Oregano: benefit and harm. Oregano tea

From time immemorial, the nature of our region has endowed man with medicinal plants. Aromatic oregano is of great benefit and a whole range of unique substances, the benefits and harms of which are widely known to our ancestors. Scientists find mention of it in the writings of Hippocrates.

We are all used to calling it just oregano. The people call the motherboard or frankincense, used in cooking as a spicy seasoning. It has a spicy aroma and a bitter taste. Without oregano, it is impossible to imagine Mediterranean and Mexican dishes. There are about fifty species of plants in the world.

oregano benefit and harm

This is a fairly tall plant, reaching a meter. Outwardly, the motherboard resembles a small bush with bright shiny flowers of violet color, exuding a tart smell. Flowering can be observed from mid-July to late August. By the way, this is still an excellent honey plant, loved by bees.

It should be noted that the plant is a long-liver and multiplies in two ways: dividing the bush and seeds. It lends itself well to cultivation, so you can meet it in many parts of the world. But the homeland of oregano is Asia and North America. Today, many species of bush are found in Taiwan, Russia, Ukraine (except for the northern zones).

Chemical content

Fragrant oregano, the photo of which is presented in the material, is replete with medicinal substances. Even modern pharmaceuticals have officially recognized the high usefulness of the plant. From dried raw materials (leaves, flowers) are made alcohol and water tinctures, decoctions, brew aromatic tea drinks.

Scientists have found a large dose of vitamin K in the composition. Its role in the body is invaluable: it participates in the work of metabolism, is responsible for building bone tissue, for blood coagulation, and the functional work of the liver and kidneys. It differs in the bactericidal and antioxidant properties of the motherboard.

oregano photo

In the composition, rosmarinic acid was found, which, according to scientists, fights malignant formations. Like many medicinal plants, oregano is replete with beneficial minerals. A rich set of iron, fiber and manganese has been recorded.

In the process of repeated clinical and laboratory studies, experts have revealed that essential oil of oregano and the substance carvacrol exhibit antibacterial properties. They are able to destroy pathogenic microorganisms that have high resistance to certain antibiotics.

Gift of nature - a cure for ailments

Oregano, the benefits and harms of which are caused by chemical elements, is considered an excellent source of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is a lot in fresh leaves. Alternative medicine has long appreciated the high therapeutic effect of this plant on the body.

oregano reviews

In Russia, medicinal potions were cooked from it and used for rheumatic pains, cramps, upset stomach, flu and gynecological diseases. Practitioners recommend using herbal decoctions and infusions as a sedative. Plant materials help to eliminate nervous tension, whet appetite.

Preparations from the motherboard have a mild analgesic and carminative effect. They are used for pathology of the liver, biliary tract and any stage of bronchitis. Decoctions are rinsed proudly in inflammatory processes. Internal use is indicated for people with high blood pressure.

Compresses and baths improve the condition of the skin, relieve rashes, accelerate tissue regeneration and destroy bacteria. In combination with other herbs, oregano helps to normalize sleep. Fees are prescribed for flatulence, cholecystitis, chronic constipation, enterocolitis and coughing.

Precautions and contraindications

The use of the plant is enormous, we have seen this. But it is also worthwhile to understand that any medicinal herb has some restrictions on its use. The exception is not fragrant oregano. Benefit and harm are two rather subtle concepts. It is forbidden to use any drugs (decoctions, infusions, dishes and drinks containing this seasoning) based on the motherboard during pregnancy.

According to doctors, oregano can cause miscarriage or uterine bleeding. Even in the initial stages of gestation, it is worth abandoning it. In addition to pregnancy, contraindications to its use are hypertension, gastrointestinal ulcer pathologies, heart and vascular diseases.

Oregano herb (photo in the article) in therapy: folk recipes

oregano broth

  1. In the absence of a menstrual cycle (not associated with pregnancy), you can prepare the following infusion: a spoonful of dry raw materials brew in a glass of boiling water. Drink 50 gr. - three times a day in strained condition.
  2. Such an infusion will help prevent epilepsy: take 1.5 tablespoons of herb for 1.5 cups of boiling water. Insist, filter and consume throughout the day. Duration - 36 months. The tool can be used with increased nervous excitability.
  3. If there is a violation of the activity of the stomach and peristalsis of the intestinal tract: per liter of boiling water, 30 g. raw materials. Drink fluids all day.

For insomnia

Pour boiling water (200 ml) 30 g. herbs and insist half an hour. Strain through cheesecloth and drink the resulting decoction of oregano before preparing for bed.

For constipation, bronchitis and cough

Stir in sunflower oil (500 ml) about 50 g. motherboard. Cover the lid and leave in the room for eight hours. Take five drops (using a pipette) overnight.

From allergies

Shredded raw materials (20 gr.) Put in a glass of boiling water - insist 20-25 minutes. Consume 120 ml - before meals. The liquid must be filtered.

Cold drink

tea with oregano

In winter, the immune system should be strengthened and tea with oregano will help in this. Many doctors recommend a drink even during an illness. Brew the grass as usual tea - a few minutes. You can put the onion head in the kettle; it has antimicrobial properties. To improve the taste - add honey.

Oregano: consumer reviews

With the help of the plant, many managed to normalize their health. According to people who took herbal infusions of the motherboard, you can quickly relieve stress and calm down, especially after a hard day. Oregano tea drink perfectly quenches thirst, relaxes and gives energy. The plant has proven itself as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

The use of compresses favorably affects the skin. And with a mouthwash, you can quickly eliminate stomatitis and toothache. Oregano has earned many positive reviews, the benefits and harms of the plant now will not come as a surprise to anyone. Before starting treatment, we advise you to consult a local therapist.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C43935/

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