigue.

what is a teaser network

What is a teaser network

The teaser network is an intermediary between the owner of the site and the advertiser. How it works? Suppose an advertiser wants to place a teaser advertisement, and he has a certain budget for buying traffic for his site. Of this amount, one part goes to the portal where the teaser is placed, the rest is paid to the intermediary, that is, goes to the teaser network. The network is engaged in providing the necessary platforms for advertising. In addition, if necessary, it can assist the advertiser in creating additional materials and setting up teaser advertising.

Not sure what a teaser network is and how it helps? Carrying out an advertising campaign through the teaser network, the customer can not worry about how and where he can promote his products on the Internet. All these issues are covered by the traffic exchange. In addition, the affiliate network fully controls the cash flow and the effectiveness of the output of advertisements on other sites. These factors directly help make advertising platforms profit and attract advertisers traffic on goods and services.

rating of teaser networks

Teaser showcases

Today, teaser networks offer various characteristics when setting up an ad unit :

  • visual settings;
  • the ability to choose the format, theme, scale.

You can evaluate the teaser ads of any ad network by observing their content in a showcase defined by a teaser.

Shop windows of teaser networks is a selection of various offers that are currently unscrewed on it. Looking through the window, you can determine what services or products are relevant today, and evaluate their design and creativity. The lower the teaser CRT, the lower it will be located on the page.

In addition, by analyzing the storefront, you can determine which topics are interesting in this teaser network. First of all, you need to look at what topics the largest number of ads, and secondly, which teasers are located in the upper part of the window.

showcase teaser networks

Teaser traffic

The most successful way to promote, for example, news sites is teaser advertising, from which literally tons of traffic go to the site. This is because the cost of contextual advertising for such large-format sites is very high, and news teasers are very attractive to users.

Most people are interested in news and events on their own, and if you still wrap them in an attractive teaser, then the result will certainly be. That is why news sites can advance well with this type of advertising. Always without much effort, you can attract traffic through the teaser network to your own portal and at the same time do not pay huge amounts for impressions and clicks.

In addition, lately teaser advertisements have been trying to give maximum “theme” by placing only those teasers that are suitable for the direction of the site. For example, if you run a women's website, then your ads will not be placed on the automotive portal. This approach allows advertisers to increase the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign.

best teaser networks

How to choose a teaser network

Do not know what a teaser network is and how to choose it? The main factor for earning money on an advertising campaign on the Internet is a well-chosen teaser network that does its job in a quality manner. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Virus-free ads.
  • A large number of advertisers.
  • The ability to customize the design of teasers (so that it fits the design of your site).
  • Different payment methods.
  • Ease of working with advertising.

The best teaser networks

First of all, it is worth mentioning that there are no better networks: what is good for one can be bad for another. Before you start working with any network, it is worth studying user reviews, and then check everything on yourself. Your opinion may not coincide with others, because there are many factors that are related to time. Today it is number one affiliate, and tomorrow everything can change a lot.

teaser networks reviews

The next significant factor is the content of the portal. For one site, teaser advertising fits perfectly, it may not bring any revenue to another.

So, you need to try all the popular teaser networks, reviews of which are good, but not all at the same time. Arrange the four teaser blocks of various organizations and analyze the result for two to three months. Pay attention to the location of the block, the ratio of conversions and earned rewards. Replace the most unpromising network with another one, fixing the result for yourself for a specified period. It is possible that the next network will work even worse. Through trial and error , you will find a middle ground over time.

Teaser networks

There are a lot of affiliate networks, and it is quite difficult to deal with them at first. For example, get acquainted with some of them:

  • Tizernet. This is the most popular system in the rating of teaser networks, which many like for the following reasons:
  1. The number of teasers display settings. You can easily customize the teaser to the design of your site, and you can immediately see how it will look on the site.
  2. Traffic at a bargain price.
  3. Payments are made to WebMoney and Yandex.Money.
  4. The ability to get a good income.
  5. There are detailed statistics.
  6. Different formats of advertising campaigns.
  7. Filter. Owners of advertising sites can filter out "shocking" and excess advertising.

Women's theme

  • Teaserledi. Perfect for ladies' themes, because:
  1. It accepts female portals aimed at Runet, with a significant percentage of traffic from search engines, otherwise the site will not be allowed to this system.
  2. You can collect good teaser network traffic for projects.
  • Ledicash. Ladies-themed teaser network with the following features:
  1. Pay per click.
  2. It accepts portals with traffic of at least 50 people per day.
  3. It has an attractive and interesting design with simple functionality.

General subjects

  • Bodyclick. A good analogue to Tizernet with its own characteristics:
  1. Help with setting up teaser ads.
  2. Settings In each advertising campaign, you can set a different cost per click.
  3. In addition to teasers, you can use banner and contextual advertising, clicker, instant messenger.
  • Adlabs. Another good affiliate with its advantages:
  1. Perfectly debugged filtering system.
  2. Careful moderation system.
  3. Great quality advertising teasers.

Of course, not all teaser networks that exist are listed. And if for some reason you are not satisfied with the above affiliates, then you can easily find other services.

traffic teaser network

So, now you know what a teaser network is, how to choose it so that an advertising campaign on the Internet is effective. In addition, do not forget that the teaser network can help you save time on creating advertisements. And also it will be useful to owners of Internet portals, which can make good money with this type of advertising.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C43916/

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