How to fold napkins into napkins: ideas and recommendations

Today, not a single festive table is complete without napkins. They have both practical applications (wipe lips or cheeks from grease, clean the outfit from stains), and serve as a decoration. Beautifully folded paper napkins in a napkin holder will add originality to the table and attract attention. And multi-colored products with patterns will make it even more solemn. In order to properly lay out these attributes of the feast and maintain their shape, it is better to use special devices - napkins. They can be of different designs.

how to fold napkins into napkins
To understand how to fold napkins into napkins, it does not take a lot of time and labor. All these accessories for the holiday can be conditionally divided into products of a round shape, similar to a glass, and flat. Each has its own ways of laying out.


How to fold paper napkins nicely into a napkin holder? For example, in the form of a “candle”. To do this, you need to take a paper towel of any shade. First, it should be deployed in the form of a square, folded diagonally to make a triangle. After that you need to turn the resulting triangle into a tube, starting from a wide edge, moving to the top.

how to fold napkins into a napkin holder
Approximately in the middle it should be bent, after which the product can be inserted into a napkin holder. In the same way, you need to fold the remaining paper handkerchiefs and put them next to each other in one vessel. To do this, it is best to use wipes of the same color. Otherwise, it turns out not very festive: such a design does not please the eye at all.

Second option

How to fold napkins into napkins? Now consider another way. The napkin needs to be expanded and folded diagonally in the form of a triangle. Then we bend the lower part as if we are folding the boat. We fold in half, after which we fold each side to the middle with an accordion. All is ready. Now you can insert the resulting figure into a napkin holder.

Third way

How to fold napkins into a napkin holder? Now we will tell. In order to make the next composition, it will take a little more time, but as a result, everything will turn out very elegantly. To begin with, you should expand the napkin, it is better that it is monophonic, folded in the form of an accordion with a bend about one and a half centimeters and bend in the middle. Twist the fold tightly and roll it into a round napkin holder. For these purposes, you can also use a glass or a glass.

Colorful extravaganza

In flat-shaped napkins, napkins are usually folded one on top of the other. With this serving method, it is better to take not plain products, but alternate different shades. They will give the table sophistication, and guests will improve their mood. With a classic serving, it is better to take napkins of the same tone.


And how beautiful is it to fold the napkins into a napkin holder if it is vertical and flat? The ideal option is as follows: all products must be bent in the form of a triangle and laid out in the shape of a fan.

how to fold paper napkins into a napkin holder
In this case, paper scarves can be taken in two or three shades of the same color to make the transition from light to dark. You can also alternate different shades. Do not stack wipes too tightly.


How to fold napkins into napkins? The following method can be arbitrarily called the "Sultan." For him, you need to roll one paper napkin into a bag, fixing it in a vertical napkin holder. Then, in the same way, other paper handkerchiefs are stacked and placed on top of each other. Do not worry if the resulting design is very high. You can divide the "Sultan" into three separate parts and place it in the frame next to it. A flower with a lush inflorescence, such as a chrysanthemum, will look great at the top.


How to fold paper napkins nicely into a napkin holder? The following pattern is called the “Cockscomb”.

how to fold paper napkins into a napkin holder
First, the napkin unfolds and folds into a book. After the workpiece is bent in half to the right. All four paper layers must be folded along. Having drawn a line in the middle, you need to lower the corners of the resulting triangle down, after which they are turned upside down by the "mountain". Then you need to fold the napkin in two. Four scallops are separately pulled out. The design is placed vertically on a napkin holder.


Let's figure out how to fold paper napkins into a swan-shaped napkin holder. To do this, take one product and put it in the form of a rhombus in front of you. Two opposing corners fold towards each other. The napkin is bent along in half. About ten such blanks are made for one napkin holder, which represent the body of the future swan. A long bird's neck is made from another napkin and twisted with a plait.

beautifully folded paper napkins in a napkin holder
Along the edge, this figure bends at an angle to make something like a head. If you want, you can make the beak sharper and stick your eyes. But then the napkin will serve only as a decor. Again, you can use different colors of paper handkerchiefs.


Several different types of napkin holders will go well on the festive table. Some containers are filled with napkins that you can wipe your hands with. And others are for serving. It should be remembered that napkins are primarily a means of hygiene and only then serve as decoration. Any guest should easily take a paper towel and use it. Now you know how to fold napkins into napkins. So, you can prepare the table for the celebration.


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