Horsetail: medicinal properties, contraindications and methods of use

It is no secret to anyone that medicinal plants are unique in their properties and characteristics. Many of them are considered remedies for all diseases, not even in a figurative, but in the literal sense. One of these is horsetail. The medicinal properties, contraindications for use, methods of use, scientifically proven facts, the characteristics of this herbal preparation, we will present below. Consider also the reviews of people who have applied such treatment.

What is it?

Before presenting the medicinal properties of horsetail and contraindications to its use, let's get acquainted with this plant.

Sapon, pusher, ponytail - these are the names of the same horsetail. This is the name of a herbaceous perennial from the Horsetail family. It is distributed in many climatic zones of the globe - temperate, tropical and subarctic, from Iceland to Alaska.

As for the spaces of the Russian Federation, post-Soviet states, here horsetail (medicinal properties, contraindications will be presented later) is widespread. The only exception is the northern and southern desert areas. Horsetail prefers the following areas:

  • Forest areas.
  • Floodplain meadows.
  • Shrubs.
  • River valleys.
  • Fields.
  • Sandbanks.

The plant can be found in the mountains - to the subalpine zone. It loves moderately moist or sandy soils. Horsetail, which is widely used in medicine, is essentially a weed. And it is very difficult to get it out.

If you look at the photo, you will surely notice to yourself that you have definitely seen this small Christmas tree-like plant with a small bump at the top in nature. It is also spread among pharmacologists and herbalists. But the use of horsetail with medicinal properties (contraindications are also available) is not limited.

Its young spring shoots are eaten. Moreover, both fresh and after heat treatment. Add to pastries, casseroles, sauces. Consume horsetail for food and many wild animals. As for agricultural, eating this plant can cause poisoning in horses and cattle.

horsetail field photo medicinal properties and contraindications

Morphological description

Horsetail grass, medicinal properties, contraindications to the use of which will be announced further, as we have determined, is very common in the Russian Federation and in the world. The plant can reach a maximum height of 40-50 cm. It is distinguished by a creeping long rhizome, on which short branches in the form of tubers appear. They are necessary for the vegetative propagation of horsetail. They also accumulate nutrients.

As for the shoots, they are divided into two types:

  1. Generative. Branched, pinkish, brown. They are distinguished by triangular leaf teeth. After the spores mature, the shoots or die off, or acquire a green tint. Then lateral branches are formed, which makes them indistinguishable from vegetative shoots. The main difference is an oval or cylindrical spore-bearing spikelet.
  2. Vegetative. Horsetail grass (medicinal properties, contraindications are known to scientists) of a green hue. Inside such shoots are hollow. They are either erect, or rise slightly above the ground. Diverge with branches with a smooth surface.

Leaf teeth are combined into whorls, which can both grow together and remain free. The branches here are simple or weakly branched. The plant has no flowers - propagated by spores.

Collection and preparation of the drug

The sterile spring shoots of the plant are collected for medicinal use in the summer. They simply cut off with a knife, sickle or other sharp tool. Dried further under canopies or in attics. Dried shoots are placed in linen bags, paper bags. Shelf life of blanks is not more than 4 years.

horsetail field photo medicinal properties and contraindications

Chemical composition

The use of horsetail grass is determined by the chemical properties of this plant (its terrestrial part):

  • Carbohydrates. In particular: arabinose, pectin, galactose, xylose, glucose.
  • Resins
  • Carotene.
  • Saponins.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Tannins.
  • Mineral salts.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Silicic acid salts.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Group of organic acids: malic, nicotinic, aconitic, quinic, fumaric, oxalic, gluconic.
  • Phenolcarboxylic acids: gallic, caffeic, protocatechuic, vanillic, ferulic).
  • Bitterness.
  • Fixed oils.

Therapeutic Integrated Effect

Why is the use of horsetail herb useful? The above chemical composition determines the cumulative therapeutic effect of taking this herbal preparation:

  • Galenic constituent plants have pronounced anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. And, it must be said, they surpass the common renal fees in diuretic effect. In addition, they accelerate tissue regeneration (especially in tuberculosis processes), promote the proliferation of connective tissue, activate the adrenal cortex, and normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body.
  • Flavonoids have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
  • As the instructions for the use of horsetail show, the plant helps to remove lead from the body.
  • Silicon compounds improve the course of metabolic processes in the body, improve the condition of connective tissues, mucous membranes, and vessel walls. The role of silicic acid in the development of bone tissue is invaluable. Also, these compounds prevent the formation of stones and crystallization of salts in human urine.
  • Since, according to the instructions for use, horsetail has a strong diuretic effect, it is also quite effective for weight loss. But it must be used with caution in this case, as minerals are washed out of the body with urine.
horsetail medicinal properties and contraindications photo

Scientific research

We presented in the article photos of horsetail. The medicinal properties, contraindications to the use of this drug were identified on the basis of a number of scientific studies of the plant. Let's get acquainted with the most significant of them:

  • The first mention of the unique medicinal properties of horsetail was found in the writings of Pliny and Avicenna dating from the 1st century. BC e. In particular, it was characterized as a hemostatic agent.
  • For the first time, domestic scientists investigated the medicinal properties of horsetail in the 40s of the last century.
  • The presence of field phenolcarboxylic acids and flavonoid compounds in the horsetail was proved by Czech researchers in 1980. They used thin layer chromatography.
  • Not so long ago, in 2008, scientists of the Siberian Medical State University proved in laboratory conditions the diuretic, antifungal, antitoxic, antiexudative property of horsetail both with external and internal use of drugs from it.
  • In 2014, on the basis of the Kursk Medical University, an experiment was conducted to study the diuretic activity of horsetail infusion on outbred white rats. An increase in diuresis in the experimental group of animals was found to be 95.7%.

Healing properties

Now the main theme of our material. We begin acquaintance with the medicinal properties of horsetail, contraindications to its use. The plant is characterized by a whole range of positive effects on the body:

  • Anthelmintic.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Diuretic
  • Expectorant.
  • Astringent.
  • Restorative.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Wound healing.
horsetail field medicinal properties and contraindications

Indications for use

Now to the properties and application of horsetail. The medicinal plant is used for the following diseases, injuries, pathologies:

  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, tonsillitis. With adenoids, horsetail helps fight swelling, inflammation, and allows you to return to normal breathing.
  • Fungal infections that cause Trichophyton mentagrophytes, rubrum, Aspergillus niger, Microsporum canis.
  • Qatar of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis.
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, sciatica, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, bone fractures.
  • Duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.
  • Metabolic pathologies in the body: diabetes mellitus in mild and moderate form, overweight, gout.
  • Congestion caused by insufficient cardiac or respiratory function, which can be expressed by both internal and external edema: congenital heart defects, pleurisy, heart failure.
  • Urinary system diseases: cystitis, urethritis, ICD, pyelitis.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vascular system of the heart and central nervous system.
  • Uterine, hemorrhoidal and nosebleeds.
  • Metrorrhagia and similar inflammatory processes.
  • Inadequate intake of minerals, violation of their absorption in the elderly.
  • Tuberculosis of the skin and lungs (additional treatment with chemotherapy).
  • Acute and chronic lead poisoning.
  • Chronic external purulent sluggish wounds, abscesses and ulcers.
  • Lichen, eczema, boils, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatitis.
  • Hyperkeratosis, dandruff, baldness, seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

For diseases of the respiratory system

This natural product helps fight chronic cough, wheezing with bronchitis and even pulmonary tuberculosis. Due to its high silicon content, this medicinal plant also provides effective help for other pulmonary diseases.

With angina, gum disease and other diseases of the oral cavity, the patient's condition will facilitate the use of horsetail decoction.

horsetail grass

Circulatory problems

And here the field horsetail will be effective. The plant is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, long healing wounds. It is also indicated for heavy bleeding for various reasons. For example, fresh plant juice or a decoction of its shoots is prescribed for diarrhea with blood, the appearance of blood in the urine.

With varicose veins, horsetail preparations are effectively used both for treatment and for the prevention of the disease. Another great use is to help women suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding.

Wound healing effect

Many people appreciate field horsetail as a wound healing agent. The use of plant infusions is effective for ulcers, eczema, boils, festering, chronic wounds. It is used for bedsores to normalize the condition of the skin.

The infusion is used to wipe the skin with gout, pleurisy, rheumatism. It also alleviates the condition of a patient suffering from joint diseases.

Urinary, cleansing effect

Here are presented medicinal properties, contraindications, reviews of field horsetail. Let's talk more about its another application.

The plant is highly regarded as a urinary agent. If used correctly, you can normalize the work of the kidneys, bladder. Moreover, horsetail grass helps dissolve and remove stones from the body. The metabolism will be normalized, swelling will decrease, the proportion of protein in the urine will decrease.

The grass and young shoots of the plant are also used to cleanse the body. In particular, in the fight against extra pounds. The plant will help relieve swelling, remove toxins, toxins and other harmful compounds that "clog" the tissue. But decoctions and other preparations from horsetail are not recommended for these purposes for more than one month.

horsetail medicinal properties and contraindications

Home beautician

Horsetail is also valued as an excellent cosmetic home remedy. Drugs are created on the basis of the earthen cones of this plant. In particular, they help to increase the absorption of calcium, which results in an improvement in the condition of bone tissue, teeth, nails, hair.

The use of horsetail broth returns the skin to its normal state - makes it smooth, smooth, elastic. In parallel, acne, acne, acne and other skin problems are eliminated.

Plant extract is also added to various lotions, baths with excessive sweating. Horsetail is valuable for hair, as it has a high level of silicon in the composition. This component helps to normalize the production of collagen, which normalizes the state of hair, activates hair growth. Blood circulation improves, "sleeping" hair follicles awaken. Hair gains elasticity, shine, healthy radiance.

In addition, it is an excellent prevention of diseases of the scalp. If you systematically apply the means of horsetail, this will help get rid of such a serious problem as baldness.


If we turn to the reviews, we will see that most of the people who used field horsetail for treatment used it as a diuretic. The authors of the responses warn that with such an application this is a sufficiently powerful tool, therefore it should be used with caution, making sure that there are no contraindications. You can not delay the treatment, since horsetail helps to remove from the body along with urine and useful elements necessary for the body.

In second place is the use of horsetail as a wound healing, hemostatic agent. Most reviewers find its action quite intense.

Often the use of a decoction of horsetail for diseases of the oral cavity, respiratory tract. Well here it is effective as an adjunct rather than an essential drug.

Horsetail was also praised as a cosmetic product. Many reviewers note that the plant helped them restore healthy hair, find luxurious hair. At the same time, there are those who have not seen a positive or negative effect from the use of the plant.

Reviewers not only use horsetail-based fees and drugs from pharmacies. A lot of people who procure it on their own. Fortunately, horsetail is common in the vastness of the Russian Federation. The plant is not capricious in drying and storage. It is enough to keep it in a cool, dry, dark place.

horsetail medicinal properties and contraindications


In the article we present photos, contraindications, medicinal properties of horsetail. It remains to make out the last important topic.

The following contraindications to taking funds based on this plant are distinguished:

  • Nephrosis, jade.
  • Internal profuse bleeding.
  • Pregnancy (the plant causes uterine contractions).
  • Lactation period.
  • Individual intolerance to this drug.
  • Children's age up to 3 years.

Speaking about the medicinal properties of horsetail grass, contraindications for its use, it is important to note that this tool can not be used for more than three consecutive months:

  • Horsetail contains the enzyme thiaminase. It is able to break down vitamin B1, which is why prolonged use can lead to a deficiency of this vitamin in the body.
  • Long-term use of horsetail remedies also leads to a lack of potassium in the body. Together with the diuretic effect of horsetail, this can lead to the development of hypokalemia.

Horsetail products are also forbidden to be taken in combination with lithium preparations. The natural elimination of the latter from the body is slowed down, which is fraught with corresponding consequences.

Acquaintance with the medicinal properties, contraindications, reviews about the horsetail as a medicine is not enough for its safe use. The use of this drug in therapy must be agreed with your doctor!

Horsetail is a truly universal medicinal plant. A wide range of diseases, pathologies, health problems, in which its use as a preventive, therapeutic agent is effective. But do not forget about contraindications. Therefore, you can use horsetail only after consulting a specialist.


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