Moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg: advantages and disadvantages. Is it worth moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg

Moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg is a responsible and important step that many discuss, but ultimately few decide. The northern capital is a magnificent city, spread on the banks of the Neva. It is considered the cultural capital of Russia , true legends compose its beauty and splendor, and poets and artists from around the world devote their works of art. This is a very unusual and amazing place in which at almost every step you can meet unique architectural monuments. This city is fraught with many secrets, and attracts many here, only once having been in St. Petersburg, many tend to come here again and again. We will try to reveal the secret of the amazing attractiveness of this city in this article to understand why many people want to leave Moscow in order to live in St. Petersburg.

Reasons for moving

Advantages of St. Petersburg

The reasons for moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg, many formulate for themselves very similar. First of all, these are people. Those who even travel a lot throughout Russia, the countries of near and far abroad, note that especially sympathetic and kind people live in St. Petersburg who are always ready to help. Moreover, sometimes you don’t even have to ask for this help, noticing a visitor on the street with a bewildered look, some of the indigenous people will definitely come up and take an interest than can help in this situation. Still, in Moscow you can meet much fewer people who would be ready to help so quickly.

Secondly, the city has an amazing atmosphere, of course, if you do not take into account new areas. The historical center is calm and comfortable, which cannot be compared to the noisy, bustling and always hurrying somewhere in Moscow. Therefore, sometimes for many people moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg becomes a settled issue precisely for this reason.

Thirdly, in the city on the Neva there is one’s own structure in life and behavior. For example, if you are standing in a line for a fixed-route taxi, no one in the line for standing places will even try to sit on the seat.

Fourthly, Moscow has a huge number of various ethnic groups. At the same time, what is considered acceptable for one people is considered completely impossible for many others. At the same time, in St. Petersburg everyone is tolerant and politically correct towards others, they don’t think in a stereotyped way.

Fifth, there are traditionally a lot of creative, informal and free-thinking youth. It is not known whether the city has such creativity, or simply all creative people come here, but the fact that their maximum concentration is here is a fact. Of course, among the residents one can distinguish completely different social strata, but the number of those who will be interested in some kind of creative and bright ideas is incomparably greater than in any other city.

These are the conclusions made by those who advocate moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Now we’ll try to understand in more detail why people generally strive to be in St. Petersburg for permanent residence, and finally leave Moscow.

Should I move to the city on the Neva?

The population of Moscow and St. Petersburg

Of course, traveling and living permanently in St. Petersburg are two completely different things. For tourists, this city is considered one of the most beloved. The tourist season starts around April and ends in September. There are especially many tourists during these months, although in reality they can be found here all year round.

Having been in the Northern capital, many say to themselves: "I want to move from Moscow to St. Petersburg!" In order to dare to take such an important and responsible step, it is necessary for itself to solve many issues related to adaptation, opportunities for living. And at the same time to analyze the labor market, to realize whether you can get along with the unusual and variable sea climate.

Remember that moving is always a very serious and responsible step, which will immediately lead to a large number of cardinal changes. After all, all your friends and relatives will remain in another city, the circle of friends will completely change, you will have to organize your life from scratch, meet a lot of new people. Therefore, before making a final decision, it is important to weigh all the pros and cons.


Compare Peter and Moscow

The advantages of moving to St. Petersburg include the fact that real estate in the city on the Neva River is much cheaper than in the Russian capital. This means that financially, Peter compares favorably with Moscow. Prices for the purchase and rental of housing are much lower. For example, an average of one square meter costs about 100 thousand rubles. In Moscow, the price is about two times higher. At the same time, St. Petersburg has been developing dynamically lately. So there should be no real estate problems. It will be possible to find a suitable apartment both in new buildings and in the secondary housing market, it all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities.

In terms of education, St. Petersburg is almost an ideal city for students. There are a large number of elite universities that provide quality education, releasing highly professional specialists in a wide variety of industries. New campuses and campuses are ready to accept new entrants all year round. They can always enroll in some additional courses, continuing education programs for professional development and growth. The city has a huge number of opportunities, which is why the city on the Neva River is on the first line in the ranking of the level of education of the population. So for students, usually, there is no question of whether it is worth moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg. At the first opportunity, yesterday’s schoolchildren go to live and study in the Northern capital.

For older people, a high cultural level is often a determining factor. Refines even a short stay in St. Petersburg. Communication with educated people and amazing architecture also leave their mark. Most of the locals are really educated and educated, there are many places for cultural leisure - theaters, museums, concert halls. All this opens up great prospects for creativity and self-development. Even having lived a little in St. Petersburg, you are guaranteed to develop an unusual and creative outlook on the world, your worldview will definitely change.

Another undoubted advantage of moving from Moscow to St. Petersburg, according to the reviews of those who nevertheless decided on this, is traffic. The highways here are spacious and wide, in addition, the city has a lot of comfortable public transport, which greatly simplifies movement even over long distances.


The disadvantages of St. Petersburg

It should be prepared for what you will expect and cons when moving. These include high traffic congestion. Even wide highways do not save local residents from traffic jams, which have long become the most common thing, it is almost impossible to get into the central areas at rush hour. Many are saved thanks to the subway, as well as easily accessible transport, which does not have to stand in traffic jams, these are scooters and bicycles.

In addition, you should be prepared for the changing climate of the city. The climate is considered the hallmark of the city ​​on the Neva. As a rule, it is transitional - from marine to temperate continental. There are very few sunny days in a year, not more than 60-70. But rains and thunderstorms are very common. At the same time, winter is relatively warm, but several weeks, as a rule, are severe frosts. Due to the fact that the weather often changes, you have to adapt to it. A person who wants to settle in the Northern capital must be prepared for such a climate.

Also, island geography of the city may become a drawback. Since the whole of St. Petersburg is located on the islands, it is often difficult to reach the destination. Traffic jams interfere with this, and at night it becomes simply impossible because of the bridges.

Important decision

Is it worth it to move from Moscow to St. Petersburg

Summing up the preliminary results, it is worth noting that life in St. Petersburg is notable for its measuredness, constancy and dislike for abrupt changes. Here rarely is someone somewhere in a hurry or in a hurry.

At the same time, living conditions and infrastructure development are very good. But in addition to the pros, as you have already seen, there are obvious disadvantages. To make you comfortable living in this city, you need to adapt to its wave and rhythm.

The climate, which at first may simply shock, will eventually become familiar and commonplace.

Standard of living

Of course, in order to move to a new city, you need to evaluate the standard of living in it, and think about whether you will be able to win if you change Moscow to St. Petersburg.

Comparing salaries in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the choice in favor of the Russian capital will be obvious. According to the latest statistics, Muscovites receive an average of 63 thousand rubles, while in St. Petersburg this figure is at the level of 42 and a half thousand rubles per month. Agree, the difference is significant. In addition, when comparing prices in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the result will not be in favor of the golden-headed, about the cost of which there are legends. For example, the cost of living in St. Petersburg is 10,791 rubles and 60 kopecks. It is believed that just so much money is needed for an able-bodied person to eat, to buy things of the most urgent need and to pay utility bills. At the same time, the cost of living in Moscow is 16 160 rubles, which is about one and a half times higher. The standard of living in Moscow and St. Petersburg is completely different, you must be well confident in your financial capabilities if you intend to stay in Moscow. In St. Petersburg, prices are slightly lower, but you can’t count on Moscow salaries either. Therefore, where it is better to live, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, everyone determines for himself.

But it is worth emphasizing that in this case we are talking about average indicators, which should be treated with a certain degree of distrust. It is better if you evaluate the level of remuneration in the sphere in which you are a professional. Perhaps the picture will be slightly different.


City Saint Petersburg

Another fundamental difference between the two cities is the population. Of course, in comparison with other cities of Russia, many people live there and there, but still no other city of the Russian Federation can be compared with the Russian capital in this indicator.

The population of Moscow and St. Petersburg is different at times. In the Russian capital live a little more than 12 and a half million people, and in St. Petersburg only 5 million 200 thousand. So the population density in the Northern capital is 3,814 people per square kilometer, and in Moscow - 4,882 people per square kilometer, which is much more.

How to get there

St. Petersburg

If you still can’t decide at all what city you should stay in, it would be worthwhile to once again go to the city on the Neva. In addition, getting lately from one city to another has become much easier, for this it’s not even necessary to use an airplane.

The train Moscow - St. Petersburg daily makes several flights. He covers a distance of 714 kilometers in just over four hours. This, by the way, is much faster than driving a car. It will take you almost nine hours to get to this route by private car, and you can also get stuck in traffic jams, which will make you arrive at your destination even later. Now you know how many kilometers are between Peter and Moscow. And also in what way it is most convenient to overcome this distance. The train Moscow - St. Petersburg wins even in comparison with the plane. Because you must arrive at the airport in advance, and you can arrive at the station by train literally to the train departure.

Myths about Moscow

Compare Peter and Moscow will help you another way. To decide where to live, you need to dispel the common myths that Muscovites have about St. Petersburg and vice versa. Let's start with template ideas about life in the Russian capital.

It is believed that in Moscow there are no good coffee houses, but the available coffee is very expensive. This is true, but you need to keep in mind that in Moscow everything is very expensive. In addition, you can easily find a good coffee house in the city center, and on fast food chains you can drink less tasty, but very cheap coffee.

Moscow clubs scare many by the fact that only glamorous girls gather there in search of "sponsors". Perhaps it will be so if you go to the very top place. But in the capital you can find many really fashionable establishments in which you can easily relax without annoying harassment. It is not true that dining at restaurants will not be cheaper than for 5 thousand rubles. There are enough establishments with affordable business lunches and affordable prices for a full dinner.

The stereotype is that all Muscovites are unfriendly people who, moreover, do not know their city. Do not believe those who say that there are no parks in the capital and there is even nowhere to go for a walk. In fact, there are a huge number of them, and new ones continue to open up. The proof is the same Zaryadye park.

And theater tickets here are not fabulously expensive. If you take care of this issue in advance, you can even get to a fashion show for reasonable money.

Those who say that it is impossible to walk on foot in Moscow because of the dirt and the same type of building lie. What are only the old streets near the center, which attract many visitors.

Myths about St. Petersburg

It is not true that in St. Petersburg it is always windy and cold, and the city itself is too gray. In fact, it is the cultural capital of Russia, so there are enough bright buildings and art objects, and the weather is changeable, and you quickly get used to it.

There is also an opinion that all Petersburgers are snobs who are convinced that they live in the center of culture and spirituality of the whole world. Residents of the Northern capital are often blamed for the fact that they do everything very slowly. They themselves argue that it’s so easy to save energy.

It is not true that crowds of half-naked men with beer bottles in their hands constantly walk around the city. In fact, this can happen, but only in the days of home matches of the Zenit football club, and even then, if you find yourself in the area of ​​the stadium where the match will be held. The rest of the time you will see people with beer no more than in any other city. Most are still going to miss a mug of foamy drink in bars, of which there are a great many.


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