Cliff barometer: manual, manufacturer

A barometer is a special instrument designed to measure atmospheric pressure. There are many types of such devices, adapted for home use, among others. The same applies to brands of measuring equipment of this type. On the market today there are both such devices of foreign and domestic production. One of the most popular Russian barometers in this case is the Utes. Devices of this brand are relatively inexpensive and at the same time quite convenient to use.

Who produces

The barometer "Utes" is produced by the eponymous domestic company. Its head office is located in Ulyanovsk. This company was established in 2016 by the merger of the companies of UKBP JSC and Utyos OJSC. Both of these organizations have long been leading manufacturers of the country's aircraft instrument industry before merging.

barometer cliff

At present, the producer of Utes barometers supplies the products of three main groups to the market :

  • avionics;

  • components for cars;

  • Medical equipment;

  • Common consumption goods.

Actually the barometers from this manufacturer themselves belong to the fourth group. In addition to ordinary household models, the company supplies the market with products of this type with a painted case. Also, if desired, consumers have the opportunity to purchase souvenir barometers of this brand.

A range of conventional appliances designed for home use

All Utes barometers of this kind, supplied to the market today, have the same pressure and temperature measurement ranges. Moreover, they all belong to the group of bimetallic products. Different models of "Cliff" differ only in size and weight. If desired, consumers can purchase barometers of this brand BTKSN 8, 14, 16, 17 or 18.

The lightest “Cliff” models weigh 0.8 kg, the heaviest - 1.5 kg.

barometer manufacturer

Instructions for use

Using these devices, as already mentioned, is quite convenient. Barometers of this brand have two arrows. One of them shows the pressure parameters, the other - captures their changes over a certain amount of time.

That is, if there is a cliff barometer in the house, you can:

  • Actually measure the pressure at a given time;

  • track its changes at certain intervals.

There is also a thermometer on the device’s display. It can be used to measure air temperature.

According to the instructions barometers of this brand are allowed to be used only indoors. The manufacturer forbids placing Cliff devices on the street or, for example, on an open balcony. According to the instructions for use, to install this device also relies at a height of no more than 300 meters. That is, in urban buildings they can be used on almost any floor (with the exception of skyscrapers). Hang devices of this brand on a wall in an apartment or house on a hook or a screw. In this case, the fastener is simply inserted into the hole on the rear wall of the device.

barometer cliff instruction

The weather is determined using the cliff b- arometers as follows:

  1. If the arrow of the device goes to the right, it means that an improvement in weather conditions is planned.

  2. If left - the weather goes bad.

All weather conditions - "variable", "clear", "wind", "storm", etc. - are written directly on the instrument panel. The arrow of the barometer, moving, simply indicates a specific indicator. So in this regard, the determination of weather using this device should not cause any particular difficulties.

Two ways to read

Thus, the instruction for the Cliff barometers, as you might have noticed, is simple. In the direction of the arrow deviation, one can easily determine whether the weather will improve or worsen. Actually, in order to find out the pressure indicators , two different methods can be used:

  1. When establishing a control golden arrow over black, it is very simple to track how much and in which direction the indicators change.
  2. By gently tapping the instrument body, you can achieve a shift of the upper arrow. The latter will simply overcome the force of friction. This simple technique allows you to get more accurate data.

cliff barometer reviews

How to set up a cliff barometer

In terms of adjustment, devices of this brand among consumers are also considered quite convenient. The sensitivity screw for these models is located in the back center. These barometers measure the pressure both in millimeters of mercury (mm hg) and in hectopascals ((hPa). Their initial settings are set at the factory. The actual calibration of the device is used to obtain more accurate readings. The need for this operation is determined primarily by the fact that atmospheric pressure also depends on the height of a given particular area above sea level.

The only tool that is needed to calibrate the cliff is a small screwdriver. The adjustment itself is done simply by rotating the screw until the indications displayed by the device match the actual in the area (black arrow) at a particular point in time. You can find out the correct indications, for example, via the Internet - on some weather site.

ak set up barometer cliff

Instrument Specifications

Cliff barometers are supplied to the market in a birch wooden case in gift boxes. The package includes:

  • user's manual;

  • 1 year warranty card.

Climber “Cliff” refers to aneroid-type devices. So called devices that do not use any liquids in the measurement. The pressure range of this device is 695 - 805 mm. Hg or 927 - 1073 hPa, and temperatures - from -10 to +50 C.

Rock Barometer Reviews

Useful devices of this brand can be in any household. After all, with their help it is completely uncomplicated to predict the weather for a rather long time ahead. But still, devices of this type are especially popular with fishermen. At the same time, reviews from fans who like to sit by the river or lake with a fishing rod , the Cliff barometers earned just excellent. They predict the weather, according to most consumers, as accurately as possible. In addition, judging by the reviews, these devices are durable. That is, over time, the accuracy of their testimony does not fall at all.

Cliff barometers look quite worthy , according to many consumers. These devices are made of natural wood and at the same time have an ergonomic round shape. And so they can stat including a real decoration of any apartment. The case of barometers from this manufacturer is quite durable. However, most consumers do not recommend allowing it to hit the floor or any objects. This can greatly affect the accuracy of the readings.

Among the advantages of Utes brand devices, their owners include, among other things, their relatively low cost. The price of barometers from this manufacturer is approximately 1,500 rubles.

Painted and souvenir models

Such devices of the Utes brand are also very popular among consumers. They differ from household models in fact only in design. Technical specifications and instructions for use with them are almost the same. The painted cliff arometers have a round shape. Souvenir models can be made, for example, in the form of a ship wheel. The manufacturer also supplies gift barometers to the market, supplemented by alcohol or pointer thermometers in a separate housing. Both devices in such models are fixed on one curly wooden plank. The latter can be made both from birch, and from beech or oak.

barometer aneroid cliff instruction

If desired, consumers have the opportunity to purchase both liquid and aneroid barometers "Utes". The instructions for using both of these types of devices are simple. In a liquid model, you just need to look at the readings on a scale.


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