Mayakovsky's analysis of "About rubbish." Poem by V.V. Mayakovsky "About rubbish"

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky is one of the brightest representatives of twentieth-century poetry. His poems and plays have long become classics and entered the school curriculum. Mayakovsky’s analysis of “About rubbish” is programmatic, since this poem clearly illustrates the poet’s style and artistic techniques .

Short biography of V.V. Mayakovsky

Mayakovsky's analysis of rubbish
The future poet was born in Georgia in the small village of Baghdad. Already in the lower grades of the gymnasium, Vladimir Vladimirovich began to attend demonstrations and read revolutionary literature. In 1906, after the death of his father, the Mayakovsky family moved to Moscow. Here he begins propaganda work, for which he often goes to prison. As a student of the school of painting, sculpture and architecture, she meets futurists. Now his career is becoming inextricably linked with this direction. And the first poems of Mayakovsky were published in the almanac of the futurists "Slap in the face of public taste."

The poet’s work can be divided into two periods: pre-revolutionary, where the bourgeoisie and the White Guard become the object of satire, and post-revolutionary, in which irony is aimed at the shortcomings of modern society. Unusual in the presentation and rhythm of poetry, Vladimir Mayakovsky is sarcastic and satirically marked. "About rubbish" - a poem in which all these components of the writer’s genius appeared.

Theme of poems

Mayakovsky about rubbish topic
All the work of Mayakovsky has a pronounced satirical orientation. However, it is precisely the poems of the late period (20s) that are distinguished by unprecedented thematic richness. There is a feeling that under the hot hand of a satirist and on a sharp tongue all the shortcomings of his time fell. Heroes of works, and therefore, objects of irony, are fists, new bourgeois, hooligans, wreckers, cowards, philistines, bigots, gossipers, loafers, drunkards, bribe takers, breeders and many others.

The poem "About rubbish"

It was at this time, in the interval between 1920-1921, that Mayakovsky wrote one of his most remarkable poems - "About rubbish." The theme of the denunciation of philistinism, which "crawled out from behind the RSFSR," became the main theme for the work.

Satirical motives

Mayakovsky about rubbish poem

In the post-revolutionary years, the satyr Mayakovsky intensifies, becomes sharper and more topical. At an early stage in his work, the poet contrasted himself with an insensitive crowd, whom the writer’s lofty ideals did not understand. After the revolution, Mayakovsky’s entire sarcasm fell upon the enemies of communism. Especially the poet ridiculed philistinism in all its manifestations. Well-settled and prosperous in the new Soviet life, philistines saw Mayakovsky as a defeat for the supporters of the revolution. But in order to better understand and imbue these ideas, a creative analysis of Mayakovsky is needed. "About rubbish" - a poem that is best suited for this purpose.

The work begins with a sharp contrast. The first lines, sounding like: “Glory, Glory, Glory to the heroes!”, Continue in stark contrast: “Now let's talk about rubbish.” But who is this "rubbish"? She turns out to be a "philistine estate", which not only survived during the revolution, but also perfectly adapted to a new life, having acquired "cozy cabinets and bedrooms." Expression and notes of indignation are different from any analysis of Mayakovsky. “About rubbish” was no exception and absorbed all the indignation and protest of the poet.

Petty bourgeoisie in the understanding of Mayakovsky is not just nasty and disgusting because of their lifestyle, from which one can only pray "from the five-year sitting backsides, strong as washbasins." No, they are also dangerous opportunists and bureaucrats. Merciless and inexorable in this poem by the satyr Mayakovsky.

"About rubbish" - the description of life

about rubbish mayakovsky verse analysis
The image of life in the poem "About rubbish" was not a way of conviction, but a reflection of the political ideals and values ​​of the philistine class. Surprisingly enough, people of this type were born by the revolution itself, the era of change, but they can only vulgarize, belittle and tarnish the lofty revolutionary ideals. It was with the help of the details of the surrounding environment that Mayakovsky showed that their ideas about a new system, a new world and the future were perverted and far from truly communist. So, the Revolutionary Military Council, the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, arises in a semantic connexion with the word ball, which seems completely absurd and inappropriate. Moreover, there the bourgeoisie wants to "figure" in a new thing.

Mayakovsky said a lot about the bourgeoisie in his work On Rubbish. The verse, the analysis of which gives a complete picture of the poet’s ideas about the world today, speaks about the values ​​and shortcomings of society.

Mayakovsky said that a satirical work can be born only if there is a suitable topic that asks "for publishing". But it’s not enough to decide on the topic, you need to be able to present it correctly to show all the wormholes and the shortcomings of a social phenomenon. And here the techniques long practiced by the classics are used: accuracy of phrases, clarity of conviction, absurdism and hyperbolization. Mayakovsky defined this formula for creating works for himself. "About rubbish" - a poem that has absorbed all these principles. But the grotesque manifested itself especially vividly, as if putting a bullet in the end of the work: "Marx looked from the wall, looked ... And suddenly his mouth was wide, but how it screamed ...".


satire mayakovsky about rubbish

Thus, our analysis and analysis of Mayakovsky's “About rubbish” indicates that this poem is a reflection of the creative method of the writer. It reflects the main thematic and ideological content of the post-revolutionary stage of development of the poet.


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